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Posts posted by Autumn

  1. Hmm, still no fix for the Internet Explorer issue? I know getting another browser is the answer but considering IE is out there everywhere, shouldn't this be worked out?

    One reason I ask is because I'm only allowed to use IE in the office. IE 9 to be exact. I can use firefox but if the IT guys find out I'm toast lol.

    Please speak to Mibbit about supporting older browsers and Internet explorer.

    We did not make the web-based clients.

    If you're still stuck, please download a desktop client such as MiRC or other and use that instead, connecting to irc.esper.net on channel #canterlotcentral.

    Final word.

    Closing thread.

  2. Difficult to really say because it could be thin ice we're stomping on.

    Example: After season 1 we were quite reluctant to put much emphasis on Zebra breeds since we knew so little. And with a Season 2 (and now Season 3 confirmed) we didn't want to go making assumptions and plans that could end up contradicting what we may later learn in episodes.

    We do have, of course, the Free-for-all RP area where you can RP whatever scenarios the space between your ears can come up with.

    But for the World-of-Equestria, we'll always be cautious and work hard to not contradict our favourite show in the whole universe (after the Neverending Story).

  3. Hiya,

    I'm sorry this has taken so long to get looked into. By now I'm sure everyone knows why I've not been about.

    Anyway... can those affected please PM me with the email address they used to make the donation with.

    For an unknown reason the donation tracker that automatically upgrades you didn't work or even register any names.

    What I do have is, of course, the paypal activity... but unfortunately not one person placed their Canterlot.com user name in the payment notes so I've no idea who's who. :(

    Once you've sent me a message I can look you up and hopefully fix things pronto!

    I can only apologise for it not working, I've just updated the mod, and I understand if any users who donated and have been waiting for the perks are wanting a refund. If asked, it will be honoured. I'd like to ask that you contact me rather than make a paypal dispute as that can affect other users wanting to contribute to our community in the future if we don't have a squeaky clean rep with the seervice.

    Thanks for you patience.

  4. Well, I tried to upload it to my album "Misc. Art", under the parent album "Canterlot Community Art". The files were about 2.4 megabytes in size, but seeing as we are given a so-called infinite amount of storage space, that shouldn't pose a problem.

    Upload below 2mb.

    Storage space is the total amount of disk space I allow you to have to contain your art collection. In this case, you have unlimited storage. Generous, I know. :P

    It is not representative of a server limitation of a maximum size of around 2mb per individual file.

  5. Did you not notice that error message there on both your screen shots?

    "To protect your security, Internet Explorer has blocked...."

    Read everything on your screen and follow your browser's instructions.

    I've changed a few things.

    Click on the ChatRoom icon on the front page now.

  6. Everything Skye said.

    Plus, please be as accurately descriptive as possible... By 'Chatbox' you mean the icon that says 'Chat Room'? (need to make sure you're looking at the right website)

    For us to help, you need to describe everything exactly as you see it. Otherwise we don't know what other items may be exaggerated or made-up.

    Screen shots can also help.

    Things to check:

    None of those silly 'noscript' addons in your browser.

    The Chat client is using Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX) so be sure you have the latest version of Java installed.

  7. Also, just asking, why no "Fluttershy" option on the "My one favourite main cast pony?" question? And really I don't have a 'favorite' of the six of them so I regret that question being mandatory to make this post without there being an option for that... .

    Problem is... she's so quiet you hardly notice her.

    I've fixed the options now.

  8. Ok so Apparently the Admin wants a "proper Introduction" ok so he ask He shall get

    Hello all I am William cawley I live in Ny and I have beena brony since I first saw the rainboom epsisode on the hub MY OC carter is named Airmarshall Star

    He was in both pony wars I am a world traveler and Have been to the following countrys ENGLAND,IRELAND,GERMANY and know them very good I was hoping that I would'nt run into any trouble but apparently their are those who mis use their postions that is all thank you and bye

    Providing an introduction is part of the terms of service provided to you on registration.

    You clicked the tick-box to confirm that you have read the terms of service, understand to comply with the knowledge that failing to follow the rules will result in the possibility of your account being removed.

    You cannot moan because you failed to follow the rules.

  9. Artax clenches his teeth on the stiff green plastic, taking a firm grip on the object.

    Analytical but bright eyes never leaving their target, a group of seemingly unexpected ponies talking to one another or pawing at the sand.

    He slowly guides his head to his right and continues till he feels the pull of neck muscles.

    A wave crashes on a sandy shore.

    In an instant, like a coiled spring, his head snaps forward letting go of the shiny green disk sending it hurtling in a steady wide arc towards the crowd.

    "Frisbee!" he calls.

    Who will catch it?

    Who knows?

  10. Not sure if it's a bug, or just a broken link, but I'll post this here, nevertheless.

    Name: The new 'Roleplay Portal' is looping me back to the main Canterlot page--it was working this morning when I clicked it, but now every time I click it it takes me back to the main Canterlot page.

    Section: Front page of the forums, the 'Roleplay Portal'

    Browser: Google Chrome, and tried it in Firefox just cuz I had it open. Same result.


    And yes, I know some of the forum sections in there say 0 posts.

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