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Everything posted by Cathalos

  1. what if somebody who likes me rereads it for nostalgia and then bang no friends. I've literally met 100% of my current friends though last post wins. one person isn't from here, but it's an ex-friend of somebody who is. also no it wouldn't, i don't show up until 1770 I believe... don't look. (I had to go back and find it in order to reclaim my avatar)
  2. I dunno, I'm actually kinda sad it's back. This thread has some incriminating stuff for me; everyone's gonna find out/remember how awful I was/am.
  3. Hate to break it to you, but there are no memes like NastyMann memes. I've ended my friendship with that guy so many times. Like this is basically the Metal Gear of meme collections. Except this one is made EXCLUSIVELY of character flaws.
  4. were they primo supremo memes? I can also kill you with jealousy after I purchase Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, the best game ever created ever. I'm gonna be a charmander and Angie's gonna be a squirtle and I'm probably gonna spend 10 hours on the zapdos fight alone once again because I'm terrible at pokemon because the only people I fight don't actually know how to play pokemon. not naming names.
  5. that's where the memes come in. didn't you know? they poison your soul.
  6. and I grew up on cheeseburgers but 5.7 Gigabytes of cheeseburgers would probably kill me Also I have a lot of milk that's gonna expire soon, I could probably poison you with it or like hit you in the head with a gallon, they're pretty heavy.
  7. How many of them had access to 5.7 gigabytes of primo supremo memes at their disposal?
  8. That's what Angie said. one round with the Aerospray RG in my tentacles and she was a goner. That's what NastyMann said. Silly Billy loves his spycicle, but I main the Huo Long Heater. I don't actually talk to rocky, like I said, I just took credit cuz I stole his girlfriend. But fawkes gave me his box anyway so IT COUNTS. Don't Underdemiciate me.
  9. this is a soon to be graveyard of the old gods. like if lordran were a PG pony forum thread ran by an army of posers trying to prove themselves more crazy than the corpse before. watch ya back davvy, mama wants a vacation home next
  10. it'll change your life bro unless you dont play it. I gave angie my copy and she didn't play it. That's why I killed her for her land and milk.
  11. guys guys guys did you hear? the best video game ever made is coming to wii u VC. red rescue team babby how many copies is everyone gonna buy? we should have a PARTY to celebrate!
  12. just most likely? ... would you like to buy some primo supremo memes?
  13. Normally I'd believe you, but this is a pretty valuable 5.7 gigabytes of primo supremo memes. I know I'd kill for them again.
  14. no, because this time I'm a LANDOWNER what is the monetary value of all I've inherited? I'm afraid Rosewind is going to kill me now, so I need to sell it and hide the money to keep my property safe.
  15. yes. so how much land do I get per person? or does it depend on which god I kill? it's thala now. with an A. Now that I'm a proud prospective landowner I have a new identity.
  16. It's kinda like I killed rocky too cuz I totes stole his girlfriend
  17. well I killed him more recently than that can someone say MTYH BUSTED? land pls
  18. How would you know? I know he's dead because I killed him. What counter-info do you have to offer?
  19. Ooh! Ooh! With regards to that whole "land in exchange for killing an old god" thing, I'd like to recieve credit for killing NastyMann, which I have done.
  20. I still haven't gotten that question properly answered and it's really bothering me
  21. things have changed. the post numbers are bigger and the thread isn't being buried by hundreds of annoying ask threads
  22. like just undefined or like nonbinary? cuz there's already a not telling, right? and whichever it is, how or why?
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