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Posts posted by Snowy

  1. Snowy was relieved to see that she was final at the top and out of that crowd. She looked around as she began to trot away from the entrance. The whole place looked like a regular carnival to her, but much more grandiose. With a shrug, she decided to just walk around and explore the place.

  2. Rocka opened her eyes to look up at China. "Hehe, why thank you. And I do take request, if you so like." She says with a grin and plays a short dance rift intro before returbing back to her original song. "Huh? My stallion friend?" She asks with a confused look and glances over at Metal. She chuckles as she looks back at China. "Oh, no, no, we don't really know each other."

  3. Neon giggled when she took the milk. He was so giddy right now. "Anything for you Viy!" He says with a bright grin

    Snowy nods with a smile as she follows Swash to the buffet. She briefly glances over to see her brother grinning at a blue maned unicorn and she shook her head, giggling a bit. She knew just how obsessed he was with Vinyl and she was happy for him that he finally got a chance to meet his idol face to face.

  4. I knew it felt that there was something else to add, I just decided to leave cause I'd probably go overboard with the editing. XD But I do understand that expanding on those points would help better her as a character. I'll do my best to make it better!

  5. Snowy began to open her mouth but suddenly her stomach gives off a loud growl. She blushes and covers it up with her hoof a bit embarrassedly. "S-Sorry...I..haven't eaten today.."

    Neon quickly trotted over after Vinyl after seeing her dunk her head in the punch bowl. "Are you alright M-Miss Scratch..?" he asks concernedly, hoping that his idol was okay.

  6. Snowy looks up at Grey and nods in response. She stood and flew up to find the tree he fell from. She flies over to the tree and begins pulling down the large leaves. After gathering several, she lands on the ground where she dropped them and nudges them onto her back before making her way back to the others.

  7. Snowy rubbed her head and looked up to see the pony she had ran into. Her ears went down nervously and she began to back away "I-..I'm sorry.." She says in a quietly shy voice as she continued to back up, stopping when she bumps into cloaked pony and she quickly turns around, bows her head apologetically. "F-Forgive me..." She moved away a bit more and decided to just keep still. Being in overly crowded places made her extremely uneasy and uncomfortable.

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