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Posts posted by WhiteSlash

  1. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Plaid Haze.

    Sex: Female.

    Age: Young Mare.

    Species: Earth Pony

    Coat Color: Maroon/Burgandy.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Completely white in the style of a Mohawk. The tail is kept in a tail wrap and mostly bushy. Missing part of her ear. Three black freckles on her cheeks.

    Eye Color: Hazel eyes.

    Cutie Mark: A tribal treble clef infront of a plectrum.

    Physique: Tall sporty build.

    Origin: Hailing from a faraway land her family arrived and set up in Manehattan. Since then she has became mostly nomadic where she drifts from place to place. Suprisingly close family ties.

    Occupation: Currently busking across Equestria. Previously lead guitarist for The Filly Force Five

    Motivation: Always striving to be different she took it upon herself to persue her dream of music. This alongside the need to make money for her family became her main reason for success. Before The Filly Force Five she had a short career with another band. During her time with the two bands she learned that she just genuinely loves to play music. Possessing an unbelieveable ability to shread guitar and alongside a suprisingly great vocal palet she took to the streets. Here she practices and is constantly striving to meet perfection at what she does. Every single profit she sends to her family and friends.


    • Loud music.
    • Family values.
    • The bonds of friendship.
    • Trustworthy ponies.
    • Guitar and singing.
    • Cold weather.
    • Ponies who stand up for themselves.


    • Power hungry ponies.
    • Rich snobby ponies.
    • Spicey foods.
    • Warm weather.
    • Awkward silences and silence of any form.
    • Self failure.

    Dress Sense: Whilst her dress sense appears dark and gritty at first glance her true sense is conveyed by how she handles herself. Whilst just liking her appearance and what she wears, she is a strong believer in not wearing a "social" uniform. Her clothes dont represent who she is, because she doesnt want them to.

    Personality: A natural perfectionist and very cocky. Though for someone with those traits she does suprisingly well not to let them go to her head. A strong individual whom is always first to throw her hoof in the air for what she believes in. Being very courageous and the complete opposite of shy, she tackles everything head on. She thrives under pressure and conflict and dislikes being confined to silence for long periods of time. Family values take priority over everything.

    Character Summary: Whilst growing up in a very supporting family she was naturally headstrong and believed she didnt need them as much as she would soon realise she would. When her family hits financial chaos their thoughts were placed squarly on their children. Whilst her siblings were too young to do anything Plaid seen her parents devotion and took to the streets to make money with her natual talent.

    They soon pulled through and Plaid vowed that it would never happen again. As soon as she could she shot for independance and got a place of her own. She paid for everything by busking. Eventually she hit a big time break with a band and gained substancial profits from this venture. Every bit of the money was sent back to her family.

    Soon after this she encountered her soon to be best friends forever. Rabble Rouser, Vivre Vrai, Plan B and JD. They became the Filly Force Five and so began the chapter of her life she would find herself missing every day. The band gained phenonemal cult following but no major success. So eventually they disbanded.

    Since then she has took to the streets once more. Now she busks from town to town and city to city. Everynow and again money will fly back to her family or appear to each of her ex band mates in the form of odd gifts suited to their personality. With every chord she strikes and note she hits the feels a deep yearning for her old friends and the times they shared.

    Plaid's song: “It weren’t supposed to end up like this, the deal with V2 it went up tits. Cos now i reside down at the clubs, I tell all the bands just how it’s done. Listen lasses I’ve had my time, Wish you coulda seen me in my prime. Yeah me and the boys yeah we were fame back stage at canter with the modcropped manes".

    Young Mare Plaid and Filly Plaid:


  2. Let me try to come up with a few names. 2ry6qgz.jpg THINKING

    How about:

    Bright Bubbles

    Bright Eyes


    Barb Dwyer

    Bobbie Sox

    Belle Bottoms

    Bunny Bare

    Big Bertha

    Im thinking very feminine as it is something the character wouldnt like, also im leaning towards Bright Eyes :D

  3. Reading the application, I feel the character has a lot of potential, but I still have several questions regarding her.

    Is PlanB also a nickname along with Bee, or is this her true name? If her true name, why did her parents call her this?

    Didn't her folks search for her? Feels like a rather weak reason to abandon home and family just because classes were not to her liking.

    I think you mean the band breaking up or dispersal,; departure sounds like they left her behind or something similar rather then the band ending.

    My main question though involves her cutie mark, which you described thusly: "Cutie Mark: A Cog behind a triangular test tube filled with a red colourful liquid. It symbolises her talent for inventing things. The cog representing the machinery side of things, whilst the test tube represents the science side." This is all well and good in itself but I do not understand how a special talent that involves invention, especial associated with machinery and science jives with her using her magic (and music brewing) to dispel a magical curse placed on her friend. Like I said, the cutie mark is perfectly fine, it just does mix with the origin story at all.

    I changed the bits in question. Magic no longer features into her cure. Her musical talent is the same as Applejack being a pro at what she does and baking, Music is just a small talent she possesses. The curse was lifted alone by her inventive skills and as for her name, Plan B is a nickname, she resents her real name. :) I hope its okay now :D

  4. I've stated that JD had been cursed and that Bee did infact use her inventive skills to help her. JD was distressed due to the curse and that the cutie mark represents her natural talent and the two sides to it. The cutie mark doesnt mean much to her as she had bigger plans. Her parents are also mentioned more at the end. :D

  5. What caused her to run away from home?

    She cured JD of her shyness... or her being mute? I'm pretty sure muteness can't be cured. Also, this says nothing about an invention. Did she use an invention to help her friend? Why was JD distressed in the first place? I mean, what does the Cutie Mark represent? What does it mean to Bee?

    Also, where are her parents now? Did she ever got back to them?

    This is a pretty good Application though. :)

    I just clicked on a way to sort pretty much all of that! :D

    Also her reason for running away is explained in her Origin :)

    Thanks for the input!

  6. for an english paper (hides again, looks both ways, comes out) where you had to compare a book to another piece of literature, would you/have you ever you MLP just to see if you could get away with it and still pass?

    Having been off on study leave for a while and only recently becoming a brony, I havent. I might though :L :D

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