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Posts posted by DarkAI

  1. Well There are theories out there that suggest every time we make a choice a new universe is formed in witch we made another choice to the Same situation so in all likely hood ponies could exist trough a long series of alt universes decisions could have shaped Equestria in to a actual place

  2. Personally, I never understood the controversy with these particular videos at all. :/

    I agree there are always going to be people who shun other things that are on the rise for reasons they will tell us and reasons they wont, also people are always looking for reasons to be offended so they have a reason to argue and be over all bitter about it and the twist it in some way to blame the other side of the political spectrum

    The first one linked in Rosewind's post is from a local Fox affiliate, not the cable network. What is said is ignorant as can be, but it's not being said by "Fox News", it's being said by some nobodies on a broadcast station only seen in one area, not a national news source.

    The second video (which isn't even all that critical) was on actual Fox News, but it's from Red Eye, which isn't so much a news program as much as a satire/humor based entertainment program presented in the middle of the night, so I really don't know what people are expecting there.

    Also I would like to thank you for pointing out that the Title and Whole reason for Posting this topic was improperly labled

    Really it just seems to me kind of like people are all too quick to lash out at Fox News, when in this case they didn't really do anything, at least directly.

    Its all part of the lame stream Media Agenda When some one pokes there head above the water and starts making waves that threaten to Expose things that they don't want exposed They are Slandered And demonized and some times Even goes as far As Declaring War on that people in that Organization Or on the organization them self

  3. We brainwash people into joining the herd! LET THEM ALL SEE THE LIGHT!

    We arent brainwashing anyone that would require warping there minds and being sneaky and cunning We are just showing them the show and saying watch it

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