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Posts posted by Cathalos

  1. well, its cuz people are all happy and friends in the thread. the last time i can honestly say i felt i had a friend was fourth grade... and that was a really weak friendship, cuz i was really an addition to a pre existing friendship. and before that was second grade... and people didnt really like me then... so its depressing cuz i cant really picture that idea of happiness with me in it at all, so i get sad. ugh.

  2. It's depressing because Little Pip ends up killing everypony in the town in a blind rage, and afterwards she has to deal with her twisted emotions and try and find some good in herself again. You empathize with her, but at the same time feel like she could've done something better. It shows that she has flaws, which makes her even more relatable, but also makes you feel sad for her own loss in self respect.

    not sure how to reply to that. i could go with congratulations... ya know, it doesnt really fit, but thats what im gonna go with. congratulations.
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