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Posts posted by CloudShimmers

  1. Cloud:

    He leaned back, "I slept through my first few classes, but yeah I like it here, it seems fancy, and the student dorms look nice enough." He shook Garnets hand, "You're names are pretty."


    She smiled eagerly "so far I love it here, all the girls are pretty, and I've made a lot of friends!" She gave Fluttershy a little hug, "right?"

  2. Lightning Chaser:

    Lightning walked into the math classroom and sat next to Fluttershy, "gee, you're looking great Fluttershy! I know its probably not what your used to, but it looks smashing on you."

    Cloud Shimmers:

    Cloud walked in and looked around, since he didnt know anyone else he sat next to the twins, "Um, I never caught your names, I'm Cloud." He smiled a little at them.

    *Ding dong ding the late bell rings*

  3. Cloud followed along behind the twins, "Hey Im Cloud by the way, what are you two's names?" He walked in front of them backwards.

    Lightning Chaser:

    Lightning got up, "come on, Shade, Invite Colette to lunch with us!" She pinched Shade's butt and sent off towards the other girl, looking back at Ms. Black, "So, where should I got for tutoring? I'd hate to miss out on such.. interesting projects."

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