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Everything posted by Cathalos

  1. can we at least have a party that's unrelated to the cabbage thing? oh oh also can someone tell me what maple means?
  2. http://www.canterlot.com/profile/473-angie-cakes/ THIS Angie Cakes! The Seacow Queen, of Cookies and Milk Her head decorates my mantel and her limbs decorate my dinner plate.
  3. I have killed Angie Cakes. What land do I get?
  4. who are all the old gods I have to choose from?
  5. Out of curiosity, does my role as the honorary BLATHERING BARONESS OF THE BROKEN BOUGHS OF THE BURIED FOREST OF BESERKED BIBLIOGRAPHIES! make me just "The chump that has to go reread to check history"?
  6. YOURE GONNA WIGGLE IT AND YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT CAP'N CRUNCHER OF SOULS >:| 'n I was thinkin more along the lines of Aquabats but you know what, I'll accept it so that I can aim more dissatisfaction at Prince of PartyPoop
  7. you don't gotta dance. mr. pull-the-rug-out-from-underneath-his-companion has to. you just have to supply the music, you're good. ... though I'd prefer some good music
  8. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE you aint even SEEN blathering I've been losing sleep looking forward to this party for DAYS now dance or I'll do something bad
  9. Then play us some party music. Somebody else make balloons. The dead one is on humor duty Who can make Cake?
  10. dying isn't acceptable party behavior. undie and tell me a knock knock joke.
  11. does the party still start even if I verified that cabbage was said, rather than verifying that cabbage wasn't said? cuz I want my party in case it got buried first use of "cabbage"
  12. Fawkes is First Cabbager in the time that took, the MGS4 cutscene I was in the middle of didn't end.
  13. noted, thank you. I'm the annoying sandwich what has no friends, in case you were wondering back.
  14. well if you go just based on your memory, can't people like pay to have their name changed or something?
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