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Posts posted by CloudShimmers

  1. Cloud nodded, "I'll take him the keys, boss." He took the keys and began his short trek. On the way up Cloud overheard Swash and decided to play a little prank, in a ghostly tone he began to speak. "Ye may only pass if you answer my riddle; what do pirates love more than treasure?" Cloud asked, hidden around the corner.

  2. (( I think its simpler if we go like this, the clock is a problem, especially for me since my laptop broke. I have to use the mobile version which doesn't have the clock))

    Cloud laughed, "It's Cloud, don't worry I'll get that burner fixed in no time once they cool." Cloud decided to wait in the kitchen, "You're about the same age as my sister, its quite an accomplishment to have such a well paying job at your age"

  3. Cloud was looking over the schedule and decided that the best way to show off the maintenance staff was to go around and look for any problems. He started in the kitchen, "Good morning Thyme, do you have anything that's broken or needs my attention?" Cloud smiled.

  4. Cloud emerged from the elevator, "Well that works fine!" Cloud had his tool belt and was looking around the lobby to see if anything else was needed to be done tonight, everything seemed to in order. "Huh, guess not." Cloud took to the stairs and went down into the basement where his "Office" was, It served as his living quarters as well. 'I'm Glad Mr.Matter was kind enough to let me stay here.' He thought. It wasn't anything too grand but it was comfortable and warm. Cloud bounced on his bed and went to sleep.

    ((Maintenance! Fixing things!:P))

  5. Cloud walked up to the crowd, "Well, it looks like she's a bit shy. You know I heard that play over there had a stunning review," He counted out the crowd, "Probably just enough seats for all of you." Once the crowd was gone Cloud walked over to the fountain and next to Thes, "The power of persuasion," Cloud smiled as he turned to the fountain, "Excuse me miss, but that singing was incredible, may I ask who you are?"

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