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Posts posted by ThunderBrony

  1. Juniper Berry smiles at the adorably shy mare in front of him, noticing the small smile play across her lips as she sips the tea he made "I see you are enjoying the tea snowy-swan~" Juniper said softly as he gazed into her eyes for a moment before a blush spreading across his face making him look away and take a small sip of his tea letting his mind drift as he imagines how nice it would be to have her as his special somepony.

  2. Juniper Berry poured some tea for Snowy than himself looking around nodding at the colt leaving his establishment, returning his attention back to the gorgeous mare in front of him "So what brings you to the big city Snowy-swan~" he smiled and said sweetly to her, looking into her eyes. Juniper than took a sip of his tea, the warmth washing over him, creating a very content feeling.

  3. After cleaning up the utensils and storing most of the ingrediants, he decided to step out and look around his restaurant. A sense of serenity flowed through his body, this restaurant was his life. Juniper Berry walked over to snowy levitating some tea with him "Could I offer you some tea Ms. Dash? And would you mind me sitting with you?" Juniper said softly to the mare trying not to frighten her.

  4. Juniper Berry smiled at Snowy "Hai Snowy-swan~" proceeding to trot into the back of the kitchen preparing the other orders first including the coffees, placing them on a platter to carry them all out, than looking over at the specially made salad with a few more garnishes and cut fruits, carrying it over with magic, placing it softly in front of Snowy Dash smiling, than placing the salad in front of the human, the two coffees in front of the pegasus none too softly and sauntering back over to snowy "Is that good for you Snowy-swan~ if you need anything just mention it~" Juniper Berry walked back into his kitchen humming happily.

  5. Juniper Berry heard her magnificent voice that sounded like the chorus of a thousand angels "Snowy-swaannnn~ what could I possibly make for you on this fine evening?" Juniper Berry's eyes were replaced with hearts as he smiled even more at her. Mentally reminding himself of all the foods he had to make, yet Snowy-swans~ order came first. When the other pony started talking to him he blatantly ignored the one talking to him.

  6. That hobbit parody seriously hurt my heart. The Hobbit was my favorite book as a small child, and still is. I don't understand the need to ponify everything. I mean, sometimes its great! I liked the Beatles ponified, but some things (Like Lord of the Rings <3 ) SHALL NOT PA- ahem, should not be touched.

    I agree completely with you J.R.R. Tolkien was such a genius! I shut off my computer and left the room because of that ponyfied version, I love My Little Pony but some things are too far.

  7. Juniper Berry finished the salad and brought it out to the artist pony and noticed the commotion being caused in his restaurant "OI IF YOU FOALS ARE GOING TO FIGHT I WILL PERSONALLY THROW YOU ON YOUR FLANKS OUT OF MY ESTABLISHMENT!" Juniper Berry saw an order placed for two coffees, another salad and looked over at a mare sitting by herself, eyes widening and turning into hearts twirling over to her "Hello my angel! What could I owe this honour of you visiting my humble establishment? anything I can prepare for you? just name it! on the house of course!" Juniper Berry smiled and forgot he didn't ask her name "My name is Juniper Berry, may I ask your name gorgeous?" he smiled even more, forgetting the other patrons in his restaurant.

  8. What is with everyone's insistent need to ponify everything they see. Recently I saw a ponified version of The Hobbit which nearly drove me away from the MLP fandom, sure I'm a brony and I do dearly love the show, but why do we need to make everything pony related when it is a far stretch to begin with? I am a massive J.R.R. Tolkien fan, been reading his books since I was in grade 5. My overall question is what and what cannot be ponified? what are your limits to this ponification?

  9. Herbal Cure finally somewhat stabilized the pony that was in so much pain, mixing healing balms and sedatives on the fly to apply to open wounds to get them to circulate in his system, Herbal Cure crashed to the floor sighing in content that was the hardest procedure and most rushed he ever had to do in his life.

    Juniper Berry, went back into the kitchen preparing the salad quickly and with ease, bringing it out and looking at the new colt who walked in, placing the salad in front of the artsy looking colt, "No I don't need any help. Any pony who needs a meal and has no money is welcome to eat here as long as they are gracious for what I make." Juniper Berry walked over to the other colt "Oi and no we are not hiring. I have and always will run my restaurant on my own" The blond maned colt pushed out his chest and puffed in pride.

  10. Herbal Cure trotted out quickly and yelled at the nurses to get the random colt onto a surgeon bed, rushing him to the emergency room, getting a nurse to run blood work to see if he had any allergies to anything, upon getting him to the room, placing an IV into his arm for nutrients and fluids, checking the wounds and putting the colt under.

    Juniper Berry heard a commotion in his restaurant walking out "OI What are you foals doing in my restaurant causing such a racket?!" Than catching the thing standing on two legs looking around and talking to the colt he just served "Oi what are you supposed to be?" pointing a hoof at the human looking around, than noticing another random colt sitting in the middle of his restaurant "And what are you doing sitting there gawking? are any of you going to order or just stare?!" Juniper Berry huffed and threw his towel over his shoulder.

  11. Could I possibly request one for my OC Juniper Berry? he's a chef so something with a frying pan would be awesome, if you have time that is and are willing to make one, thank you for your time to read this.

  12. Juniper Berry glared at Dunder "GO SIT DOWN YOU AMATEUR I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT ACTUAL COOKING IS!" Juniper Berry stormed off angrily throwing a knife into an apple sticking it to the wall, continuing to chop all sorts of fruits into a small salad, after squeezing fresh juniper berries into a small dip for the fruits into a small bowl, bringing it out using his magic and putting it non too gently on the table in front of Dunder "There you got you simpleton. Now try and actually savour the flavours at least" Juniper Berry stormed back into his kitchen cleaning his knifes and cutting board, and pulling the knife from the wall and peeling the apple slowly before cutting it into pieces for a small treat for himself.

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