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Posts posted by ShadowStorm88

  1. Valoren yawned as he spotted Lovers Bridge. As he approahced it, he smirked "Well, I heard this was a nice spot". A place where it was rumored one could find true love. Thatd be a nice little thing since...thats secerlty what the Fighter/Protector desired more then anything. Well, at least it was soemthign he'd like in his life. A few freinds he had met on his travels had someone serious with them, which Val envied since most of the time relationships with him didnt usually last, mostly cause of his profession. Spotting a long mare nearby, he smiled as he thought "Well, may as well try and make some friends". Approaching her from behind, he siad "Err, hello their".

  2. Grinning, he said "No ones in trouble. Least I dont know if anyponys in trouble". Smiling softly, he said "But its up to me to help them whenever they are in order to keep the peace. Nodding towards her, he said "I came through here after doing some training in order to relax for abit, when I stopped to admire the scenary. I guess I musta been here for awhile cause I didnt here you call out my name or anything like that".

  3. "Ahhh" Valoren Seeker sighed happily. Standing here in the woods amongst nature felt great!! He had to admit that he was rather suprised he was able to get some time to come out here and relax. For the longest time, he had been training and training and training!! It was like a never ending circle. He had to in order to keep up being Equestrias Number one fighter, and protector. Still. it felt great to finally get some relaxtion time, condersing what he had been doing latelty. Blinking as he felt someone bump into him, he turned around and looked. Spotting another pony who...looked scared, he smiled warmly "Hello their. Im Valoren Seeker, Fighter and Protector of Equestria".

  4. Grinning, he said "Making other ponies laugh eh? Id like that". Grinning, he said "Thanks for that. I guess it is kinda noble". Blushing at the comment, he siad "I didnt know it was supposed to be a noble thing for awhile, but it wasnt until I protected some ponies from a Manticore that I realized waht I was suposed to do". Grinning at her, he siad "What sort of things do you do to make other ponies laugh"?

  5. "I just dont get it Karl. I mean, Id call it just a dream but..it seemed more then that" Jake admitted, as he sat next to his ninteen year old half brother, Karl. Looking up at the surfer, Jake explained "I mean, before we went to the islands, we had dreams rememebr. Premonitions of things to..umm..come". Strecthing his back, Jake asked "What if this is the same thing? I was about to be attacked by a flying horse of some sort whilst falling towards a pool of colors and then I awoke".

    Karl raised a brow, as he explained "Jake, Im sure it was nothing more then a wierd dream. First of all, for it to invovle things like flying horses or pfft, I really doubt su..". He started when he was interupte by Jake.

    Jake snaped "Of course it wasnt real!! What do I look stupid". Getting up, he said "Its common knowledge that things like unicorns and pegasus are myths!!! Folklore!! Fairytale crud". Making a face at such statments, he siad "Why did i even tell you about this"? Sulking away from Karl, Jake thought "I think I'll head into the forest, to do some drawing".

  6. Grinning at her, he said "What do you do for fun"? Realizing he should state the question better, he said "What I meant what, whats your cutie mark mean"? Looking at his, he showed "Mine means I have to be strong enough to fight and defend those that I care about. Even those I dont really know, or like I need to be strong for them". Grinning at her like an excited kid, he laughed "How about you"?

  7. He was falling...

    A teenaged boy, gently flew through what appeared to be a stream of lights and colors. Confusion came upon his face, as questions raced trhough his mind like a storm. Where was he? Why was he falling? What were these lights? Feeling the wind race through his hair, he closed his emerald eyes in fear, hopign that if he opened them again, he would be in his bed safe and sound.

    Their are many worlds out within the universe. Worlds that one would never believe had exiscted even when seen with your own eyes. When Jake Scott had viisted the island of dinosaus, excisting on his planet had that very time eight months ago, he slowly began to wonder, but also doubt. Did other worlds such as Dinotopia exiscted? He had seen, and spoken to..talking dinosaurs whilst trying to help the humans of that island remain in peace with the carnivores. Whilst doing so, he couldnt hlp but think that if such things as this were real, perhaps in another world, another life...such things that the human mind would say its an impossiblity, be possible. But if they were real, would he ever find such a place? I mean..things like...magic. Science claimed that magic was nothing more then superstitious nonsense and were no more then cheap tricks to fool the mind. Whilst apart of Jake agreed with this notion, another part was doubtful. Perhaps even...apprehensive? What if it was a lie?

    As he appraoched the bottom, Jake gasped at the pool of light below and a rising...horse?? What in the?? Blinking in shock as somethign galloped towards him at high speed, he closed eyes once more...and it was over..

    He was back in his room, awakened from his dreams. Blinking as he looked around, he held his head as he wipped the sweat from his brow. "Weird dream" he grumbled.

  8. He was falling...

    A teenaged boy, gently flew through what appeared to be a stream of lights and colors. Confusion came upon his face, as questions raced trhough his mind like a storm. Where was he? Why was he falling? What were these lights? Feeling the wind race through his hair, he closed his emerald eyes in fear, hopign that if he opened them again, he would be in his bed safe and sound.

    Their are many worlds out within the universe. Worlds that one would never believe had exiscted even when seen with your own eyes. When Jake Scott had viisted the island of dinosaus, excisting on his planet had that very time eight months ago, he slowly began to wonder, but also doubt. Did other worlds such as Dinotopia exiscted? He had seen, and spoken to..talking dinosaurs whilst trying to help the humans of that island remain in peace with the carnivores. Whilst doing so, he couldnt hlp but think that if such things as this were real, perhaps in another world, another life...such things that the human mind would say its an impossiblity, be possible. But if they were real, would he ever find such a place? I mean..things like...magic. Science claimed that magic was nothing more then superstitious nonsense and were no more then cheap tricks to fool the mind. Whilst apart of Jake agreed with this notion, another part was doubtful. Perhaps even...apprehensive? What if it was a lie?

    As he appraoched the bottom, Jake gasped at the pool of light below and a rising...horse?? What in the?? Blinking in shock as somethign galloped towards him at high speed, he closed eyes once more...and it was over..

    He was back in his room, awakened from his dreams. Blinking as he looked around, he held his head as he wipped the sweat from his brow. "Weird dream" he grumbled.

  9. Name: Jake Scott

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Age: 16

    Ht: 5, 10

    Apperance: Jet black hair, that drops abit over his left eye. He wears a dark green sleevless shirt, and a black hoodie over it. Blue fadded jeans, and green sneakers.

    Personality: Skeptical about things he dosent understand or believe in. Couragous, stubbron, playful, cheerful, kind, caring.

    Likes: Hanging with friends, day dreaming, and drawing.

    Dislikes: Being distrueted or betrayel. Hates it when hes crizites or when hes been proven wrong.

    Story: The youngest of three brother, Jake Scotts life changed forever when a few months ago, he had returned from a place he had never thought exiscted. An island filled with people, and dinosaurs called: Dinotopia. Along with his elder brothers, Karl and David; he had to find a way to save this new home that for awhile he'd come to enjoy and stop a madman from destrorying that he had come to love about the island. Succesful, he spent the next six months on the island, going on all sorts of adventures before evtunally returning home through a portal.

  10. Valoren froze at the sound of others greeting him, as he slowly turned to the others. Gasping at the sight of Princess Luna, he bowed his head low in respect as he siad "P..princess Luna. Its an honor". Raising his head, he turned to the other one named Melody as he nodded "Hello their". Looking at the two, he coughed to try and not sound so nervous. "Its a pleasure to be here and meet with umm...others. I honestly didnt expdect to get a ticket to this Gala". Noticing how beautiful Luna was, he blushed lightly at her prescences as he said "So umm, thank you for..inviting me uh..to this umm...here".

  11. Smiling warmly at her, Valoren responded "I dont need help with anything. I merely wanted to come over and say hello to you. Its a pleasure to meet you BlindJester". Bowing in respect in return to her bow, he grinned "This is my first time to the gala ever actually, and was very surprised to be invited at all since I usually dont get invited to any fancy occassions. Usually since Im not one of those upper level, socphisotcated ponies". Smiling at her, he said "So Im grateful that I was able to come at all".

  12. Hearing a voice speak back to him, Val whirled around quickly as he looked around wildely for the source of the voice. Finding it, he approached a mare around his age he assumed. Smiling lightly, he greeted "Hello their. Yes, it is a rather good nite". Putting out a hoof, he greeted "Names Valoren Seeker, Adventurer and Protector of Equestria".

  13. Valoren Seeker yawned as he stepped out into the courtyard if the Gala. Looking up into the skies at the full moon, he sighed happily. The night always was beautiful. They said that Princess Luna always made sure ever night that it would look more beautiful then before. He didnt know how, or even why but it seemed like Luna had managed to pull it off every time. Smiling happily at the moon, he breathed in the fresh air as he listend to the gentle wildlife of hte night. It truly was a wonder. Smiling happily, he gently strode forward through the Gala as he passed by BlindJester without seeing her only to stop a few feet away. "Ahh, the beautiful night air. Heh heh, I cant believe I was able to get inivited to this. I usually never get inviations!! Boy, am I lucky" He said aloud, grinning at the prosecpt of meeting new friends.

  14. Gulping nervously, Valoren could almost feel his knees shaking give way before him. "C..cmon" he thought smiling weakly as he stepped throught he royal garden, the single black tuxedo, and green vest covering his body. Strolling silently, he thought to himself "Why am I so nervous? Im so supposed to be a brave, pegasus who fears little to nothing. Yet, here I am at a very formal event whcih Ive never been to before, nervous out of my mind. Why cant I just have a good time"?!?! Inahling, he stopped as he could feel his eyes dilate as he spotted several female ponies. One of them being Princess Luna herself!!! Now he was REALLY nervous. Gulping once more, he tried to keep silent as he tried to walk past the group of ponies without being noticed. "This is humialtting" He thought sadly. Usually he was a very outgoing, cheerful pony!! Here, he was a nervous wreck!!!

  15. "Invited to the Gala" Valoren asked in shock. Rubbing hte dirt from his face, he stared at ticket in shock. He was no more then an oridarny Protector/Fighter. How did he get a ticker?!??! Smilign lightly, he looked up as he thouought "Perhaps I could meet some new friends". Flying high into the air, he thought "Wait, I dont have anything formal to wear". Looking sadly at the ticket, he thought "I Hope I can think of something soon".

  16. Edited version.

    Name: Shadow Enigmer

    Gender: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Black

    Eye Color: Green

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Extremtly jet black rockish in the front that covers abit of his left eye, and rockish in the back as well. His tail is spiked across the back, and has a streak of dark blue through it

    Cutie Mark: A silver sword embedded through a shield with the symbol of Canterlots army. He recieved this when he was a foal, when he was trying to find out what he was good at. When he discovered he had a love for fighting, he woke up with the mark after challenging the school bully when he went to school the day before.

    Physique: A powerful runners build with muscles.

    Residence: He has a small cottage outside of ponyville. He wanders from one place to the next, and seeks powerful opponents so he can become stronger.

    Occupation: Wandering Fighter

    Motivation: To become the number one fighter in all of Equestria. He thought about joining the royal guard, but decided against it since he didnt want to join something where he would be told what to do, and when to do it.

    Likes: Fighting, and Exploring. He desires friends as he's sadly never made friends that he could keep as being friends with. Secerly, he desires to find love yet does not know how to show it. He loves adventure as well, and thirst for it all the time since he wishes nothing more then to go as many as possible.

    Dislikes: Trouble. Having his trust broken, and betrayl. He also hates when others looks down him because of his age.

    Character Summary: His father is a Captain of the royal guard to guard princess Celestia, whilst his mother is a teacher of the local high school for other ponies. Born in ponyville, Shadow had always wanted to go exploring when he was younger when he had heard about the many adventures other ponies had when he was a foal. Deciding to see for himseklf after defending himself from the school bully, he decided to go out and try adventuring whilst training himself to become stronger. He has a friendly rivarly with Rainbow Dash, as teh two compete all the time.

  17. Edited version.

    Name: Valoren Seeker, or Val.

    Gender: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Black

    Eye Color: Green

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Extremtly jet black rockish in the front that covers abit of his left eye, and rockish in the back as well. His tail is spiked across the back, and has a streak of dark blue through it

    Cutie Mark: A silver sword embedded through a shield with the symbol of Canterlots army. He recieved this when he was a foal, when he was trying to find out what he was good at. Whilst in school as a foal, one of his friends was being picked on by the school bully. At first as a foal, he was rather timid and didnt want to get invovled so he wouldnt get hurt so he tried to ignore it. But when he saw the bully wouldnt stop, a feeling of valor entered him as he decided to invovle himself. Getting in the bullies way, he demanded he stop whats hes doing. When the bully didnt listen, Shadow popped him one in the nuzzle, pasicfing him which caused the bullies little gang of followers to disband. Having protected someone, Shadow blinked as a felt a strange sensation. Looking down, he saw his cutie mark but at the time didnt know what it ment. It would be sometime before he realized what he had to do.

    Physique: A powerful runners build with muscles.

    Residence: He has a small home withint Canterlot. He wanders from one place to the next, and seeks powerful opponents so he can become stronger.

    Occupation: Wandering Fighter, and Protector

    Motivation: To become the number one fighter in all of Equestria. He thought about joining the royal guard, but decided against it since he didnt want to join something where he would be told what to do, and when to do it. In order to better himself, and to live up to his cutie mark; he trains and travels from one place to the next, seeking powerful opponents to use as a lesson in order to proect others.

    Likes: Fighting, and Exploring. He desires friends as he's sadly never made friends that he could keep as being friends with. The reason of this is mostly because of his wandering nature, and how he fears is that if he befriends those in the sort of life he leads, that they'll get hurt because of him. Secerly, he desires to find love yet does not know how to show it. He loves adventure as well, and thirst for it all the time since he wishes nothing more then to go as many as possible. Helping others, it gives him a good feeling after he has done whatever he could to help out.

    Dislikes: Trouble. Having his trust broken, and betrayl.

    Character Summary: His father is a Captain of the royal guard to guard princess Celestia, whilst his mother is a teacher of the local school for other ponies. Born in Canterlot, Shadows father joined the Royal guard as a means to keep his family secure. Shadow at first wanted to become a guard like his father when he was a foal, but as he played with friends during games where he had to follow others, he discovered that he disliked taking orders, to almost an extreme sense. Deciding to strike out on his own, Shadow wandered away from Canterlot and into Evergreen Forest. Encountering monsters, and beast that sent him fleeing for his life; he discovered a lone deer that had gotten its hoof stuck in a root sticking out of the ground. A small sized dragon leared over it, eager to eat the lone creature. Feeling a sense of courage burst within him, Shadow charged towards the creature in rush as he kicked it as hard as he could at its nose. The shock of being attacked in such a manner, cause the dragon to flee as the deer freeded itself at last and fled the scene. That was when he realized what his cuite mark ment. The sword and shield. It was up to him to protect others, on his own terms. So, when he was old enough to leave, Shadow struck out on his own from Canterlot to explore Equestria, to help in protecting others and to become Equestrias number one fighter. Whilst that is the dream he aspires to live up to, the sword he understod ment for him to be able to become stronger and to fight otehrs, the shield ment he is supposed to be able to protect others. Which is why he trains, in order to become strong enough to protect what he cares about.

  18. Well, it turns out at somepoint I started viewing the original MLP. I must have been a year or two ago, because I remmeber abit of it. Though, at the time I was thinking "Whats wrong with me? This is humilatting. If my friends or family catch me watching this, I dont think theyd ever let me live it down". Then I heard frmo a frined a new mlp came up, so I thought "Alright Ill look.". Looking at it, I turned out to like it. So, I became a brony and hope to contiue enjoying it. However, I cannot allow my friends to know about this.

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