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Posts posted by CloudShimmers

  1. [colour=#FFFFFF]Your past life diagnosis:[/colour]

    I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern South Japan around the year 600. Your profession was that of a shepherd, horseman or forester.

    Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

    Person with huge energy, good in planning and supervising. If you were just garbage-man, you were chief garbage-man.

    The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

    You are bound to learn to understand other people and to meet all difficulties of life with a joyful heart. You should help others by bringing them a spirit of joy.

    Do you remember?

  2. ((actually the field trip would be a super idea! We're not just doing school, we have a large amount of freetime after school ends.))

    Lightning blushed at the comment as she caught the ball, "My name is Lightning, my favourite colour is red, I love hugs, cats, sleeping and hot chocolate, and I was born in Trottingham." she tossed the ball to Pepperjack.

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  3. Lightning blinked, "Student teacher relations?" She blushed a little, "hehe, w-why would anyone want one of those? I mean, it would take all the c-challenge away from the subject... my worse subject is science..." She blushed harder and smiled at Shade, "Well Im gonna just.. um... go to my locker, Ill see you in science."

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