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Posts posted by ziddia

  1. Things were getting interesting over there. Sunset flew low over their heads, watching the pony slowly seem to come around. Then BAM- guard ponies! It looked like things were getting bad. Maybe he should intervene...

    "Excuse me, sirs. What are you doing to the princess?"

    For some reason, Sunset actually felt some measure of respect for the Princess and her awesome powers. He lowered his head, ready to have a fight with the unicorn. He may not have magic, but he could hold his own!

  2. I would buy them from iTunes because I don't watch them on the tv. Although a DVD release would be great, I think their way of thinking is that if everyone has watched them on YouTube or pirated them, why would they release them? If we show that we want to support them by buying them, they might give us a chance. Spam @HubTVNetwork on Twitter ponies!

  3. ((NOTE: I'm not driving your ponies! I'm recapping what I did when all of this happened.))

    Sunset flies over the chatting ponies, trying to catch a glimpse of the trouble. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he moved on. Sunset arrived at the chatting ponies, and caught his first glimpse of the princess. Gasping, realizing what must have happened, he turned to fly away. Suddenly, one of the ponies burst out crying. Curious, he hovered lower, trying to catch some of the conversation. He was curious to a fault. He watched as one of the ponies steered the conversation away from whatever the touchy subject was, and soared up as he heard their decision. He wanted to be noticed, but not like this!

  4. Hi ponys! I'm Zid and my pony folder is decidedly lacking. Anyone wanna hit me with ridiculously large amounts of pony pics? I'll accept non canon, canon, and self drawn, but I want pics of the show the most.


  5. "Haha, jokes, I like jokes", says Sunset. He waited for Azura to finish speaking. "Um... Now that you've actually said it I'm not sure what I can help you with, haha... Erm... Do you wanna go dance or something?" he offers, trying to help out the pony. She seemed to be getting more confident, but she just... Hmm. "Oh, I nearly forgot. I'm Sunset", he says, extending a hoof.

    ((Gonna be away for three days. Sorry))

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