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Everything posted by ShadowStorm88

  1. Val blinked as he lowered his head in aggrivation, as he siad "That was stupid of me". He had no reason to loose his cool like that and now he lost that ring. Sighing, he lowered his head as he started weaving through the crowd looking for the source of the ring as he grumbled "That wasnt very smart of me. Now someone is going to...Oof". He let out a cry as he accidently collided against something metal, as he fell onto his rear shaking his head as he looked up at a pony with a prothetic leg.
  2. Val passed by a vendor that sold metalic junk that could be used to track down anything metal. Sighing, he looked at the vendor as he purchased a small metal ring that was supposed to hum whenever it was around something metal. Smiling as he put it around his neck, he blinked suddenly as he saw that he was five feet away from something metal and yet it wasnt humming at all. Realizing he had just been had, Val turned to demand his money back in time to see the vendor was already gone. Growling lightly in frustration, he removed the worthelss ring as he tossed it hard into the crowd of ponies.
  3. Val blinked as he stared around curioulsy of the square of ponyville. Vendors, and merchants greeted thier customers with enthusiasim before luring them in with thier products. The sun shun down brightly, no doubt from Princess Celestis seeing to it that today would be an extra special day. Val always thought it was a good day, but today was even more so since he had been ordered to seek out somepony. Princess Celestia had sent him a message, asking him to track down a unicorn with a special sort of magic. The kind that could change Equestria's very core and how it appeared to others. Val agreed since not only was it his duty, but also at the oppertunity of making a new friend. He did love making new friends after all. Looking around from one vendor to the next, Val wondered breifly how he was going to find this one Unicorn. He had heard that he was here in Ponyville, but the chances of finding him..well what made him stick out was according to the princess, he had a prothetstic leg so that narrowed the field down abit. Still though, Ponyville was huge. What he needed was an oppertunity or break really. Letting out a heavy sigh, the Protector smiled wearily "This is going to be a long day. I can already tell". Trotting around, he kept an eye out for something that could help him track this pony.
  4. "Yeah, that wouldnt be a very graceful way for my adventuring days to end" He said softly. Looking back, he smiled "Good thing that we'reeeeeeooooooooooaaahhhhhhhhh" he screamed as he stepped into a bottomtless pit as he fell down. Remembering he had wings, he flew back up blushing as he siad "Err, that was embarrasing of me". Looking across, he siad"Hmm...The walls look big enough for you to slide across".
  5. Val led the way, as he kept the lantern lit as he stared off into the darkness. "Feel like a colt following the train tracks" he chuckled to himself as he looked up at the high ceiling. He wondered if this was securly built to where he didnt have to worry about the thing collasping ontop of him.
  6. "Heh heh your not the first to call me that" Val chuckled weakly as he stared into the darkness. Pulling out the map as he aimed the lantern down at it, he said "Well, we need to go through some of the tunnels here on foot and avoid the booby traps along the way which includes: A bottomless pit, spikes, and arrows. Oh and the possiblity of a boulder of doom". Shaking his head, he said "The boulder of doom sounds reaaaallly original. Havnet come across a trap like that before". Sighing as he got up, he siad "Well, we'd best get moving".
  7. Val hissed as he said "I could have bailed myself, but I wouldnt have been able to help you and...well Id be a lousy partner if I let you get hurt" .Smiling weakly, he said "Just gotta keep off that hoof for awhile in order to help it heal since I dont want to make it worse really". Pulling his hoof out of the water, he sighed "Heh, that was an intersting ride".
  8. Seeing they were reaching the end at the bottom, Val held the handle bar as the bakres sqeualed wildely. Watching as sparks flew, Val grunted as he pulled it back hard as he saw the handle bar break off. Realizing they were out of options, he slide out of the cart as he placed his hoof against the front wheel. Hissing in pain as it started to stop, he let out a cry of pain but it was worht it if it ment he could save Lady Luck. The cart slowly to a stop, as it stopepd completly. Val moaned in pain as he dove his hoof into a pool of water to cool it off.
  9. Val smirked as he thought to himself "Ahh, this is fun" He really was a thrill seeker, and moments like this really made him apperciate the mment. Blinking as he stared ahead, he thought "Oh yah"!!! Appanrently, the tracks was going downards in a circular motion. It was kinda like a rollar coaster ride!!! Alright!!! Smiling slowly, he gripped the brake to keep them on track as he gently pulled it as he watched the sparks fly. "Need to keep this on track" he smiled softly as he gasped suddenly when the track showed a gap as tehy went flying into the air, and landing on the other side. Wehn the cart hit the tracks, Val was grining wildely at the thrill they had just experinced their. That was awesome!!!!!
  10. He had to admit, he did like the moon light that Luna created. Sadly, he was sleepy and yet somehow not. Weird huh? Looking down at the hoof, he shook it as he looked up at the unicorn as he smiled "Valoren Seeker, or Val if you want". Staring up longingly at the moon, he smiled "It indeed looks quiet beautiful. Beauty found in the most unexpected ways. It saddens me that some ponies dont take the time to enjoy it. Ive learned to enjoy such things in my work". Smiling, he said "Its abit late to be up and about like this? Then again, the same could be said for me; yet I am unable to sleep due to insomnia". Sighing, he grinned lightly "Im gladdend to be up to meet someone new".
  11. Val contiued to walk towards the light. If he was dreaming or dead, then walking towards the light usually wasnt a good idea. But he could defintly rule out that he wasnt dead. Also, he wasnt dreaming since he pinched himself earlier and the pegasus let out a small yelp. So, yah he was awake. Seeing the light get brighter, he could see something in the distance. Was that a unicorn? A mare. What was she doing up so late on a night like this? Then again, she'd probably ask him the same thing. He had insomnia and wanted to get some sleep but failed. He wondered if she had the same problem. Appraoching gently, he coughed as he said "Umm, greetings. Its a rather lovely night out tonight isnt it". He stared at the ball of fire as he thought "Whoooaa, thats really cool".
  12. Valoren Seeker meanwhile, was returning from another sucesseful fly around Equestria. He had been instructed by the Princess to test his endurance by flying consitnatly form one area to the next and he was quite proud of his achivement!! So, he figured a small rest in town would do him well. Nodding off under a large oak tree, he grumbled as he twist and turned trying to get comfertable. However, it seemed like he wasnt gonna be able to sleep it off!! Funny, he figured'd he'd be exhausted by now with all the flying he did yet he couldnt go to sleep. "Ugg, Im going for a wlak" he grumbled as he got up and started to trot softly towards the town square, unaware of the wisp of light that was appraoching since he was walking half dazed.
  13. "WOOO HOOOO" he laughed as his eyes were opened wide in both fear and excitment, as he said "This is awesome"!! Laughing, he could see that nothoin but darkness ahead of them and he had to admit this was also bad because he had no idea what was going to come his way!! They had to be ready for anything that....Watch out"!! Val gasped as he ducked his head down, to avoid being hit by a board!
  14. "Im sure we'll be fine" Val grinned as he reahced out of the cart as he gently gripped the breaking mechanism. Pullling it, he blinked as the cart slowly started to move. "Okay, here we go" he smiled happily as he felt them move slowly. Staring, he looked down as he gasped "Uhhh.."., The cart was heading towards a massive drop, and it was too late to get out!! Well, for Lucky maybe, bt he wasnt gonna leave her to face this alone!! "Err, HOLD ON" he shouted, as he gripped the sides of the cart.
  15. "It was lost to us, but we shall reclaim it once more" Boomed a voice from the darkness. Within the darkness in the deep cavaran, echoed the powerful voice of the leader of the "True Eyes" for they saw the world for what it truly was, and not for what blinded so many others for thier own ignornace. A group of masked ponies, all of different kinds, Earth, Unicorn, or Pegasus as they looked up towards a pony who stood menaceinly on the catwalk above. The pony had been in an accident sadly long ago, and because of this; he had to wear banadages all over his face and could never take them off as he glared down at the group with his piercing yellow eyes. He was an Unicorn Stallion, white mane and tail, red fur. A cutie mark of a mask, with both light and darkness on both halves; spilt down the middle. Smirking, he called out "The Fortigious Lock has been lost, but we must reclaim it in order to help change the views of how Equestria works". Walking back and forht slowly, he called out "For too long have we watched as the world gave away to the naivety of friendship, and how things appear to be so simple that problems can be solved with only a few choice words. But that is a lie!!! The world is much more complicated then that. However, Equestria sees it for only what they want to see. Were they to take a glimpse of how the world truly was, it would change thier outlook forever". Putting a hoof to his face, he sighed "Alas, we have waited for far too long for such things to happen. But the waiting is now over. If Equestria will not submbit to the truth, then we shall make them see"!! Recieving a cheer, he called out "We shall find what we seek, and we shall suceed"!! Recieving a final cheer, he grinned sinsterly as he did not pity any poor fool who would get in his way!!
  16. Stoppng at a mine cart, he looked it over as he checked the wheels of it. "Hmm, from the looks of it. We need to travel the rest of the way i none of these" he pointed out. It was rather roomy and could easily support two. But question was if it was reliable. That Valoren himself wasnt so sure of. Then again, was anything on this adventure reliable. But he hadnt come this far just to quit and give up now!!
  17. Grinning, he entered as he took the lead. Smiling as he removed a lantern from his pouch, he lit the way!! The lanter illuminted and shined through the deep darkness, as they started to follow some tracks!! Where it would lead? Val was not certain himself, hopefully to fortune ane glory!!
  18. SHrugging, he said "Shoot..well, at least Ive proven this is real huh. Or they have anyway. Also I think were on the right track since...welll look". He pointed over at the mineshaft right ahead. "Ccording to the map, we have to go throuhg thier and hopefiully come out alright. Course we will though!! I mean, we're awesome" he grinned.
  19. The theif let out a wicked grin as he siad "You think you have cautgh us? THat this is so easy? Oooh you'll be surprised". Removing a smoke bomb, he tossed it at the ground as it created a massive smoke screen. This sent Val into coughing fit as he shook his head to clear it of the smoke effects as he looked around rapidly. Flapping his wings, he sent the smoke away but when it cleared, they were gone!! Luckily, the map was stil with them.
  20. The thief looked about to flee when suddenly Val grabbed him from beihnd as he brought him to his knees. "Who are y....what the"??!! He was stunned when after he removed the mask on the ponies face, he could see he was blind...infact they were all blind!!! The theif known as Alonzo, glared as he swore "We have a sacred duty to protect what does not belong to seekers such as yourself. If you contiue to seek out the DVB, then it will lead to your demise" Spoke the white maned, red fured pony as he glared at the two.
  21. Rolling over Lady Luck, he tripped one that was tryin to slice her back. Head butting another into the wall, he whirled around in time to get socked in the jaw as he stumbled backwards as he was held in a lock by one pony. Another thief charged in and punched him twice in the gut before Val jumped up and kicked him away.
  22. The pony went into a roll as Valoren leaped over the theif, snatching the map as he ducked to avoid a swipe to the head as he shouted "Darn it"!! Whirling around, he kneeed one in the chin as he said "S..shoot"
  23. Val grinned as he ducked under another swipe as he let out a gasp as suddenly one of the ponies swiped the map from his pack. "HEY" he shouted angrily as he turned and started to chase the pony who took flight and ran. "Give that back" Val demanded!!
  24. "Whoa!! Watch out" Val shouted as the masked ponies suddely brandished weapons as they attacked from above at the two. Val dove aside, as he hoofed on in the cheek, as he sliped between ones legs as he axe kicked his spine, forcing him down. Gasping as one got him in a head lock and the another charged in an attmepth to run him throuhg, he jumped up as he avoided getting stabbed. Front flipin between two of them, he lepead into the air as he scissors kicked one in the nuzzle and antoher in the back of the skull.
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