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Posts posted by Sanctuary

  1. (OOC: go ahead and join fireraven, as far as i know an [Open] means anypony can jump right in.)

    Sanctuary looked around at the disficured and cursed ponies as they continued at a steady trot. Her heart was in her eyes as she felt pitty and sadness for their troubles, but she continued on her path toward the camp. "I hope we can reverse this soon..."

  2. She perked up and twirled around in the air for a moment. "Oh yes! My first recruitments! I hope we get to the camp all right." She settled back on the ground and moved about as she urged Partheus, Twilight and anypony that wanted to go into the camp. She took off at a slow trot, waiting for them to fallow her.

  3. Sanc watched the pink pony bounce by with joy. Disctractedly she answered Partheus's question, "Roughly twenty ponies, half earth ponies, and two unicorns so far, the rest being pegasus. Is she...? Nevermind, uhm... But yeah, we are grateful that you want to help us, and if you have a plan all the better!" She fluttered her wings and bowed again "Im Sanctuary, I can lead you to the small camp we have set up."

    (OOC, Jane, Prince, just hop right in when you see a spot, i dont think this RP is too terribly formal.)

  4. Sanctuary bowed to Twilight and Partheus, "I choose not to judge your situation, but please let me know if you would like to gather with the survivors? We need more ponies for leadership, as well as those who wish to battle." She flipped her braid off of her face and behind her head. Continueing to fidgit, the pegasus waited for their response.

  5. (OOC: I hope you dont too terribly mind if i join this RP do you?)

    The light blue pegasus knocked on the door to the library. She waited patiently for a few moments before turning around and bucking the door open. She sat in front of the door and anounced loud enough for them to hear, "Hello? Anypony home? The survivers are gathering at the edge of Everfree forest. If anypony would like to join us we have chocolate milk and cottoncandy aplenty." Sanctuary peeks her head into the door. "Anypony home?"

  6. About Myself: As far as this website is concerned; I am a Pegasus pony. Im fairly blue colored and my main goal in life is to make other people happy and healthy in any way i can. Im a one of a kind healer, and you can bet on me to help you out in a jam.

    Im a Luna follower, a pony of night. I prefer living as high in the clouds as i can, and my best flying skill is causing the soft wind that pushes the clouds along.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Bronyvill

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My ex BF wanted to do an RP with me, but i didn't know ANY characters. I watched the show to study the characters, and when i realized i hadn't talk to him in 3 days because i had to watch all of season one... i admitted i was addicted. Easy transition i suppose. In the end i continued watching JUST the show with no fanbase involved in my pony loving. Then i somehow ended up working for MLPOnline.net, and i met my current boyfriend. When i wanted to drop off because i didnt like dealing with anti-bronies (who i never had to deal with until i was involved with the fanbase) he forced me to stay. I want to interact with more bronies in an environment that would have little to no bashing on something i love.... Long story -.-

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity

    So i guess in the new pony in town.... Nice to meet yall. I have 3 main things to announce:

    1, YES honest to whatever-god-you-please i do talk/speak/soundlike/dress-like AppleJack, not my fault, dont blame me.

    2, I am more intrested in RP than anything. Im bored and have 2 untrained fillies i need to make character-development for.

    3, [i leave this spot availible for any rules that will change depending on how this comunity responds to a thermo-nuclear bomb of ME dropped smack dap in the middle of it]

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