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Posts posted by ziddia

  1. Im looking for funny quotes from FiM that I find hilarious. Here's an example, from Suited for Success:

    Pinky: She'll become a crazy cat pony!

    Twilight: She only has one cat!

    Pinky: Give it time...

    I'm also looking for almost memes which can almost be pony memes but just aren't cool enough. Like they'd have to be about 20% cooler. See what I did there?

  2. Okay! I did say at the top that it was developing, perhaps you missed it?

    Anyway, thanks for the feedback. The moment the sun turns green is the moment it disappears over the horizon. It appears to turn a different color- at least, it does where I live. I think scientists said it was something about "Pollution in the air".

  3. Well... I would imagine that, considering Friendship is Magic, this wouldn't be an issue in the real Equestria. But, for the sake of the topic, they would probably wear armor with some sort of weaponry on it, as in the pic on the second post. I think that possibly the ponies would wear horns, spikes, etc, to make up for their lack of thumbs.

    Friendship is Magic.

  4. Sunset Sprint!

    Finalized. I enjoyed making him, hopefully I don't have to rewrite him at all now.

    Name: Sunset Sprint

    Sex: Male

    Age: Colt

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Yellow

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Red/Striped

    Eye Color: Blue

    Cutie Mark: A sunset over the sea.

    Physique: Strong, stocky, fast

    Residence: Manehatten

    Occupation: Sunset really likes to show off his good flying skills, because he believes he is the best flyer in Equestria. He took up professional flying for a while, but he quickly gave up as it just wasn't what he wanted. He prefers to be a solitary pony, training alone. Despite it all, he has been beaten several times, and he has had to leave towns in shame many times before. He clings to the belief that he is going to be the best, and trains with that in the front of his mind. Whenever he visits a town he earns money through bets on races.

    Motivation: He enjoys flying and racing other Pegasus ponies, he wants to be the worlds first pony to fly to the sun and back. He enjoys fire because it just seems so close to the sun to him, and likes to fly as fast as he possibly can. He believes that only by flying at high speeds can he break the atmospheric barrier between Equestria and the space beyond.

    Likes: Fast flyers, Pegasus ponies, and the sun, especially at sunset on a beautiful day.

    Dislikes: The moon, Earth Ponies, and the night.

    Character Summary: Little Sunset was born a perfectly nice pony in Manehatten, to a pair of kind, loving parents, who thought he could do no wrong. At a very young age, he found a love for flying. While all Pegasus ponies have an innate love for flying at high speeds, he had a desire to go further. On the day he declared that he was going to be the greatest flyer in all of Equestria, his father, Dawn Runner, told him that if he just believed, he was sure he could do it.

    Sunset took this to heart and dedicated himself to become the fastest, best flyer Equestria had ever seen. He decided that the only way he could be the best was to fly further than anypony had even been before- all the way to the sun! He quickly earned his cutie mark from his endless attempts at fulfilling this goal and he took this as proof he was the one. As soon as he was old enough to leave, he travelled around Equestria, showing off his talents and speed. Everyone found out that he was fast, but he lost friends as quickly as he made them because of his bragging, and he was beaten many times during his travels. Rather than putting him off, these failures make him more dedicated to his dream. As he travelled, he thought more and more about the sun, and decided that he had to be the one to reach it. He trained himself harder than ever, trying to break the barrier between Equestria and space. He is still training for this today.

    Slowly, a contempt began to grow in him for all things to do with the land. He stayed off the land as much as he possibly could- even going so far as to stay off the floors of shops. He hated the Earth Pony for their weakness- the fact that they had no wings. The only things on the land that he did not despise were the Unicorns- he seemed to respect them because of their involvement with magic, which he admired greatly. At one point, he had a theory that magic could break the barrier. That experiment had ended with him on fire. He hadn't tried again.

    Soon enough, he grew apart from everypony he had ever met. He studied the sun endlessly, trying to find a hidden clue within it to fulfilling what he saw as destiny. Eventually, in his frenzied state of mind, he came upon the idea that this must make him royalty, since Celestia- the great Princess- was the Queen of the Sun, and even his cutie mark showed that he was linked to the sun. He flew to her palace, intending to have an audience as so many ponies do, but was taken to a hospital after he visited a doctor for a burning feeling in his heart.

    By the time he was brought into the hospital, he had nearly died from pure exhaustion. He had been running on empty for weeks, sometimes forgetting meals, and he had finally reacted to it. He became stuck in a coma for a whole month, while the doctors looked over him day and night. He was released early as he was back to full strength, but that definitely wasn't a good idea. He pushed himself even harder, to the point of collapsing to the ground in a plummet that nearly killed him. He spent a short time with a doctor who helped him learn that there was more to life than flying. At this time, he has just been released, and, while he still wishes to fulfill his supposed 'destiny', he is no longer pushing himself as hard as before and he knows that he can never try that hard again. He is hoping that he will find some way to the sun by magic, as it is clearly impossible for him to get there by brute force now.

    Picture: I don't have one yet, I really need one though.

    Misc: Sunset Sprint has an urge to seek out all the ponies that have ever bested him and try against them again. He has raced against some of those ponies many times. The fact that they always beat him makes him more than a bit angry.

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