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Everything posted by ShadowStorm88

  1. "Applosa it is friend" Graham said softly. Blinking, he glanced back at the sleeping Valoren and noticed a map in his hoof. "Hmm" he thought as he said "I guess you got lost even with a map. Its not surpriseding since the sandstorms can put ones presrictve out of alightmnent and makes things diffcult to focus" Looking at Lady Luck, he smiled "Ahh, I remmebr your face now. Wanted list eh"? Seeing the surprised look, he shook his head "Dont worry, I wont turn you in or nothin. Im not like that since we all do what we must to survive in this world". Looking up at the sun, he siad "We should arrive at Applosa in about an hour or so".
  2. Grahm nodded, as he said "No problem miss. YOu were lucky we came along when ya did". Pausing, he truned back as he said "So ere, where you folks headed anyway? Anyhere in speific"? Val didnt responde as he had closed his eyes to rest from his injjry for abit in order to get his strenfth back.
  3. Graham leaned down as he looked Lady Luck up and down, before nodding "Sure thing. We were just passin through anyway, you can get on the back of the coach if you wnat". Slowling the cattle down to let the two on, he shrugged "Alright folks, we're movin out" he called as he cracked the whip, signile the cattle to move agtain. Looking back, he siad "So, what happened to you two anyway"? Val sighed, as he siad "We got attacked by bandits. They wanted to rob us blind and tkae everything. We managed to beat them all up though and they ran off". Shaking his mane, he said "One of them cut me badly, but I'll be alright!! Ive been trhough worse scraps"!! Grinning, he siad "Who aer you anyway"? "Name Graham, leader of the FreeMoostons" Graham explained as he comented "We;re a group of peace, seartching for our very own paradise".
  4. One of the ponies seemed to be the leader, an earth pony with a banadged face to the pont where onl his green eyes were visble. He bore a shierf hat, as he looked down at two who approached. Raising a brow, he smiled "Well, outsiders. And who are ya'll" he asked cursiously as he stared at the two. Val stoped as he said "My name is Valoren Seeker, and this is my friend Lady Luck. We were wondering if you cvould give us a lift to town mister umm". "You can calle my Graham" the banadged pony said.
  5. Nodding, he said "Thats really impressive stuff". Freezing, he could hear something in the distance as he spotted the ending of the canyon. It sounded like a machine or...a whiestle? Blinking as it got louder, he siad "Is that..is that a train I hear"? Raising his ear as they exited finaly, he gapsed as he grinned "Look"!! Pointing into the distnace at a what looked like a wagon caravan with some machines on the back of a few that seemed to produce..ice?? "Huh, wanst expcting that" Val blinked.
  6. Valoren blinked as he looked down at the pony. "Hmm, yah its probably best if we leave him here since I dont htink hes gettin up anytime soon" he grinned. As they left him tied up, Val rmearked "Wow!! You can really fight!! That was really impressive you did back their". As they walked, he asked "Whered you learn to fight like that anyway"?
  7. Valoren grinned lightly "Heh heh!! I did it cause were partners!! GOtta look out for each other". Becoming seirous, he said "Yah, I have no idea who they were. Maybe this lowlife here can explain himself" Val commented, pointing to the unconsious theif.
  8. Val couldnt help but gasp in pain, as he moaned slowly as he was banadaged up. He had done what he did out of instinct really since he didnt want her to get hurt, and even though he was hurt out of it; he was just glad she was alright. Smiling through pain, he remarked "Heh, getting sliced like that wasnt my plan really. But Im glad you werent hurt". Getting up as he was bandaged, he siad "It aches abit but..heh heh, Ill be fine". The injury did hurt, but he wasnt gonna let that stop him from gettng to reach his goal!! After all, he hadnt gone through the trouble of getting the map just to give up and go home!
  9. "LOOK OUT" Val shouted as he gently tacked into her, as he let out a yelp as althogh he missed being screwd himself, his side was sliced. "Owwwww" he shouted in pain. Groaning, he looked up to see the theif about to slice him in two, as he head buttede him once more before finishing him with a powerful sock across the jaw. The theifs slowly got up as they backed away and turned running, thier tails between their legs!! "Thats right!! You beter ru..owww" he groaned, as he held his bleeding side in pain.
  10. Val gasped as he jumped over another cloaked pony when he noticed him suddenly snatch the map from his hoof. "HEY" Val shouted angrily, as he charged at the theif as he was suddenly slahsed at by the two in front.f "Shoot" he thought. Staring, he got down low as he shouted "Readsetgo"!! DAshing at high speed past the other thiefs, he headbutted the one holding the map as he snatched it in mid air. Landing, he siad "Your gona have to do better then that"!!
  11. The figures didnt respond, weapons drawn and lookin to cause trouble as they launched themslves at the two!!! Val ducked under a swipe, and flew up betwen two swips towards his head as he scissors kicked two of them in the jaw. Landing, he gasped as he dodged to the left to avoid being sliced in two by an axe, as he head butted the cloaked being. Back flipping away, he thought "Who are these clowns? Why are they attacking us like this"? Any further thoughst were disregared, as he spun around a hoofed one in the chest before mull kicking him against a wall.
  12. Suddenly, five earth ponies from above, all maksed by cloaks leaped from above!! Coming down towards the two at high speed, all of them were brandishing swords as Val shouted "Dodge"!! Rolling aside to avoid getting sliced, he watched as the cloaked ponies split up and started to attack!!
  13. Val blinked as he glanced up idealy, seeing silohutes of other ponies moving quickly at high speed. They were encirling them to make sure that they wouldnt be able to run!! Whoever these guys were, they were good; Val had to admit that. Sighing, he looked down as he thought to himself "Get ready..their about to jump us".;
  14. The two had traveled together for a most of the day, an occasionl duststorm picking up and causing minor inconviences for the two, but it was nothing that they couldnht handle. As they contiued to walk, Val froze as he heard rocks crumbling lightly, as they hit the cancyon floor. It sounded like hooves sneaking around lihgtly as he whisepred "Hear that"?
  15. Val nodded, as he grinned "Great"!! This was gonna be alot of fun!! He had to admit he didnt expect her to say yes so quickly. Then again, he figured that she would be in this adventure for another motive perhaps. Althought his demenor was mainly cheerful, and kind; he had learned from experince on how to know when someone would be decieving him and he was getting an odd vibe from her. However, he wasnt gonna go off bat and say she was untrustworthy. Who knew, she might change her tone by the end of thier advenuture, and if not...well then he'd simply have to do what needed to be done. Nodding, he siad "Great!! Now, we need to get to town so I can figure out this map abit more".
  16. Valoren put a hoof to his mouth, before grinning. "Sure why not" he smiled. After all if they were gonna be partners, he had to be straight with her and how could she trust him if he iddnt tell him the goal. Nodding, he looked up into the skies with an almost starstruck look, no doubt spellbounded by the idea of getting his hoofs on the treasure. "Im after something called the Dream Valley Blade. Its supposdly a sword from before Equestria had been known as Equestrai, back when it had simply been called Ponyland. Its supposed to be extremtly powerful, and against any upcoming threat to Equestria; I need it in order to be ready to defend Eqeustria. Thiers a whole bunch of other treaures as well such as diamons, crystals, jewels, rubies and the like as well".
  17. "Ahhh, an explorer of fortune huh? Cool!! Wanna join me on my adventure? It'll be alot of fun!! I Promise". He grinned that last part, as he wanted someone to hang with since it was borinhg to do an adventure all by himself, and the best way to handle that was with being with somepony.
  18. Nodding in excitment, he siad "Awesome!! Its good to travel with ya". He commented that last part good naturally as he thought "Shes very beautiful, but best keep this professional". He had to remind himself of htat constantly in order to keep himself from jumping into anything he'd regret. Looking at her curiously, he asked "What about you? What do you do for a profession" he asked.
  19. "Weeelll, out of it I guess" Valoren smiled as he cocked his haed. "I need to get to a town so I can determin where to go next on my map since thiers some clues laid out". As he said this, he couldnt help but notice a slight shift in he rpersonality. His intstints were telling him somehting was up and that he should be careful but he ignored it for now. Smiling happily, he remarked "Its good to have company out here".
  20. Val blushed as he walked alongside her. "Well, It wasnt really a title I choose. It was given to me by Celestia I guess. She said Im suposed to be ready at all time to protect Equestrai from any sort of evil so Im just realy doin my job. Plus, its fun!! Err, I know it sounds kinda arrogant my title but heh heh, arrogance is probaly my least developed trait". Smiling, he said "I guess it does sound kinda pretigious huh"?
  21. Grinning, he said "Its a pleausre to meet you Lady Luck! Im Valoren Seeker, Explorer/Protector of Equestria". That last part he grinned lightly. He didnt wnat to come off as arrogant or cocky, he was just being honest with his profession.
  22. Grining, he said "Wow!! Thanks!! Id really appe5rciate that". This was good since he was in the middle of nowhere in his opinon with no way to get out!! Smiling weakly, he siad "Err, lets just say its something thats going ot be a err..big help to me in the future, and it'll help me be more..efficient at my position".
  23. (Kay!! Thank ) Valoren smiled lightly "Well, Im looking for somethign umm...special. Its umm...well, I was told it would it be somewhere out here in the West relaly by a merchant back in Canterlot". Smiling he blushed "Heh heh, well thats good to know. I usually like to avoid fights even though I love em". Looking at her, he siad "Yah maybe you cna help me get to the nearst town"?
  24. Valoren sighed, as he looked up once more at the beating sun, half wishing he had brought a hat. He had passed out west here a few times, but never on foot really. Then again, he wasnt testing himself really so i guess that it didnt relaly count. STill, he couldnt help but wonder how the ponies out here were able to shake off such affects of the heat. From being used to it perhaps? Sighing, he smirked "Hmm..I need more information". He needed to know about that sword, and any info would help. He froze as he saw somepont approahed. Pink fur, white mane with a cowboy hat and speakin in a western twang, he smiled lighty as he blushed. It was a natural reaction he usually had around mares he found attractive, but decided against flirting since he had to remain profesional in his duty. No need to make her upset or nothing. Pleased at the compliment, he responded "Heya. Yeah, Im not from around here. I could just fly out of this canyon if I wanted to but wheres the challenge in that realy? It would make things to easy. But yeah, some help would be nice Mam".
  25. Valoren glanced up high into the skies as he wiped sweat outta his mane. He had been by himself now for about a week out here in Raptorclaw Canyon. The sun beat down unforgivingly as he shrugged. He could fly true, but that would make it way too easy!! Heck, he'd consider it cheatin to fly all the way to his goal without exepering any trials that would make him stronger!! He was searchin for somethin called the Dream Valiant Blade or DBV. Weapons were mostly discouraged in Equestria but nessecary by some standards. Due to a desire of wanting to get stronger, and be ready for any threat that would come to Equestria so he could protect it, he sought out this blade. He had found out about it from a traveling merchant back in Canterlot, and had heard that it was beyond the Canyon and was guarded by many traps!! He needed that weapon amonst the treasures it laid around and he was going to get it!!
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