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Posts posted by Snowy

  1. "So am I..." Snowy whispers softly and her smile brightens a bit with half-lidded eyes as she leans closer to him as well. Completely captivated with his crystal blue eyes, golden fur, and chivalrous ways. The way he looked at her and spoke to her made her feel that she was a rare treasure to him, just as he was to her. Just his overall presence alone made her feel reassured and safe; that him being there with her, everything would be alright.

  2. Rocka resumes her sitting position under the tree from early and slides her guitar back onto her lap. She gently strums a few chords and begins to play a slow, relaxing piece that sounds different from the song before, but fits with the mood just as well. She softly hums along with the song as she closes her eyes while she plays.

  3. Snowy looked around. Why was everypony so excited about a carnival? And what exactly made this one so special? Although her curiosity was peeked about the whole situation, a slight twinge of uncertainty bubbled inside of her. She finally managed to squeeze out of the crowd and flew forward at an unsuspectedly fast speed, she wasn't able to stop herself fast enough before she flew into a pegasus that was further in front.

  4. Snowy curiously listened to the alicorn and watched as the huge swarm of ponies crowded onto the golden stairs. Attempting to walk away, she ends up getting bummed rushed by another large group of eager ponies and finds herself being moved involuntarily up into the stairs. She attempted to fly out, but seeing as she was squished from all sides by other ponies, she was trapped. Uh-oh... She thinks to herself.

  5. Snowy looks down at Echo and nods before turning her attention back up to the tree and knocks down a coconut, causing it to plummet to the ground and crack in half. She lands back onto the ground and grabs a half of the coconut shell. She trots over to another tree with a hole in it's trunk and secreting a sticky liquid, she collects the tree's sap into the shell and flies back over to Grey. She sets the shell down and delicately dips her hoof into the sap. Gently lifting up Grey's broken leg, she lightly rubs the sap on top and around the bandages, his leg feeling a tad better when the liquid touches him.

  6. Snowy looked up and tilted her head to the side confusedly. She had no idea why the pony was apologizing to her. She began to open her mouth to say something but it immediately snapped back shut. She simply shook her head to reassure him that he did nothing wrong. She then flew outside the cave and up to one of the trees, studying it closely

  7. Snowy grabbed a couple sticks and a large leaf and set them down next to her as she placed the two sticks on the sides of his broken leg like a splint. She held the sticks against his leg and began wrapping the large leaf around it two keep them together, she looks up at him shyly when he asks for her name. She slowly walks backwards to give him room when she finishes.

  8. Snowy sighs a bit before nodding slowly "Okay..fine..." Her eyes widen a bit hearing his description of the surprise and her mind buzzes with all the possiblities of what the surprise could possibly be to be called grandiose.She blushes when he nuzzles her and she nuzzles him back with a loving smile. She absolutely loved hearing Swash talk. The way he spoke, especially like this, always made her heart flutter.

  9. Snowy looks over at Swash when he sits next to her and smiles at him."Hehe..that's what we're known for.." She responds jokingly and blushes lightly as he holds her hoof with his. Her ears perk up at the mentioning of a surprise but fakes a frown when he says no hints will be given as to what it is. "Aww...but Swashy...then I'll have to spend most of the day trying to guess what it is..." She says in a bit of a whiny tone as she pouts slightly.

  10. Snowy looks around at the conversing ponies with a smile. She had really grown to love this place and everypony in it. It was definitely something to get used to at first; interacting with others and having a job that didn't require her to fly. Never before had she stayed in one place for as long as she has here, but she couldn't say that she hadn't enjoyed being here.However, the longing to have the wind on her face and the beckoning of the sky did make it a little difficult. She had to admit that she missed looking down at the towns below her as she flew around from place to place, and sleeping on overhead clouds. But, she couldn't complain. She was happy, because not only had she made more friends in one year than she had in her life, but she had also met probably the most charming and dashing stallion around, at least to her.

    Finding a spot off to the side, she sat down and waited for Swash, lost in her own thoughts.

  11. Neon nods enthusiastically, unable to stop smiling. Just the fact that he's speaking to his idol seems to have frozen the expression on his face.but..."Miss Scratch, I know this is going out on a limb here, but...I would be so honored if I could become your apprentice in the art of DJing..!" He exclaims in a hope-filled tone.

  12. Neon grins widely when Vinyl addresses him, he inhales deeply in an attempt to calm himself. "Oh my gosh, my name is Neon Scratch and I'm your hugest fan! You're the reason why I got my cutiemark! I've always wanted to follow in your hoofsteps to become a great DJ!" He rushes out in one breath the large grin still plastered on his face.

  13. Snowy blushes and turns her head to look at Swash, she giggles a bit. "Hehe, that's alright Swashy." She looks over at the currently starstruck Neon and smiles."I sure am.." Before she could finish she hears Grey call Swash. "Oh that's right, Grey had something to say to you."

    Neon, absolutely overwhelmed in excitement,begins to bounce up and down in a circle. "OhmygoshVinylScratchishereDJingtheparty!Ohmygoshohmygosh!"

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