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Posts posted by CloudShimmers

  1. Cloud was waiting for any sign of movement, any noise that would give away his enemies location, he turned to Echo; "look, if you run I can keep them busy. You need to find Insanity and run, I'll buy you as much time as I can. I know I said I would try and keep her safe but you two have a much better chance than all of us."

  2. On the other side of the building, a fore had started. "It's so pretty." Cloud said with a laugh, he took off into the air and to the other side of the place he'd been captured. He stop when he saw some ponies talking, "Hello there, isn't it a great day to be alive?"

  3. Cloud took each hit with a smile "you're weak." He began laughing but then he spoke "just remember what I said about hunting you down; for the rest of your life until you fall to madness!" Cloud looked at his restrainer on his right and lifted him over his head into the other one. "You guys aren't the only ones with special training." He turned around an dashed to Echo when he was about to pick him up he saw Insanity. "Thank Luna your okay, we have to run."

  4. Cloud smiled "and here I thought you guys were smart." Cloud threw his drink onto Alpha and grabbed him in a head lock. His lighter was out and was inches away from the leader. "So here's what's going to happen; you're going to let us go, get out of the forest and remember that your a few inches away from a very painful experience."

  5. "I'm very persuasive." Cloud said, "Look I managed to get some information out of them but if we're both going to survive this I need to know the whole story. Why are they after you?" Cloud whispered, "Look, I have a plan for all of us to get out of here but I need to know the whole story."

  6. Cloud began laughing, "I've taken down colts twice your size, and they didn't even take anything from me." Cloud moved closer, "Until you drop the lighter and my friend, I will hunt you down. You can knock me down as much as you want but I'll just keep getting back up and I won't stop until I get whats rightfully mine." He turned around, "And your pathetic posse has no skill compared to me." Cloud pulled something out of his satchel, a military grade combat knife. "So here's your chance, take it or suffer."

  7. Cloud landed, "I'll give you one chance, give me back what you stole before you're begging me for death." Cloud was smiling and his pupils were minuscule. "I'm on the edge and I'm feeling lucky, so put him down give me back what you took and run." Cloud was shouting without realizing it.

  8. Cloud was enraged, He took off as fast as he could. Even though he couldn't see the thugs he let his instincts take over. 'When I find them, there won't be anything left.' He listened for any possible noise, the forest was silent due to all of the violence that had just occurred; he heard a rustling and what sounded like voices. He was speeding through the air and laughing, he was insane with anger. "I don't care if I have to burn down the whole forest! I will find you!"

  9. Cloud took out his lighter, after striking it a few times it lit. He could see much better with the small flame creating light, as he was holding it he saw the engraving. "Miss you." He said quietly. When he looked over at his friends he smiled, Insanity had been drooling and Echo was still breathing. Cloud heard the rustling sound in the bushes, but before he could turn around, he was hit over the head and out cold.

  10. I'm thinking of starting a new RP in which some ponies wake up in the Silent Hill universe. However, I didn't want people joining in at random or towards the end or whatever. So if you would like to be a part of this with me then send me a message! The first five people to send me a message will automatically get in and then (maybe) a sixth if they would really like to/ have a good reason. Six is pushing it and I think five is a good number.

    Your character should have done something in their past that would require a Silent Hill worthy punishment. EX: My Character Cloud Shimmers burnt down his families home by mistake and he was the only one to get out alive. You don't have to tell me (you can) just have it be an original concept for your character.

    Thanks so much!

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