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Posts posted by steampunk

  1. "HEY" I shout as i gallop to catch up with the purple pony. "Hey, why do you only stay here for a day and then leave? I mean someponies and i were actually talking about trying to get you to hang with us but they backed out, though i was not going to cheat even myself on this, therefore i was not going to cheat you on this. OH! Where are my manners? Names Steam Punk. I'm a filly that a wandering inventor. Seems you are a miner with that pickaxe at your side. I've been lookin for someone that could help me get what i need for my new inventions. OH! You also look to be one for adventurous tasks. If you are up to it i know of a mine in ghastly gorge that promises loads of rare gems and tons of ore. Its already equip with rail ways and mine carts along with pickaxe repair kits. Speaking of pickaxe, why is yours the same shade of teal as your hair? OMIGOSH!!! Its made of diamonds isnt it?!? Oh i knew i picked the perfect partner when i chose you! well what do ya say?" All stated long windedly. I now stand leaned slightly forward awaiting an answer.

  2. About Myself: hmm I'm a very steam punky pegasister. I'm also kind of an inventor haha, only thing is on that it is all steam punk style. i lurve MLP:FiM with a passion. i am also an artist. well i kinda have to be an artist to be able to design my inventions i guess haha. but i'm not all that good at ponies yet. getting there. i am also 19, a twin, and a fashionyish pony. i'll answer any questions asked to my best ability!

    How I found Canterlot.com: through my brother

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: haha via my brother

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Twilight Sparkle
    :-( not gonna lie i am a little nervous

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