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Posts posted by WhiteSlash

  1. Oh this looks fun XD

    1.Favorite FiM Episode - Over A Barrel.

    2.Two Favorite Unicorns - Colgate and Twilight!

    3.Favorite Brony Artist - I don't know much but I'd say Brian Blackberry

    4.Favorite Brony Musician - Im not actually a fan of alot of them. I like the songs from FIW though XD

    5.Your Nickname - I get horrible nicknames for my username. Either Slasher or Whitey D:

    6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader - Sweetie Belle!

    7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one) - If I could count young filly Rabble Rouser I'd say her. But I'll go with JD

    8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some) - Don't have any, recently turned Rabble into a human and thats been pretty fun.

    9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team? - Applejack. She can buck the zombies plus she'd be great for banter.

    10.Dream Job - Actor! But that won't happen XD

    11.Favorite Food - OH. Theres so many...I'll just say pizza. I can't go wrong with that.

    12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody - Tough tie between FIW and the .MOVs

    13.Favorite Ship - I dont really have one to be honest O_O

    14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie - Deffinetly Twilight!

    15.Favorite Pony Quote - "Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddle the issue!"

    16.Favorite Movie Quote - "Time for some thrilling heroics" Firefly XD

    17,Favorite Number - 7!

    18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most. - Oh. That's really I hard...I can't say :L

  2. Crap... I had a busy weekend... Oh well, best of luck to you with the rp!

    Im unsure of whats happening with members just now to be honest. So maybe stick around for a bit as we do have places in the houses available. I think you would need to use 2 OC's to keep the balance of the current amount though. I'd have to check with the other GM's :)

  3. ALRIGHT! EVERYONE! We are going to start. First off. Let me explain the basis. As their are 4 current GM's we will be running six threads (Crazy right). Thread 1 will be used for OOC chat and announcements. Thread 2 will be for chat's at break, lunch and during time spent in the houses you were assigned. Threads 3,4,5,6 will be the class threads ya got that?. THIS WILL BE IN 18+ Im sure you all know that though XD

    Hoofington High: Arts & Science [Private] Ran by WhiteSlash (me XD)

    Hoofington High: Magic & Flight [Private] Ran by Cainiam

    Hoofington High: Pe & History [Private] Ran by Walker

    Hoofington High: Maths & Alchemy [Private] Ran by TheBlueMage

    Hoofington High OOC [Open for now] Group Moderation

    Hoofington High: Breaks & House Chat [Private] Group Moderation

    We will all be starting in the Breaks & House Chat thread. There you will introduce yourself to your roommates and await an announcement from the principal (Cainiam). By the time that post is made we will have made class schedules which we will PM to you. (so you can meet each other in class and be like hey!) HERES THE IMPORTANT PART. The principal updates will have each day. They will be posted in character on this thread. SO CHECK BACK OFTEN.

    When posting in the Breaks & House Chat thread make sure to highlight at the top of your post, your location. That makes it easier for house members to find each other when reading through everything okay. Alright. Bare in mind that this is a trial run for now and things may get hectic. We urge you to bare with us :) Everypony have fun and enjoy yourselves okay!

    Alright! Here is how character relations and ages will work:

    We will give you physical descriptions of these characters when the class threads start XD



    Iron Will:40





    Big Mac:29


    Students: 16-21.

    The Mane 6 will not know each other. So if you do get to play as one, don't expect 6 best friends right off the bat

    PS. Check page 1 for your houses! XD

  4. Right now I is 20% less cuz u cannot be free to play anyone. I will fill out a form when it is confirmed I can play Pinkie, as well as Derpy. That's it, I don't use my OC in humanize or anthro RP

    Listen. Queen. I can see that you reeaally want to play Pinkie or any cast character in general. I respect your enthusiasm. But you really must understand how we're handling this. We want to start off small with just OC's. If you cant adhere to the rules set in place then we are sorry for the inconvienience.

    Name: Wade Wilson

    Personality: insane and wise cracking

    Slight history: was injected with a healing factor to stop death from cancer as a child

    Current life: Owns many weapons, but keeps them at home, lives the life of a mercenary who goes by the title of "Deadpool", often getting caught up in crimes and other things

    Home: ghetto

    (Note: I'm not gonna do anything over the top this time around)

    Okay. First off this is Equestria. Its a nice place. A friendly place. Though we did mention that alcohol and drugs exist we would rather keep that side of the RP moderated. The OC's we are going for are OC's you would see in every day Equestria okay? Also your current app lacks a few details. Please check the original post for a reference on what should be included".

  5. Attention. This is the last part of information we need to relay. FIRSTLY. Voting is over. Humanized has won. So I would like to kindly ask you all to take that into account for your app's. Also this might sound mean but we are looking for moderately big apps okay :) Everyone have fun now!

    UPDATE! Snowy's apps! They represent what we are looking for app wise :)

  6. To clear this up for everyone I shall state a few things regarding appearance. SO!

    Humanized: So humanized in this RP would work like this. Regular human appearance with minor changes. Example. A unicorn would have a horn, ears and tail(Tails are still in discussion :L). Donkey's would have floppy ears and a tail, Griffons would have claws, wings and a lions tail. You lot get the idea.

    Anthro: Is basically what fireraven said. Human shape with fur, ears tails etc.

    Pony: Im sure this is fairly obvious.

  7. Name: Rabble Rouser


    HUMANIZED- Tall, about 5'11. Sporty build and frame, she likes to keep fit. Scale of 1 to 10..Deffinite 8. She tends to wear a thin leather like jacket with sleeves pulled up to her elbows. Underneath can be a variety of band brand shirts, vests etc. She wears half tartan half denim jeans that are tight fit. The jeans are adorned with various buckles and zips. Combat boots or baseball boots. Her hair is shaved at the left. The rest swoops down over her right eye in a jagged spiked pattern with the hair on the right side short but not shaven. Her hair is bright red with white stripes throughout it. Various piercings such as eyebrow rings, tounge bar and various earrings. Usually wears a beanie hat with the bobbles at either side and in the centre at the top. Random wrist bands etc.

    Personality: Rousey is a highly rebellious individual. She had no intent on confroming to a norm so she can fit it. Ponies who accepts her for what she is what she hopes to find. Whilst very accident prone and a severe party animal, she will pull her act together when issued a challenge. She is extremely strong willed and as such refuses to give up when the going gets tough. Whilst being a lyrical poet she tends to hide this side of herself. She is embaressed of her more creative passionite side. She enjoys making others smile with her musical talent. Feeling the music that she creates is a special outlet for adolescent ponies. She uses this skill to not only spread joy and the feeling of acceptance to other but to also honour her sadly departed parents. She cites one of her heroes as Johnny Trotten. Scared of bugs XD

    Slight history: At a young age she sadly lost her parents. Her father being known as Gentlemane Jack and her Mother Tia Mareia She and a few other valuables were saved from the incident. Rousey was placed in the care of her loving aunt and uncle. As she grew she became more and more fond of the other surviving materials from her old house, namely her parents records from when they were her age.

    Upon closer inspection she discoverd, hidden away amongst the dusty old musical masterpieces, a list. A list containing several songs and the way they made her parents feel, or when they first heard it when they first met. It was then she realised the joy and happiness these songs brought her parents. She left home at a young age with what little money she had and bought her first instrument. After many sleepless nights she mastered the art and began to write lyrics. During this time she met her 4 friends Vivre Vrai, Plan B, Plaid Haze and JD. As soon as she could, she left for Hoofington High.

    Current life: Having formed a band with her friends she has actually gained moderate success for such a young age. Still intent of passing through school she looks forward to having fun and kicking back.

    Part time job: Income for her rent is generated by odd jobs she does and her Band the Fox Force Five.

    Home: Yet do be decided.


    Name: Plan B is her nickname, never revealed her real name as she is embarresed of it. Her friends call her Bee. She wont let her parents tell her friends her real name either. She says her name is too girly, It's BellaDonna.



    Imagine that but with green and pink hair and a yellow unicorn horn. She shows off her more musical inspired side with her militaristic dress sense. It acts as a statement. Alongside her eccentric style, her unusual dress sense matches her unique personality.

    Personality: Her most defineing characteristic is her personality. She demonstrates borderline crazyness. Whilst meeting destructive explosions and near death experiences with child like laughter she can also show a serious side when she must concentrate. She fails to recognise sarcasm and is oblivious to the fact that her friends view her "experiments" as dangerous. Plan B is very accident prone, though with a very cheerful personality she bounces back from almost any experience. She is random yet serious. Funny yet scary. She is the living embodiment of the word eccentric. She hopes to better the world both with music and her inventions. She really just wants to help people and share her fun past times with them. She loves to give and then recieve little. When she isnt dropping sick drum beats ofcourse. Scared of water.

    Slight History: Born in Canterlot she found herself resenting the life of class. As soon as she graduated, she left Canterlot to pursue her independence and flare for invention. After moving away from her home she soon encountered her soon to be pff's (pony friend forever) JD. Whilst JD was naturally shy, she revealed she had been cursed by her parents. A curse removing her ability to speak alltogether. Plan B took it upon herself to help her friend in distress. After many a late night she finally managed to cure her. Via her inventive skills she brewed a concoction to cure her ailment. JD explained that her family cursed her to keep her from revealing their secrets. It was at this moment that she recieved her cutie mark. This only served as fuel for her burning passion for invention, but the short sighted pony had bigger dreams. She and her friend took off in search of musical stardom. Thus The Fox Force Five was formed.

    Current Life: She works in a Gadget store in Manehattan selling her various inventions. Next door to her Best friend JD's Vet. Spends most of her time doing what she loves.

    Part time job: Noted above :)

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