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Posts posted by Stonetribe

  1. I think I know which ones are yellow jackets, since they are the ones that used to invade our family reunion picnics. Nasty buggers. One time I got stung for absolutely no reason - I wasn't moving, wasn't doing anything, just sitting there. Stung my arm. No wonder I get panic attacks.

    I did have a wasp sting me when it was raining out - it was mad about the rain so stung the closest thing (me). At least that's my reasoning, I didn't do anything to offend it.

    I've had some sort of giant massive wasp hanging out on my front steps. My neighbor says it's trying to find a mate and won't hurt me, but I literally just stand there for 10-15 minutes until it gets bored and flies off. I can't get into my house when it's there.

    I'd like to add that in addition to Swirlys statement that almost any bug will only attack in self defense if they are being harrased and in danger, they will also attack in self defense if they think, they are in danger. They are much smarter then we give them credit for, don't get me wrong. But they are still just arthropods, and they can make mistakes just like you and me.

    Nah, we're just sharing in your enthusiasm. There can be only one Bugmaster.

    Awww, your too sweet. :blush:
  2. Buzz sighed, this one might take a little work. 'Oh well' He thought. 'I've got a whole 2 months' He gave a friendly smile "We're all entitled to our opinions. I'll see you two around then" He turned to leave but faced his two counselors again after taking a few steps. "Oh, and since you two love butterflys so much..." Buzz tapped his knee in a unique pattern. Almost instantly, three spectacular Monarch Butterflys flew to him. He pointed to Fluttershy and Rarity and the butterflys flocked to them, two of them landing on each of Rarity's shoulders, and one landing on Fluttershy's nose. With that taken care of, Buzz looked around and spotted another of his counselors wearing a cowboy hat with Mrs. Sparkle. He walked up casually to introduce himself. "Hi there, Mrs. Sparkle here recomended us to get aquanted with our conselors. My name is Buzz, what's yours?"

  3. Buzz had Rarity right where he wanted. "So you don't like spiders because they look different. Let's not think of how they eat all manors of harmful creatures, including moths. No, they don't look what some ponies call 'pretty' nothing even remotely related to spiders could be considered beautiful" Buzz gestured to a flawless, nearby spider web that was completly symmetrical and cast an accusing glare at her.

  4. Okay, I finally caught up on the whole thread!

    So now that I know it hasn't been discussed, Bugmaster, would you mind discussing different types of "bees" - all those kinds of stinging insects. I have a horrible phobia of them all and I think I would greatly benefit by knowing exactly which ones will leave me alone and which ones I should be rightfully wary of.

    I appaud your reading the whole thread, it's lengthy and shows your interest in Bugs. After I finish my Jumping Spider highlight, I'd be happy to. ;-)
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  5. "Hmmm?" Buzz checked his head and felt the familier feeling of a spider crawling on his hand. He held it up to his face. "Species Enoplognatha ovata" He said. "Yet to be given a common name by entomologists, so I just refer to them as Ovata spiders. Interesting spider really, their formidable predators despite their small size. Their diet consists of almost entirely of larger insects. She wont give us any trouble though" He let the spider crawl back up his arm. "Uh, sorry. I don't mean to rant. I just like to talk about bugs"

  6. Buzz meant to go meet the counselors together, but Cloud left before he could clarify. He merely shruged it off and finished unpacking before he left to introduce himself. He spoted the group of counselors conversing as he walked out of his cabin, but two of them left as he began to approach. He faced Fluttershy and spoke "Hi there, Mrs. Sparkle insisted that the campers introduced themselves to their counselors. My name is Buzz"

  7. "Nice to meet you too Tag" Buzz replied. As he did, a dragonfly flew into the cabin and landed on his shoulder. "I better give you a fair warning, I have a tendency to attract just about any kind of thing that could be considered a bug. If uh, any of them start to bother you, just let me know and I can get them to stop" He said as he held out his index and middle finger to the dragonfly so he could crawl onto it. "How's about you and me go meet our counselors like Mrs. Sparkle suggested?"

  8. Camp Entrance > Cabin 1

    Amost immediately after he stepped out of his carraige, a couple of moths flew torwards Buzz. He had that effect on insects. And spiders. And centipedes and millipedes. And crustacians. Really, just about anything that could be considered a "bug" was drawn to Buzz and vice versa. After he waited in line and gave his name to Twilight, he went to his assinged cabin to deposit his things. He was the first to arive, giving him dibs on whichever bed he wanted. He decided to take the single bed, thinking his other cabin mates wouldn't take to well to having any kind of bugs crawling in their's, and set about unpacking.

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