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Posts posted by CloudShimmers

  1. I'm thinking of having the POE being like on of the keys, it holds the master's secrets to becoming master Assassins, the first one has Eagle Vision on it. What do you think? If we go forward with this then I think it will sort of give us a quest. A race against time between Assassins and Templars.

  2. Cloud stood up after the bandage was tied, and followed Persnickety, "Yeah actually, I was flying a bit too high and my wings froze." He half chuckled, "But really, I'll give you as much mone-" he looked back at the wreckage then at her, "But I suppose its a sentimental thing, isnt it? a piano that nice." He looked down, "My dad had one like that, I wonder if I still remember how to play?" He looked back up, "I'll help in whatever way necessary, even if it means spending more time in town that I intended." He smiled as warmly as he could.

  3. 'Murder'. The word was imprinted into Cloud's head by whatever force was controlling him. "I did it for her, I got my revenge and I have changed, now get out if my head." He scrambled through the forests, blind with pain. He fell to the ground and the last thing he saw was a small group of ponies.

  4. Cloud had flown too high, he was trying to fly as high as possible to cover more ground, but he was to a point where his wings were practically frozen.

    As he fell, the combination of fear and G-force caused him to faint. He began to fall.

    Cloud crashed through a skylight, the last things he saw a piano.

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