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Posts posted by CloudShimmers

  1. First off, Deadpool's character had the ability to regenerate, and according to many a mod, any power used for healing, isnt cannon. Secondly, he made things up about the school as he was going on (EX. the principle's hidden wine cellar). He is inappropriate and not a good character to have in any Non-Action setting.

    And Nova, I recall you claiming to already be in the military.. whilst in High School... Not exactly possible, even in Equestria.

  2. ((Linkhopper and Lockheart, Please give others a chance to reply, you've taken up the whole page! This is a friendly warning, but please restrain yourself until other people have a chance to reply.))

    The Bell Rings, singaling that the students should make their way to their next class, History!

    Lightning got up from her seat and proceeded to leave the classroom, she looked over at Bluemoon, "Hey, we should eat lunch together." She smiled before looking at the other girls, Shade and PepperJack, "You girls can come too if ya like, its my treat."

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