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Everything posted by Cathalos

  1. persona 4 is also on ps2 though, yeah? so do that instead so you can play Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2, the second best game ever made.
  2. My brother has a wii u and he's kind of dumb, you could probably get away with stealing it.
  3. is that game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team?
  4. it was probably not that good. I used to really like reading. in third grade I would get detention on purpose so on fridays I could read instead of going to do fun fridays which were annoying and loud. I think that changed when I got a game boy advance and Red Rescue Team. You should get a wii u and red rescue team on the VC. it's the best thing in the world short of attention from Fawkes.
  5. they're totally not. aside from having no grasp on my taste, she proudly claims to have "entertainment amnesia", meaning she doesn't remember anything she reads or watches. so most of her recommendations are just like "oh this is a book" and she can't actually remember anything about it. somehow. She bought me Sir Fartsalot in about middle school. that was a pretty good read I guess.
  6. really? how bout a boyfriend? don't tell him but I'd do just about anything to get fawkes to date me I'd even read something my mom recommends or eat something that doesn't have gluten in it.
  7. would you do it for a shiny new girlfriend though? they have pretty good ones as rewards.
  8. reading it all definitely helps it make sense
  9. Then you should go pack to post one and read the whole thing it's actually a phenomenal read [for the the like 3 good parts]. took me about a week during finals, so you could probably knock it out in a weekend if you're hardcore. edit: maybe I guess maybe do it do it do it do it do it
  10. nintendo doesn't update the eshop at midnight so no red rescue team Mario Party 10 is the most garbage game ever made this is garbage and disgusting and I hate it so much
  11. yeah but it would be considerably darker cuz science...
  12. penumbra will be jealous because umbra is darker
  13. psshhh you did not and do not think I'm cool. there's like nothing cool about me. and Zone of the Enders 2
  14. Hey everyone I beat a hard video game and my fingers hurt and I need people to tell me I'm cool for it
  15. Zone of the Enders is kind of like animal crossing, I bet you can probably do it in less than one second.
  16. can you beat this video game boss for me while I eat the bandaids and pizza? he's hard and boring and doesn't open up and has tons of health
  17. I couldn't fill out the permission slip because I don't have a name. can I still go?
  18. therefore today does not determine the future and I should probably try indulging in illegal substances. that guy who quit at work said it was really fun.
  19. a week ago I would have said no but now that this is happening again, I realize I'm at least as terrible at using forums as I was then. and I advocate that all newcomers reread the thread. and I dunno if you've ever spent an extended period of time rereading somebody's old conversation history, but even when you find out they've since changed the judgement gets pretty set in, especially given their newer self didn't intervene and interfere with your judgements forming. I formed some pretty hardcore judgements about y'all that haven't all gone away. that doesn't necessarily apply to people rereading, but you never know, maybe they're secretly on the fence about whether I'm a worthwhile talking buddy.
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