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Status Updates posted by WhiteSlash

  1. Me and this guitar are going swinging blind into the unknown!

  2. (8)When did Punk become so safe!? When did the scene become a joke!? The kids who used to live for beer and speed! Now want their fries and coke!(8)

  3. I update this too much xD

  4. Close your eyes and count to ten. My mouth has spoken without asking my mind again (8)

  5. I feel sullied and unusual

  6. The Spice Must Flow

  7. Go sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here.

  8. I dont even. What is up with me lately XD D:

  9. (8)Kitty at my foot and I want to touch it!(8) XD

  10. Watching the Green Hornet movie makes me totally want to do a "Super Hero" OC XD

  11. Looking to get more involved with the Mane RP, so If anyone has anything open feel free to ask :)

  12. My grr face is displayed!

  13. (8) And all I wanted was a kiss! All I wanted was a chance tonight!(8)

  14. When the going gets wierd. The wierd turn pro.

  15. You want a revolution! You gotta make a difference on your own!

  16. I aim to misbehave!

  17. Throw your fist, to the ground! Beat by beat as the blows rain down!

  18. Well. Im hung over and have a date in like 3 hours. Well buck.

  19. Chapter 3 of my Fanfic is going to be a musical! :D

  20. I only want to see the! I only want to see the kind of girl you are!

  21. Learning the lyrics to This Is The Place :D

  22. You’re not like those other girls, With long blonde hair and perfect smiles, Baby you’re not hour glass thin, And yeah you’re far from tall. But on my scorecard you’re still a perfect 10

  23. Depending on how the next few classes of music go, me and my friends might form a band :D

  24. Set phasers to hug!

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