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Everything posted by Cathalos

  1. it'll be like the cabana or whatever in Wind Waker, where there are talking pictures of the butler in different places so it's like I'm always with him and I just talk to the closest one!
  2. well my DREAM spouse is myself but according to my puritan mother that's "not how it works" and "kind of weird, actually, don't say that to strangers"
  3. so the candidates are: davvy, who votes for nasty nasty, who votes for davvy extremely attractive celebrity that won't eat my ice cream, but I have to imagine him I think I have a good enough imagination. jonny c wins. just gotta find a big printer.
  4. I guess I could just get like a cutout of jonathan coulton and marry that. he won't eat my share of the ice cream and he won't punch me. that's like the main criteria I think. PLUS nobody will want to come over to my house cuz they'll get uncomfortable when I talk to him!
  5. I also don't care if I got replaced cuz it's not like I get paid to do it? he's like threatening to do my chores for me? I dunno, that seems pretty husband-material to me. can davvy top that?
  6. I'm less annoyed that I lost my job cutting the lawn and more annoyed that my replacement gets to do it with a lawnmower
  7. my passport app is currently on top of my wii u. so yeah try it robby, been a while since I bit somebody's head off
  8. I went to get out a pen to do my homework so I got out a pencil and it was broken so I found a pencil sharpener and plugged it and then my homework won't be posted till tomorrow so I wasted my time. do you like having people come over to your house without permission?
  9. I just sharpened a pencil for the first time in a couple years today. how long does it normally take you to wear it down so that it needs sharpening again? I always used to just like pick up pencils on the ground and when they broke i'd return them to the ground and look for another one and God took care of me and made sure I always had pencils. dad was just like "here's no pencils" and I had to do homework in crayon some days.
  10. I'm not strange I'm leaving and it's this meanie here's fault edit sorry I participated wrong
  11. guess who's family just got back from estonia WITH GOODIES FOR MEEEE :DDD
  12. I had a job but I just quit last night eeyyyyy
  13. sounds like me back when I thought it was a good idea to triple swords dance a haxorus instead of just having him punch people to sleep and everyone else I fought who was so proud of their teams that took too long to set up. so then he abandoned his pretentious mystic attitude and got a weak choice scarf impostor ditto. wiped the floor with us.
  14. how many people were there and how many bags were there? and how many times were the bags refilled?
  15. do you like popcorn? was it good popcorn? was it special popcorn or just like normal popcorn of whatever quality? I got 2 rarest skins in one lootbox earlier today (a winston and a somebody I don't care about I forgot oopsie) and that was pretty cool. I still want mei goodies but I haven't gotten any mei goodies and I have enough coins to buy one thing but I can't pick one thing cuz all the mei stuff is the best stuff. so no mei goodies for me for now.
  16. I have 2 pieces of chicken left, slightly less ice than before, and continuing to be difficult from here would officially be in "super rude what the heckie is wrong with you" territory. and there's no nice way to continue the conversation because obviously I'm not that obsessively against people liking certain pokemon or colors. EDIT: and there's chicken crumbs all over my bed so some time in the next hour I'm gonna have to get up and clean my bed so I dunno how's your day going davvy? eat any good food or smell any cool smells or something?
  17. if my ice melted I'd have water to wash down this chicken. but it's ice so I don't. I hate ice. ice is the worst. also legit articuno is the worst, who's favorite is articuno that's crazytown
  18. I have 3 pieces of chicken left and I'm full and it tastes weird. and I want to be mean but I feel like I shouldn't but being nice wouldn't be fun. so the obvious answer is don't reply but that means I have to think about this chicken and how much I don't want to eat it. ... all cuz you joined team mystic. I hope you're happy.
  19. good thing you're a soulless non-valor then.
  20. good thing you were all already dead to me
  21. nobody went mystic cuz mystic is stupid. not even my little brother went mystic.
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