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Posts posted by ziddia

  1. [ Pony Related Character ]

    Name: Aurora Shine

    Sex: Female

    Age: Young Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Blue/Purple (it flows)

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Green, medium length and wavy.

    Eye Color: Blue

    Cutie Mark: A collection of twinkling stars

    Physique: Slim, slender

    Residence: Fillydelphia

    Occupation: She has started a small business creating sparkling lights and beautiful pictures for mares and their children. She is also making some hanging mobiles for fillys, but she hasn't taken that up as an 'official' line of work yet. She's looking for a partner in her business, so that she can get new inspirations and have a pony to help out with her creations. All these beautiful objects are created by hoof, but she enchants them and makes them beautiful with her magic.

    Motivation: She always had a fascination for beautiful lights in the sky, especially the stars and the Aurora Ponealis, which she was named for. She tried to replicate the beauty of the Aurora in her works, but she hasnt quite made a perfect match yet.

    Character Summary: Aurora was born to poor parents at midnight, while they were traveling from a nameless town in the frozen North to Fillydelphia. The very first sight she saw was the Aurora, an her parents decided to name her after these lights. They made the trek across the ice successfully, and arrived in Fillydelphia hoping to get some sort of good job. Unfortunately for Aurora, they managed to get an amazing, well paid job from a rich film star, as an attendant.

    When Aurora started to grow up, she saw less and less of her parents, Star Shine and Twinkle Ice, and she did most everything on her own. Rather than becoming strong and independent, she became reserved and shy, afraid to go against any adult pony. Her parents really did love her dearly, but they didn't have the time to stay with her very much, especially after they both became the personal assistants of the star. Aurora was enrolled in pony school, where she was teased constantly for being a Blank Flank. She sought help from her parents, who decided to send her on an exchange trip to the North.

    Aurora enjoyed her time there, and loved everything about it. It had seemed to her that it was in her blood to be here- which, of course, it was. Her favorite part of the place was the amazing Aurora Lights, late at night. She spent ages outside every night, just to watch the Ponealis. When she was only just old enough to leave filly school, she was still a Blank Flank. Disappointed, she started to pack to go back to Fillydelphia. All of a sudden, she saw the stars appear outside, in the frozen land that was almost perpetually dark, and she saw the lights. From the heavens fell a piece of stone- a rock that had great power within it. Using her magic, she carved a beautiful star shaped stone, which seemed to glow from inside. She knew that this was her destiny, to create joy from what could only be a star. And a cutie mark of stars appeared on her flank. From then on, whenever she needed more pieces of stars, she would be able to seek them out, as though the equine gods had taken pity on her. She began her business and was happy.

    Now, she searches for the one stallion that can be for her, and she hopes to make her business amazing. She is lonely and scared, and all she wants is a comforting hoof. She enjoys her work and is ready for anything.

    Picture: Removed because I accidentally gave her wings.

  2. Sunset shakes his head. "Okay then. I guess I'll be off then..." He starts to walk back to the hall. He looks around, trying to find another Pegasus to race him. Really that's all he did; race, race, race. Maybe he should go try something else? Nah, racing was fine. "And I AM the best", he said to himself. "You hear that?" he shouted at Robikku. "I'm the best!" He shook his head again. He could have beaten the pony easily, he knew he could! But, it had to wait for another day. What would he do now?

  3. The poor thing was really shy! Maybe he could stay here a while. "Err... Why would you tell me you're not important?" he asked. It just seemed like a rather... Strange thing to say. 'She must be absolutely terrified! Why could that be?' he thought to himself. "Um... Is there anything I can do? Really?"

  4. Sunset soared over the pony, slowly catching up, nearly ahead. All of a sudden, the pony disappeared. Sunset blinked. He hadn't been going THAT fast- had he? He took a look back, as he flew rather slowly along, and saw Robikku sprawled on the ground. For a moment, he considered just keeping on going. But this WAS another pegasi... If it had been an Earth Pony, he would have kept going. But, he did have some sort of respect for a Pegasus... He sighed and turned. "Need a hoof?"

  5. Sunset pushes hard as they near the line, watching as the other pony got a little burst of speed from an air pocket. "Oh yeah?" he muttered. Sunset pulled up into an updraft, throwing him up high into the air. He grinned as he began to catch little pockets of air over the other pony, slowly but surely propelling him forward. The other pony was ahead, but Sunset didn't care; he MUST have this race!

  6. Sunset stood silently while the dresser tightened the straps on his saddlebags. Thoughts were tumbling through his mind; the legendary treasures of the dragon, the trek up the mountain, and the possible fight with the beast. Most exciting of all, he knew that the beast may have the magic he needed to reach the sun. He twitched. "Can't you go any faster?" he asked impatiently. Just then, the dresser pony stepped back. He smiled, and galloped out, towards the trail to the cave.

  7. Sunset Sprint watches as the Wonderbolts fly by. "Wow..." he murmurs. They really were incredibly fast, and he itched to test his skills against them. If he beat them, he would be the best ever! But for now, he knew that he would have to wait. The crowds around him ooed and aahed, but he sat there patiently, waiting for a chance.

  8. Suddenly, Sunset zooms past, flying over their heads. Little dust motes caught fire above them, making a fabulous display of little sparkles. He turned, bemused. "What in the hay would ponies be doing out here?" he asked. He took a second look at them, and a look of enlightenment spread across his face. "Oh. Okay, well, I'll just be, ah, leaving... Sunset hurries away, blushing at interrupting someponys date.

  9. Sunset sighed and stretched out the tense muscles in his wings. He had known it might be a bad idea to sleep on a hay bale, but he just wasn't earning enough bits from racing these days. He had known that it wasn't his best idea to come to Canterlot, where everypony hung onto their bits like magnets on magnets, but he had still come anyway. 'Why are you such an arrogant pony?' he asked hitself. He sighed, because he didn't know the answer. He rolled out of the bed to hear someone shouting. "And she was ALONE?" Sunset stood up, and flew out, determined to find out what all the fuss was about.

  10. Sunset walked up to a little pot plant. All around the garden, similar pot plants stood in a circle. Sunset pointed with one hoof. "See how the plants are in a circle? We fly three laps around them. Sunset smiled. This was his kind of contest- even though he wasn't exactly slender, and might have some trouble getting through the tougher plants, he was built for speed and agility. He eyed the Pegasus next to him. He seemed agitated, but ready.

    "Ready? One...



    Go!" Sunset was off like a bolt of lightning, hoping that he had left the other Pegasus behind. He raced around, craving his neck to see if the pegasus was there.

  11. Sunset smiles devilishly. "I'm sure you'll enjoy your race...", he said sweetly. Under his breath, so nopony could hear, he whispered "Or at least I will, when I win. Sunsetstarted to walk out towards the gardens. He beckoned for this poor new victim to follow. Never once did it occur to him that this Pegasus might be fast enough to beat him. He just didn't think like that.

  12. Sunset walks up to Azura. "Hi, you seem a bit lost. Can I help you with anything?" Really, Sunset was itching to go outside and fly a bit, but he didn't like seeing a lady in distress. That, and he hated seeing unicorns in trouble. It just really annoyed him. "Is there anything I can do for you?", he asked pleasantly, trying not to upset the poor, shy thing. At least, he thought she must be shy.

  13. I couldn't come up with anything that started with z. Crew is fine xD

    [Pegasus Pony]

    Sunset Sprint

    Age: Colt/Young Stallion

    Gender: Male

    Active in:

    • [*:1avz9p9b] One is the lonliest Number - Canterlot

    Previous Threads:

    • [*:1avz9p9b] The arrival of just another Pegasi - Gala Main Hall
      [*:1avz9p9b] Solo in the Crowd - Gala Ballroom
      [*:1avz9p9b] Wow - Gala VIP Room

    [unicorn Pony]

    Aurora Shine

    Age: Young Mare

    Gender: Female

    Active in:

    • [*:1avz9p9b] Welcoming Comittee

    [FiM Cast

    Derpy Hooves

    Age: Young Mare

    Gender: Female

    Active in:

    • [*:1avz9p9b] Doing her Job

  14. Sunset walks into the main hall, breathing in the scent of the royalty. 'I don't really belong here,'he thought to himself. 'Then again, maybe I can finally find a Pegasus that is worthy to challenge me...' Sunset walks up to Robikku. "Hey, you there! Yeah, you! The Pegasus! Do you wanna race?" Sunset smirks, convinced he can win. A little voice in the back of his mind was telling him 'Sunset, you know you shouldn't be doing this. Remember- you crashed the last time you pushed yourself too hard, and that wasn't so long ago!' But Sunset doesn't listen. He leans against a table and waits for a response.

    ((I'm new, is this how RP here works? I just jump in and have a go? Also, do we have an OOC area?))

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