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Posts posted by MagicaI

  1. Can I join in on this? :D

    Surely swirly!

    i shall throw my character Draco into the ring he has a desire to be normal here is his full or what i think is full backstory and app


    Of course he can join! (:

    Yeah, but you'd be RPing with yourself... if thats fine with you i guess that's okay, but i hate RPing with myself =P

    Unless you wanna be our special rhyming zebra~

  2. So hi! :D

    I'm waiting for my application to be approved and while I wait, I would like to do a little roleplaying with you all for my character (who you can find here: http://www.canterlot...-desires-final/).

    I want the setting to be in Canterlot at my pony's shop Enchant. If you read her application, you will discover that she creates spells, wishes, potions and accessories for love and beauty. So hey, if you want to have your pony make friends, find romance, or wish to be changed appearance-wise, do join. <3

    I guess we can call it a little bit of a romantic RP or just an RP in which she will make friends, since she doesn't have too many, let alone some close friends to hang out with for the main RP.

    If you have any other suggestions, please tell me!



    My favorite pony is Pinkie because she makes me laugh the most with her craziness XD

    Thank you! :Flutter:

    Pinkie is awesome! And she sneezes confetti! I mean who could top that?! :kissy:

  4. Howdy Do, Welcome to Canterlot. A land filled with LOVE and FRIENDSHIP xD

    Have a map, a Pouch full of my own stash of bits to spend on whatever you wish and a Banana Cupcake with Pink Confetti candies and Pink frosting on top /)^3^(\

    Miss Rarity is My second favorite main pony, but Applejack my 1st fav fav.

    YAY, CUPCAKE! <3 I am honored to receive such a godly pastry. :[___________] /noms

    And thank you for the map and bits! Wheee! :kissy:

  5. About Myself: I like ponies, art and literature and japanese animation. I live on a planet called Earth.

    How I found Canterlot.com: A magical tibit called GOOGLE!

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I loved the G3 pony figures and I collected a lot of them. A friend from another fandom showed me the new version and the rest is history. x3

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
    Hi! I'm MagicaI, but just call me Juliet. :P I like to draw, read and write. I also like music, a bit of anime, and I obviously love ponies. I love pink, pink and MOAR PINK. And sparkles. And cutesy stuff. Woot. Aren't I awesome? Just kiddin'. My favorite mane six pony is RARITY! She's pretty, cute and she makes me laugh. What about you all? Huh, huh, huh? TELL ME! :D

    Perhaps this can be my little chat thread. Tell me about yourselves, everypony! That'd be fun! <3

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