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Posts posted by JAKJAK291

  1. "Alex Trebek: Right, right.. say, let's move on to Final Jeopardy, that should be a lot of fun. And the category is: The Federalist Papers. Wait, wait, I'm sorry, that's my bad. That's for regular "Jeopardy", which we'll be taping later today. Your category is: Horsies. All you have to do is tell me "Are Horsies pretty?" [ the Final Jeopardy music starts as the celebrities scribble some answers ] Yes or no, we'll except either answer. "Are Horsies pretty?". Keep in mind, there's no wrong answer. [ music stops, Alex approaches the podiums ] Let's see what all of you wrote, starting with you, Mr. Cage, and you wrote.. and you're podium is gone..

    Nicholas Cage: I don't know where it went, I'm confused.

    Alex Trebek: You lost you podium? I don't see.. you know what - I don't care. "

    I think this is appropriate for the situation. And the gameshow Idea does sound like a lot of fun and I'd like to join in.

  2. Pinoak took a moment to settle in his seat.

    "A long time ago, there was this little hovel in the forests of the Apponachian mountains. In this hovel lived the Ponard Couple.

    These two ponies have lived in this hut for many a year, living off of their land, taking care of their seven dogs, and doing things that any normal couple would do.

    One day, the wife of the Ponard couple got a letter from her sister in Manehattan, saying that she was deathly ill. In response, the wife of the Ponard couple packed a suit case and started to head out the door.

    "I'll be back in a week hon. Remember to take care of the dogs. And when you go out for their daily walk, remember to keep an eye out on Biscut. He likes to run off whenever he gets the chance."

    She promptly kisses her husband good bye and heads off down the road to Manehattan.

    A short while after, he leases his dogs, and they all start heading down their walking trail. Several hours later, his dog, Biscut, caught a scent, and started to struggle at the leash.

    "Easy ther' Biscut. What's ther matter wit you?"

    Biscut pulled at his leash, even harder.

    "Biscut, calm do- woah WOAH! BISUCT GIT BACK HERE!" The pony shouted at his running dog.

    The husband tied his dogs up to the tree nearest him, and ran off after his dog Biscut.

    He searched for many hours, hiking through the woods, calling high and low after his lost dog, but to no avail. HE meandered his way back to his other dogs left at the tree, and took them home.

    That night, as he went to sleep, he heard a strange noise from outside his window.


    Thinking that it was just the wind, he rolled away from it and fell into his dreams.

    In the morning, he woke up, got himself some breakfast, and then went to check on his dogs. He opened the door to see a strange creature sitting on the trail that led to town.

    It was a small black creature, about the size of a large cat, with a 3 foot long tail and had big, pure white eyes with tiny pupils staring right into his. He couldn't look away. He felt like it was staring right into his soul.

    After what felt like hours, the creature whispered, "Pontrikek". The pony blinked, and the creature was gone.

    "I mus be imaginin things." And the pony went to check up on his dogs, and when he opened the door to their living area, they all barreled past the pony, leaving only another creature that looked like the one before, but had Biscut's fur color.

    "Pontrikek," it whispered.

    The startled pony blinked once more, and the creature disappeared.

    He ran out of the dog's home and started to call and search for his dogs.

    "Pouchy!! SLINKER!!! HOSPO!!!!"

    He called for until Luna's moon was high, and to exhausted to search anymore, he retired to his home.

    That night, he heard the faint whispering of "Pontrikek," and it scared him.

    When the sun came up, he heard it again, "Pontrikek"

    The frightened stallion ran through his tiny home and swung open the front door, looking for the creature. But there was none. He turned to head back inside when he heard it again, "Pontrikek."

    When he turned to see the noisemaker, he saw a different creature, looking like another of his dogs.

    "Pontrikek," it whined before it ran into the woods.

    The pony ran after it until it turned a corner and disappeared.

    From off in the disantance, he heard three cries of "Pontrikek"

    And like he did before, he galloped to where he thought he heard it. And like before, he saw three of the creatures, with different markings similar to his dogs.

    "Pontrikek Pontrikek PONTRIKEK!" they screamed as they ran back towards his house.

    When the pony ran back, he looked around the yard for the creatures. But he could not find them.

    He went back inside to find something in which he could defend himself. After a minute of frantic search, he found his old wood axe.

    "Pontrikek, Pontrikek, Pontrikek, Pontrikek, "

    The pony whipped his head up and stared out the window, finding three more of the creatures. He ran to his front door. Blocked. Then his back door, BLOCKED. He ran to his room and slammed the door, locking it and then barricading it.

    Satisfied that it was secure he turned around to see the black creature once more, with it's Big white eyes staring into the depths of his soul.


    The week ended and the wife came back home, and went to unpack her belongings from the trip.

    She called for her husband, but there was no response.

    "He must be out walkin the dogs. He'll be back soon."

    She went to her room, opened the door, and saw one of the creatures, with the fur colored like her husbands."

    (OOC: Sorry it took a while to respond. I've been busy with school and haven't had a chance. Hope y'all understand. Also, please let me know what you think of it. I'm not much of a writer and would like some critiques.)

  3. "Let's here your voice! Or at least some of your tribal drumming. If you look in the back of my wagon, you should find some sort of drums. If not, grab some pots and hop up beside me. If you don't want to sing, I'll do it myself." Pinoak smiles, " And Story, if you'd like you can play the lute. Then we'll be a little traveling band. It'll make the trip to Canterlot a lot shorter."

  4. There are so many to choose from, I just love so many. But some of my favorites include:


    Maddest Hatter -

    Mr. Scary Live from Beast in the East


    Rainbow Connection

    It's Not Easy Being Green

    Mr. Bass Man

    Our World



    Other Song:

    Pinball Wizard

    Welcome Home

    Harderbetterfasterstronger/ Around the world (Daft Punk Live)

    Many Many others that I can't think of.

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  5. "Hmm? Oh, this is my pocket watch. It tells the time. Have you not seen one before?" Pinaok pauses for a moment, "Well, you'll see a lot of other things when we get to Ponyville and Canterlot. And I have a lot stranger things in my wagon here. Come on everypony, let's go!"

    Pinoak checks to see if Storybook's wagon to see if it is hitched up to his. Satisfied that it is, Pinoak hops back onto his wagon, cracks the reins, and starts heading in the direction that he pointed out earlier. "On the way to Canterlot, mind telling us how and why you are down this far south?"

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