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Posts posted by IowaBrony

  1. Many different reasons.

    1. I actually grew up with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generations of the series. I thought this show would be awful, considering most of the remakes I've seen today are just bad. But I was surprised at how good it was.

    2. Unlike the past generations, it's not all cotton candy and rainbows in the show.

    3. I can relate to almost all of the characters in one way or another.

    4. The songs are beautiful and incredibly catchy. I still can't get Smile Smile Smile out of my head.

    5. No matter how old you are, you can always laugh at the jokes.

    6. Each episode gives me many different feelings while watching it. I can feel happy, sad, angry, excited, or get a cuteness overload!

    I have many other reasons, but I just listed my main ones.

  2. About Myself: I'm a girl from Iowa, and I consider myself a brony (pegasister sounds silly, in my opinion). I'm quite shy, which is why I'm actually a bit nervous to join forums. I like writing, reading, acting, horror films (mostly found footage ones), staying up until very late hours, and other things that I believe aren't very important.

    How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking up MLP forums, and this was one of the many I found and decided to join.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I found out that MLP was remade a put on a new channel called The Hub, but I didn't want to watch it since I was disappointed on how G3.5 of MLP turned out. After a while, I found out how popular it was becoming on the Internet. Everywhere I turned, something pony-related came up. I decided to check it out by watching an episode on YouTube about 2 years ago. It wasn't that bad, so I watched more. I soon watched I believe 10 episodes that night and I couldn't stop. Soon enough, I was one of the bronies. And that's how Equestria was made.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Can't wait to meet some of you!

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