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Status Replies posted by WhiteSlash

  1. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

  2. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

    1. WhiteSlash


      Also you've got English vocab, then ya got Scottish. Its alot different :D

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  3. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

    1. WhiteSlash


      Yano something. I will never understand the phrase. "Thats the dogs bollocks" :L Whats so great about that dogs bollocks D:

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  4. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

    1. WhiteSlash


      He's moved away from Americanisims though. Like instead of sidewalk he will say pavement and instead of Apartment he'll say Flat XD

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  5. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

    1. WhiteSlash


      I have no idea XD I have a friend at my School who used to live in Michigan and due to this he has the oddest accent because of the mix :L

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  6. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

    1. WhiteSlash


      I know :L Its just a general assumption. Just like how alot of people expect Americans to sound Texan :L

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

    1. WhiteSlash


      I just have a Scottish accent :L Can't say much else about it XD And no. I dont sound like Sean Connery :L

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

  9. Need better mic to record myself D:

  10. I SHALL BE AWAY! DRUNK! I might even be on posting drunk later O_o That'll be fun :D

  11. I SHALL BE AWAY! DRUNK! I might even be on posting drunk later O_o That'll be fun :D

  12. I SHALL BE AWAY! DRUNK! I might even be on posting drunk later O_o That'll be fun :D

  13. I SHALL BE AWAY! DRUNK! I might even be on posting drunk later O_o That'll be fun :D

  14. Well I may be a beggar and you may be the queen and I may be on a downer, Im still ready to dream!

  15. Well I may be a beggar and you may be the queen and I may be on a downer, Im still ready to dream!

  16. Sadface *sigh* D:

  17. I may have fractured my foot D: We await results! :D

  18. I may have fractured my foot D: We await results! :D

  19. WELL! I am going to finally get some work done on The Filly Force Five chapter 3!! :D

  20. WELL! I am going to finally get some work done on The Filly Force Five chapter 3!! :D

  21. Im so cute that im off to sleep with because then It wont be so long till I get to see my girlfriend tomorrow :D

  22. Im so cute that im off to sleep with because then It wont be so long till I get to see my girlfriend tomorrow :D

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