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Posts posted by Autumn

  1. How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: the webmaster twilight

    herro every pony! just saw the forums had to change over so guess i had to make a new account:(.

    I think you may be slightly mistaken.

  2. Moving topic to RP question section. :sleep::Luna: :Luna: :Luna: :Luna:

    Just continue to use [WIP] or [FINAL] etc in the topic title.

    For the RP helpstaff to look out for tiny little grey tags to find out your application's status is a pain in the arse.

    The new prefixes are for organisational reasons.

    Not everything we change here are specifically for the User's benefit. Need to help the staff too.

  3. This is not a question directed at the Board's staff. Moving topic.

    The board (canterlot.com) does not follow US movie ratings or age classification.

    We try to operate on a "Suitable for all ages" basis as there is no restriction on registration based on age or level of consent.

  4. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████






































    From: http://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/825-artax-wallpaper/

    • Like 5
  5. I can't start new topics yet, so I guess I'll ask this here for now...

    The in-depth descriptions of species/cities in the rp section come up as error messages. Is it because I'm a new member or are the pages broken?

    To my knowledge, The 'world & Lore' section within the 'World of Equestria' contains information given to those who have created and an approved character.

    Please see the Character applications for more information or ask one of the RP Helpstaff who will happily guide you through the process.

    A large portion of Canterlot.com is dedicated towards the World of Equestria RP which requires application.

  6. Hiya,

    Welcome to Canterlot!

    You may be in the lead for the longest introduction given (that's actually relevant to the point of the introduction) :blush:

    You've 2 posts to go before released into the wild!

    And yes, I am a furry (waits for the insta-hate to descend, even on a pony forum where love and tolerance should be the order of the day.) I don't think furrys ruin MLP fandom, (well I wouldn't of course). Not going to rant about this, not here, just check my fanfiction resume to see if you find anything the slightest bit objectionable, especially my MLP fanfiction.

    Most of the staff here are furs, so I wouldn't expect much hate in this community.

    Heck, you'll even find me at the regular London Fur Meets.

    - Artax

    Equine fursuit builder.

  7. As Tales said, 5 is the limit.

    Your inbox currently has a large quota of 150 messages.

    Donators don't have the option for more as in most cases when the perk period runs out the donator is placed back into their original group. (see donation tab on main menu for details of perks)

    Why? ...the PM system is not a chatroom system. It's just a little feature to CC someone in on a message.

    Why don't we add more? ...to prevent further instances of spam, uses resources for over a thousand members and simply because it's not a chatroom.

  8. lol... paranoid Americans.


    canterlot.com is protected, bound by and governed by UK law. You can find more detail here: http://www.legislation.gov.uk

    Our content is protected under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic works.

    We can and will continue to link to youtube videos (only) to display our favourite show.

    The reason we'll use youtube is it's size and attention. If they decide or are forced to pull the show from their servers then we'll, as a consequence, also not have access to the content. We won't have to lift a finger.

    Anyway... stop scaremongering and don't worry about the latest Intellectual Property rules. There have been LOTS of 'scary' rules put in place in the past and the intarweb tubes are still around. There will be MANY more in the future.

    Fact is, if you didn't licence it, buy it or make it; it's not yours. *shrugs*

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