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Posts posted by ShadowStorm88

  1. "Ahhh. Well, i guess that sort of makes me Rue since your the main character and Im the sidekick of this little advenutre" he chuckled weakly since he usually was the alpha taking the lead. But since he didnt really know this book, nor had he ever read it before; this would make her the main character. Putting a hoof to his chin, he commented "Waaaait, does that mean that we have to start a pony rebellion? Maybe if we follow what happened in the book, we will be able to survive and get out of this in one piece". Looking away, he thought "But if we do that, will the game masters of this world let us leave? Or will they surprise us? I dont that we have..oh". Gasping at seeing at tear, he frowned as he offered her a hug. "Hey cmon now, dont cry please. Its alright" he said softly.

  2. Val shook his head in amusement at the sight, as he fought the urge to roll his eyes. Dazzle was right about one thing. The ponies here did seem pretty silly. "We have some strange characters in Ponyville; but we dont have any on this level of strangeness". Sighing, he agreed "Yeah, none of these ponies are really the ones were looking forward. Mostly because there too silly, and therefore that these illuminated ones are too serious for this". Seeing a sight of black, Val froze as he whisepred "Wait...wait a sec...hold still for a moment". Looking past Dazzle into the distance down the street, he could see what looked like a masked pony lifting bags of bits from carts, taking them and placing them into a cart. "There's a group of them over there" he whispered to Dazzle as he tried his darnest not to stare. "Okay, heres the plan. We both split up, and go around the back allys and make are way to the carriadge. Then we sneak on board as soon as they take off. How's that sound" Val asked gently as he watched the masked pony look left and right before contiuing to lift bits into the carriadge. "Think your pretty clever huh" Val thought in annoyance as he hated how cocky this pony was looking.

  3. Val looked out, admiring the moon as he nodded at its beauty. "Mmmm, sure looks beautiful" he admitted softly. Eyeing Midnight gently, he thought to himself "Your pretty beautiful yourself". Keeping that thought to himself, he wondered if things were going to get worse. In his experience, when things were already bad; they could be alot worse. Like the pebbles could lit on fire, setting the tree ablaze. In that moment, he half expercted things to get worse, but luckly nothing happened!! Good thing he kept that thought to himself. Looking out as he saw the same thing Midnight saw, Val muttered to himself "What the hay"?

  4. Panting as Val held his chest, trying to calm himself down, he looked up at Midnight with a weak grin. "Heh, truth be told; I didnt" he admitted as he ploped down next to her. "You said that the game masters seemed to control the rules, and kept changing things to see how we would adapt. So, I figured to try and adapt to the situation to see if they found what I did acceptable. Seeing as how my plan worked, I guess it was acceptable. Sooo, we're good for now at least until they decide to throw something new at us". Laying his head against the trunk, he sighed "Though, I hope that isn't gonna be for abit. With all the craziness thats been happening, I need a sec to catch my breathe. Even adventures need a moment to breathe after all".

  5. Valoren listened intently, as he smiled in relief that they were getting assistance. Val had to admit that what Crescent said was true, Strait was rather abrasive and some what rude; but he wasnt really a jerk. Val had met plenty of jerks through out his life, and most of them were nothing more then. He paused as he looked up idealy, his eye catching movement on top of the mansion before vanishing just as fast. This made him nervous as although Val thrilled for the unknown, it kept him on edge whenever the unknown was after him. Looking down at the clipboard, as he saw the words; it confirmed his fears. They were being followed. But by whom? And for what purpose? Well, that last one was a rather obvious answer. They must be after the same thing that Crescent is. The ingridients at least so that they could preform there own expedition of some sort. Turning to voice his opinions to Crescent, he found him already away from the mansion; eager to let out what he was most lilely thinking. Nodding in thanks to Strait for his help, Val zoomed out of the maze, manuvering at high speed as he left behind himself a streak of green/black. Skidding to a halt next to him, Val commented "Alrighty, we both agree that some pony is following us; problem is we dont know who".

    As he listened to Crescent, Val froze as his eye's caught sight of somepony doing something rather suspicious. Namely, lifting bits from unsuspecting ponies wallets and keeping them for himself.

    "Could you...hold that thought for a sec" Val asked as he slowly trotted to follow the thief.

  6. Valoren said nothing in response, as he stared back at where the lurker had vanished. Narrowing his eyes down the maze, he shrugged as he told himself "Bah, probably my imagination". Looking at Cresecnt, he smiled weakly as he spoke "Ahh, its nothing. I thought I saw somepony is all". What they didnt know however that Val had been right!! A rather muscular earthpony peeked around the corner as he spied on the group; taking notes on the plans and idea that they were giving out on how to get to the moon. With a smug grin,the earthpony then vanished as fast as he had appeared. "So umm, what sort of help can you provide us with exactly" Val quipped curiously as he wanted to know who exactly he was doing business with.

  7. Val put a hoof to his head as he tried to focus his thoughts. Way too much was happening at once for him to think straight. "I dunno, I dunno. Give me a sec" Val insisted to Midnight as he closed his eyes and tried to focus. "Darn it, darn it, darn it" he cursed gently as he tried to think. Suddenly as if a light bulb went off in his brain, he shot his head up. Rushing to his sathcel; he dug inside as he removed a sheet that he used as a blanket, table clothe; that sorta thing. Rushing outside as he thought to himslef "Its crazy that rocks the size of pebbles can house the power of a boulder. But if that sorta thing can play out in this reality, then Im certain my idea will be able to do the same". Opening the sheet up as he tied it to two seperate branches, and to the entrance to the hole, he backed up and watched as rocks pounded against it as they slowly dug in..before shooting away from the sheet. "Well, its complely crazy, yet it worked" Val thought as he squeezed his way back into sanctuary.

  8. "Heh heh, its really good to hear how one can be prepared for these sort of things. Whilst I did do research before I went out to go adventuring, alot of what I learned ended up being learned on the sport. Completly improvised" Val recounted, trying his best not to sound like he was bragging or anything. "Heh, like there was this one time that I was exploring some caves out near Seaside Bay. I had heard some legend about ponies that lived underwater. I wanted to see if it was true. What happened was that upon entering, a trap had been actiaved that sent a giant boulder falling down towards me from a hidden hole. Luckily, the floor beneath me was a trap door so I was able to slid under it whilst the boulder smashed into the floor!! I didnt find any evidence of there being any Sea ponies sadly, so it was sorta a disappointmemnt. Exciting yeah, but I didnt get alot out of it" he said softly. Before he could tell more however, something tiny, but powerful smashed into the ground. "Huh..." Val blinked as he looked to see it was a tiny rock that had the power of a boulder. Looking out from the trunk, he gasped as it started to rain rocks with the same power; causing the trunk to shake.

  9. Following Crescent, Valoren felt something as he stoped in his tracks for a moment. Getting an unsettling feeling, he whirled around and caught sight of somepony ducking out of sight. Whoever it was, was really muscular and tall. Narrowing his eyes suspisicously, Val shrugged as he turned and kept walking. Arriving at the mansion, Val's jaw dropped in shock at the sheer size of it. "A...a..amazing" he managed to get out in a tiny squeek. Shooting Crescent a look of praise, he nodded "Your really lucky to have someone so wealthy to help out whenever you need it". Grinning to himself, he chuckled "Heh, this is gonna be me some day. After Ive traveled all over Equestria, every single tiny spot of it and...and possibly beyond Equestria!! When Im all done with that, I think I may settle in a nice place like this". Following Crescent through the maze, Val blinked as he spotted the white/grey unicorn at the end. Coughing gently to get his attention, he smiled as he greeted "Hello good sir, my name is Valoren Seeker, adventurer/treasure hunter and I am in need of assitances".

  10. "Alright fine" Val nodded in agreement as they got inside the tree trunk. It was surprisingly really roomy, and therefore comfertable. Sighing as he plopped himself down onto the floor, Val ran a hoof through his mane tiredly as he looked over at Midnight with a smile. "These last two days have been really exhausting you know" he smiled lightly, having never been through anything quiet like this. "Here I though I had gone and experinced all of it, but I guess that you learn something new everyday huh" he chuckled.

  11. Valoren looked down as he shook his head in disblief. She was blowing off her injury like it was nothing, but he didnt buy it!! Not for one second!! "Im going to help get your leg better when i get my hooves on whats needed" he thought to himself determindly. Looking away, he sighed weakly "Okaaay, what we need now is to just move to another location. Somewhere, where no pony will find us". Glaring his eyes trhough the bushes, he could spot what looked like a hug hollow point in a tree, that looked large enough to let them both hang out in. "Cmon, I'll help you" Val urged, as he gently helped her to her hooves.

  12. "Even if we do get on these ponies bad side, at least we'll have a general idea on where your friend is" shrugged Valoren as he thanked the bartender. Leading the way outside, Val slowly scanned the crowd around him as they stepped out. "Keep your eyes peeled for anypony that looks suspicious" he whispered to Dazzle as he looked intro the crowd. There was a pony with an evil grin on his face, holding a mallet. There was another pony with a sinster snarl, with a scar going down his face as he was looking left and right radpily for trouble. Another pony in the crowd had a a twirly mustache, as he snuck up behind a carriadge and siad "A carriadge..ILL STEAL IT!! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOOOW" before he stole it, riding off with it cackling.

    "Hmm, no pony looks suspicous yet" Val mused to himself.

    (Heh heh, sorry I was just watching somethin on YT and it inspired this silly post. Yes, when conducing the perfect crime; be sure to loudly annoucce the crime you intend to pull off so everypony can hear :D )

  13. Val didnt look like he was ready to give up, as he found himself really worried for her sake. In this condition, it would be hard...unless. Unless he got his hooves on some roots, mixed it within some more of the plants he used; and asked her to use magic. Her injury could be healed and she'd be back to normal!! Problem was that he didnt know if those ingridents were even in this reigion, and they had enough problems as it was. They didnt need more!! Looking at her worried, he siad "We'll get food soon, but are you sure your all right" he asked, obviosuly showing that he cared for her.

  14. Val gawked in horror at the sight of his hurt friend. "MI...Mmmpf mmpf" Val was cut off as his voice was muffled. Looking up, he caught sight of the filly giving him an evil look as she had placed a clothes over his mouth and nose as she attmepthed to suffocate him. Groaning, he gripped at what held him as he backed up against a tree harshly, Looking down to see he had knocked out the filly, Val took the clothe as he rushed next to Midnight. Quickly wrapping the clothe around her leg, he tied it gently as he whispred "Your gonna be alrihgt, your gonna be alright" to Midnight as he helped her up slowly. "Cmon, lets get somewhere safe" he whispered as he started to help her walk.

  15. "Im just saying its possible" Val pointed out, trying to stay postive as it might not be for trying to be the fastest flyer in equestria. The liquid could be used to power things!! LIke maybe a super desctuvive laser, or a machine that could create millions of quanties of items at high speed. Snapping out of his thoughts, Val smiled "Well, the baby blue sapphires are underneath canterlot. In some of the hidden caves to be exact". Looking away, he said "BUt we'll have to be careful cause rumor has it that the sapphires are guarded by monsters that havent been around Equestria for a long, long time".

  16. In his head, Valoren had transformed!! A mad pony in a lab coat, and some crazy goggles ; was cackling insanly as he contiued to experiment on Val. Val kept trying to break free from his bonds on the table, yet he was too weak. No matter what he did, he couldnt break free. Then the mad pony took out a large needle, and injected Val with it. Feeling his heart rate start to accelerate and jumpstart, Val watched as his body structure started to alter!! His hooves suddenly sporuted five fingers. He suddenly packed more muscle then he ever had before as his mane grew longer. Growling slowly as he ripped free of his bonds, he found himself standig on two hooves as he looked down at himself in horror. He had transformed into one of those mutants!! Screaming in fear, he woke up.

    Flinching, Val scracthed the back of his head as he tried to register what was happening. Hearing screaming, Val glanced out the cave to see Midnight under attack!! Feeling more alert, and the pain dimminished; Val got up as he galloped out of the cave and yanked the filly off of Midnights back.

  17. "Then lets head there now" Val insisted, as he went to storm out the door as he suddenly halted; realizing he was getting ahead of himself. "Wait, what we need is to find where she is..so...hmm" Val blinked as he looked up. "What we need is to find a member of this gang, and then we can either track him, or convince him to lead us to there hideout!! Then we can find out where Arcana is located, and thus head there immideatly afterwards". Turning to Dazzle, he asked "What do you think we should do since this is your friend?

  18. Watching her leave, Val slammed his head into the back of the tree trunk repeadtly, frustrated at the entire situation. He should be up and about, helping out his friend intead of lying here, playing possum. It didnt feel right since he always sought to help out others. Now it seemed that the situation he complety reversed, and he was the one in need of help. "Please be safe Midnight" he begged to himself.

  19. Watching Crescent jump up and down like an excited foal, Val chuckled in amusmnet as he commented "Its not gonna be easy, because for all we know; we might not be the only ones aiming for this goal. Since alot of pegasus claim to be the fastest/best in all of Equestria; its best to assume that we wont be the only ones goin for the gold. So for that, I'd say its best that we get going as soon as possible" Val said seriously. If he could find enough for two, perhaps he could try and get to the moon. Just to see what its like up there.

  20. "Im fine, really. I just neeed to...urrg, okay Im hurt" Val admitted as he slammed his head into the back of a tree. Looking up, he grunted as he tried to avoid looking at Midnight so she wouldnt see the hurt in his eye. "I really dont want you to out on your own, but I guess I dont really have a choice". Looking at her, he sighed "I want you to promise me something. Promise me that if it gets too danergous for you, that you'll pull out to safety. If you were to get hurt or killed, I dont know what I would do" he pleaded to Midnight.

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