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Posts posted by CloudShimmers

  1. "Oh great, it breaths evil souls." Nox laughed, "And here I thought the rest of my life was going to be dull!" Nox stood tall before the beast and began to grow even taller. "Listen here you great lizard, my name Luminox Centurion, guardian of this world and worse things than you have tried to destroy this world." Nox was talking down to the monster.

  2. Nox smiled again, "This place is where some dreamers go, they can create what their hopes and dreams are." He looked at the others, "However there is one danger, If you bring nightmares here then you're putting all of us at risk." Nox looked around at nothing for a while, "The laws that apply in your world don't mean anything here, if you want it to rain chocolate upside down then it can happen."

  3. Nox laughed, "Oh my you have no clue whats going on." He walked around, "This place is where your unconscious mind goes to when you dream. We aren't in your mind, or his, or mine, we're in a whole different world." He stamped his hoof against the ground and was wearing a suit and top-hat, "Where the rules of the normal world don't apply."

  4. ((Not a janitor, maintenance is different :P))

    I would be honored to be your navigator, captain." Cloud gave a salute and pointed towards the kitchen, "onwards!" Cloud led them to the dining hall and to their table. "Bon apetite." Cloud walked over to a seperate table, not wanting to intrude on Swash and Snowy's lunch.

  5. Once arrived Cloud grabbed a clipboard with his part of the schedule on it. He was basically done, he introduced himself and fixed anything that was needed. He was happy that he was in such a well maintained building though. He took off his toolbelt and returned upstairs to the dining room, a nice lunch would be perfect.

  6. ((Please join only if you've played Deus Ex before. In this RP you can be anyone you like. Augmented or 'Equinity Front' its up to you. You make choices that could affect what happens. Will you and your mercenaries storm LIMB clinics? or will you be a corporate spy bent on saving the people he cares about? If you've played it before than you probably know about Praxis Kits. I don't want anyone to be overpowered so you start out with one. Please don't limit yourself to technology in the game though, be creative and develop your own augments! In addition: If you do decide to get augments then don't worry about neuropozine, I don't think we need it unless your character wants it. Have fun! ))

    In Equestria's distant future, a new technology has been developed. Ponies who have lost limbs in wars, or were born with disabilities now have a chance to live normal lives through this technology; Equine Augmentation.

    Blade walked out of the LIMB clinic for the last time. After a year of rehabilitation he could walk on his own. He was thankful for what his boss had done, buying him the augments he needed to be able to function like a normal pony, better in fact. After his accident he was afraid he was going to die, but he was still very much alive. He was walking the streets of Canterlot, to his apartment that was just a few block away and with every step there was a slight noise that reminded him of his new foreleg. Even one of his eyes had to be replaced with an augment but that gave him an InfoLink to keep track of his work. He arrived at his apartment building and began walking toward the elevator.

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