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Posts posted by HoneyFloral

  1. Though called Silencia Meadows, it's often quite loud in the little place! Located somewhere around the edge of the map a bit north-west of the centre is this small village currently occupying 1 pony, That's me, Honey Floral.

    The peaceful place is perfect for harvesting, You could say almost magical because it is known for it to be harvesting season all year around! The place was abandoned after the harvesting season ended for 5 years! It has sprung back to life now but only I have checked, I advertised the place a bit but no-one would come until... (This is where you drop in <3, Now this is a short brief introduction, You won't find many of these doing professional roleplay; They'll tell you everything, every tiny detail, in those!)

    And Of course because I'm a Noob I has to apply to be able to roleplay, Dont mind me working out how to delete this...

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  2. About Myself: Hi I'm Olivia, I like to roleplay and do digital art, I'm 13 on October 26th, and MLP: FiM is my favorite Television show

    How I found Canterlot.com: I used Google!~

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I Used to play Minecraft and saw this amazing art of MLP: FiM so I started wathing it

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
    Why hello there, I'm Honey Floral, You won't know me cause I've only just moved in, So I'm introducing myself now! I've come to set up shop and work as a decorator and part-time florist! My talent is decorating, I use natural things only though, Daisy chains, roses, tulip vase set-ups, *Hopeful sigh* All that stuff! I hope I meet new friends too though ;D My Cutie mark is a yellow and a pink flower, I guess I might be a florist after all!

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