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Posts posted by hinata2000100

  1. I haven't been active all that much, so maybe this won't have all that much of an effect but I do wish to say that I will effectively be leaving Canterlot. I've been here for a while, sure, but I've got so may other forums, and so many other RPs, and Canterlot just doesn't catch my eye much anymore. So, that's my story. I know that a lot of you probably don't know me, or don't really care, because I'm inactive enough anyway, but I bid you all adieu. For the time I was here and active, it's been fun. See you all around, I guess.


  2. [colour=#282828]Your name: Fluttershy[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Your species: Pegasus[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Age: 15[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Gender: Female [/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Height: 5'1''[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Weight: 110 lbs[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Eye colour: Moderate teal[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Mane colour: Light rose[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Description of your pony form: [/colour]Fluttershy is a light yellow pegasus pony with blue-green eyes and a pink mane and tail.

    [colour=#282828]Description of your human form: Somewhat pale skin, and her mane now covers one of her eyes most of the time, just adding to her shy look. She wears a [/colour][colour=#282828]light yellow short sleeve t-shirt, a pink skirt, and pink high heels.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: Three butterflies with pink wings and blue antennae.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Backstory: Fluttershy, having, of course, been with Twilight and the others as the portal to another dimension happened, was dragged in along with them, kicking and yelping to no avail. She passed out as she was in the portal, mostly due to fear, and when she came to, she was in a place she didn't recognize.[/colour]


  3. v3gfue.jpg

    The next customer Filthy Rich managed to get to was a little pegasus filly, another pony he didn’t quite recognize. All that the stallion could tell about the filly was that she probably did something with clouds, judging by her cutie mark. Unfortunately, Rich’s Barnyard Bargains did not keep any cloud-made items in stock; everything his store sold was supposed to cater to everypony after all.

    Still though, maybe she was interested in toy shopping thought Mr. Rich. Even though the filly was talking to a pony that he greeted a minute ago, the store owner butted into the conversation; [colour=#8b4513]“How do you do, little lady? Have you even been to Rich’s Barnyard Bargains?”[/colour]

    Cotton, not hearing a response from the other stallion for quite some time, turned to the store owner. [colour=#afeeee]"Oh, hello. Nope, haven't been here before. It seems interesting though."[/colour] She said, looking around at all the things there were to see. [colour=#afeeee]"I'm not sure what it is I want to buy though..."[/colour] She said worriedly, looking around the store from where she was standing.[colour=#afeeee] "I guess I'll just look around, and see what I can find."[/colour]

  4. While Haywire began gathering her 'ingredients' in her shopping cart, Flam noticed the newcomer, a mare with light blue mane. Here, Flam thought, was his chance to really see if his disguise was working.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Greeting young filly, how are you this lovely day?"[/colour]

    Cotton looked at this stallion talking to her. He looked a bit familiar, but, then again, she assumed that there were lots of ponies who looked similar. Heck, there were probably 10 ponies who looked like her out there.

    [colour=#afeeee]"Hello."[/colour] She greeted the stallion. [colour=#afeeee]"Have you come here for that jam too?"[/colour] She asked.

  5. 1roocj.jpg

    Cotton Cloudy trotted around Ponyville, looking for anything to interest her, when she saw a shop that was giving some sort of jam away from buying ten or more items. She looked in her saddlebag, and saw quite a few bits in there. She hoped it would be enough to buy at least 10 items, as she wanted at least a taste of that jam. She trotted into the store, looking around.

    [colour=#afeeee]"Wow, there's a lot of stuff here."[/colour] Cotton observed, trying to find the owner of this establishment. She eventually found a rather formal-looking light brown stallion greeting and talking to other customers. She assumed by this demeanor, he was the one in charge.

    [colour=#afeeee]"Excuse me?"[/colour] Cotton asked, trying to get the stallion's attention. [colour=#afeeee]"Are you the boss around here?"[/colour] She asked, waiting patiently for an answer.

  6. [colour=#282828]Name: Fantasia Tempo[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Species: Pegasus[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Place of birth: Cloudsdale[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Personality: Friendly (a bit too friendly) and speaks with a southern accent. [/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Appearance: Light blue coat, with black and white striped hair that looks like Sweetie Belle's, emerald eyes, and wears a hat similar to Applejack's (that's way too big for her filly head!). [/colour]

  7. How about my OC's, Fantasia Tempo's?

    [colour=#282828]Cutie mark: 7 piano keys, 4 white ones and 3 black ones[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]What it means: It shows her extraordinary skill with the piano.[/colour]

  8. *Flips Table* TO BE CONCLUDED IN PART 5/4?! And that will probably take months to come out too! I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out around the same time as S4!


    Quote from the creator of Turnabout Storm herself:

    "You'll be happy to know ALL the part 5 voices are done as of right now (we more or less did them at the same time as Part 4). It's mainly graphics department that is being worked on."

  9. I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Oceania around the year 400. Your profession was that of a jeweler or watch-maker.

    Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

    Such people are always involved with all new. You have always loved changes, especially in art, music, cooking.

    The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

    Your lesson is to learn discretion and moderation and then to teach others to do the same. Your life will be happier if you help those who lack reasoning.

    Do you remember now?

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