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Posts posted by Coco

  1. I'm working on my first character app (for Mane RP) and wanted to make sure that there isn't already a pony with my name and/or cutie mark on this site. (Spoiler alert: her name is Coco and her cutie mark is a coconut tree.) Is there a roster of all fan-made characters on Canterlot? Or otherwise, what's the best way to get that info? It's a common enough name & theme, and I'm happy to tweak it a little if there's another one already out there.

    Thanks in advance! I haven't posted the app yet; I'll probably do it tonight or tomorrow when I have more content for it.

  2. Thanks so much, everyone! This is a really friendly forum, I like it here already.

    Have any samples of your electric keyboard music I could listen to?

    Wish I did; I'm actually just starting to take lessons, and have a long way to go. Unless what you want is a plodding, funereal rendition of Space Oddity, then you're in luck. Do you play an instrument?

    A fellow LARPer, awesome. What kind of character do you play? :3

    I've played in four White Wolf LARPs- two Vampire:Masquerade and two Changeling. My favorite character was probably an old-school Gangrel (from Vampire:Masquerade if you've played that), a reclusive animal behaviorist who ended up capturing and secretly studying the monsters that the rest of the LARP was trying to defeat. : ) What kind of systems & characters are you into?

  3. About Myself: I'm a young-ish woman living in Sacramento, California. I work as a software developer at a local nonprofit. In my spare time I like to play the electric keyboard, cook, and read. If I could do anything, I would probably play the keyboard in a classic 70s-style glam rock band!

    How I found Canterlot.com: I Googled around for a good MLP roleplay site.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I'd heard a lot about the show from friends, but didn't try it out until Netflix put it on instant streaming. Now I'm hooked and will have to figure out how to get Season 2...

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Hello everypony! I'm pretty excited to be here, since I've never done forum roleplay and have always wanted to try it out. I've enjoyed LARPing and tabletop RP for several years, though. Can't wait to make a pony and jump in.

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