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Posts posted by Bronykujo

  1. Sounds like maybe we live in the same state! Might you be anywhere near Seattle, and might you attend any brony meet-ups where we may meet fo' reals? :-o

    I actually live across the Puget Sound...just a ferry boat away. If I ever DID go to a meet-up, then we very well may collude.

  2. Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Salutations! Good day! Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag! Ni hao! Welcome! How are you?

    What kind of books do you read?

    Well, right now I'm reading a big ol' biography about Abe Lincoln and his election rivals. Before that I read a book called 'Ottoman Centuries' that goes over the entire history of the Ottoman Empire...so history!

  3. Welcome! Pretty cool to see somebody who enjoys American Football on here, I have this silly idea that most Bronies are really skinny dudes like myself. I hope you have a lot of fun here!

    Skinny? Not very actually! I used to play Guard and Tackle, so I'm a little heavy-set!

    Welcome to Canterlot! :D


  4. About Myself: I enjoy reading and playing American Football, and live in the rainy Pacific Northwest.

    How I found Canterlot.com: I used to come on here a lot.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Not sure, just kind of happened!

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
    Well, I figured I ought to re-introduce myself seeing as I'm actually back on the site!

    I am Bronykujo, Onikujo, Kujo, or any other assortment of nicknames people might feel inclined to call me, I love to RP, though I don't normally do Forum RP's. I love Fallout and Fallout Equestria. I also enjoy military style RP and things of that sort, as my new OC is supposed to be in the Royal Guard. I'm a pretty open person though, so feel free to talk to me about anything at all, be it random stuff or an RP idea you had!

    Signing back in,


  5. With a slight nod, she remembered Amy wanting to meet her in an hour. So she gently set down the hay she had gathered and gave Runner a weak smile.

    "Oh, well then I guess I'll see you in a bit Runner... thank you..."

    Without much thought, she moved forward and wrapped her hooves around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder in a hug. After a minute, she let him free and turned to trot away.

    "Be back in a little bit..."

  6. With a hesitant nod, Dawn decided to show up back here in an hour, although she had no idea what on earth for...

    "Don't worry! I'll be here!"

    Swiveling at the voice of the small colt, she glared at the little pony with an edge of contempt, with a slight huff she responded

    "It is a bit early, but we are in fact a war force, as odd as it seems, so you may want to get used to waking up a fairly... normal time"

    She really should be a bit nicer but the little colt was still fresh in her memory for ruining her emotional moment with Runner, and despite her best efforts she had a rather hard time with the prospect of forgiving him so soon.

    (Uguu, it's a bit short...sorry)

  7. The noise of Runner calling out in surprise made Dawning jump a bit as well, it took her a while to calm down though, still a bit on edge. Shaking her head and taking a deep breath she calmed herself.

    "You really should keep on where you're going dear... I would hate getting scruffier then I already am..."

    She took a few nips at her coat, pecking some random crap out as best as she could. She blinked, then started.

    "Listen, Sorry about yesterday, leaving like that... I was... In a bad place, I guess..."

  8. Dawning rubbed a hoof across her eyes, realizing they were probably still a bit red and puffy before forcing a chuckle. It took her a while to finally respond, and not really being the witty type, or being in a silly mood, she simply stated the facts bluntly, albeit with a few stammers and breaks in voice.

    "Normally, I don't have b-bad dreams... Especially not that bad..."

    Forcing a smile, she remembered how messy she was, and after blinking for a few moments she dropped her head.

    "I look pathetic right now, don't I?"

  9. Dawn awoke with a scream, her coat matted with dust and sweat. Quickly she covered her mouth with a hoof and looked around with distraught eyes.

    That dream was terrible and she found herself on the verge of another mental breakdown... No... She didn't have that luxury, now of all times she needed to keep her cool. Or at least fake her cool well enough to get her job done. And besides, she'd rather not make anypony worry too much for her when they all should be focused on their own affairs.

    Getting to her hooves hastily, she shook her head and cleaned her mane as best she could. She looked like a mess but at least she was back to a decent place. With a final glance at the scribbles in the sand from before, she turned and trotted back toward the camped out caravan, searching for Runner and Blackhoof.

  10. Dawning shifted and gently kicked her hooves, kicking up small clouds of dust as she fretted in her sleep. As much as she wanted to see her father in her dream, things were wrong. She was clearly not enjoying the dream, she sat in her home, specifically the living room. Everything was thrown about as if somepony had just gone about a looting spree. Glancing around it became apparent the ponies responsible were still present, in face, they were in the next room as a few small pieces of china were flung through the doorway. A few screams sent Dawning's skin tingling in fear.

    Out of the same doorway, a small mare... Dawning's sister, followed by her mother dashing into the living room in a haste. Dawn tried to wave, but her hooves seemed glued in place and her voice refused to respond. Only a meek squeaking sound came from her open mouth as soldiers came into the room from both open doors, two blocking the door as another two moved into the room toward the two mares.

    The ponies spoke as if they were underwater, the voices hard to make out, only the body language easy to read. And what she was seeing was wrenching at her insides. The soldiers has her Mother and sister in a corner, advancing slowly with they're weapons ready, one of them had his weapon away and appeared to be announcing charges. Dawn went pale as the soldiers moved in and grabbed her sister, who was kicking and screaming and dragged her out, and as her mother was grabbed by another two soldiers, she remained totally limp, staring at her daughter being dragged off.

    Dawn wanted to turn away, scream out or anything but she was planted in place. She fell onto her haunches and trembled. This what not her hope for a dream, it was wrong and she wanted out. She tried to call out to her mother, but again, nothing, only a silent peep sound as her mother was dragged past totally non-responsive, the only thing giving a hint that she was responsive were the tears streaming down her face and staining her white coat a slightly darker shade of white. As much as she wanted to escape, nothing worked. As the soldiers left, everything became eerily silent. Only the heaving of Dawns own broken and sorrow filled breaths remained. She lay down and covered her face as she sobbed the rest of the dream away.

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