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Posts posted by selphie_trabia

  1. I have a young lady living in the Whitetail Woods - Foxglove, to be exact. She's a strange pony, but the subject of an open thread.

    If you want to make a fresh thread, it would be interesting for Foxglove to have a few more acquaintances. Or perhaps you went to her shop to buy some perfume?

  2. Foxglove had been ill prepared to deal with multiple guests. Her solitary nature and secluded existence made her less aware of the passage of time and she had a tendency to take things terribly slowly. She looked at the green stallion in front of her and drew a breath in to give him a reply. Before she could start talking, however, the mare in her kitchen seemed to hover above the ground slightly and said a few words to her before zipping off past her, out the door and into the sky.

    Foxglove could only manage the barest of blinks and a rather confused, "Goodbye?" before Merry was out the door and flying away.

    Foxglove blinked a few more times as she tried to parse the sequence of events that had just occured. Once she completed this task a few minutes later, her ears pricked towards the stallion as his belly rumbled once more.

    "Oh dear me. She did seem to be in quite a rush. Please, come inside." she said, "We can discuss my inventory over lunch. You seem quite huntry."

    With that, Foxglove ushered the stallion inside. Her horn glowed momentarily to clear the mailmare's dirty plates and cutlery off the table and set a fresh and clean table-setting for the stallion. As she walked into the kitchen, the dirty plates clattered their way over to the kitchen bench and clattered loudly as they dropped inside the metal confines of the sink.

  3. Inside the house, there was another long and probably quite awkward pause as Foxglove slowly chewed through yet another piece of her piping hot pizza. Her ears pricked up, as two knocks resounded through her house. Not wanting to leave her guest waiting, she finished her current piece of pizza and swallowed.

    "Please excuse me." she said softly.

    Foxglove stood up and slowly trotted over to the door, seemingly quite unconcerned with making her newest guest wait. She opened it and nodded at Zephyr.

    "Good afternoon, Sir. My, I seem to be very...... popular...... today." she said sweetly, affixing the newcomer with one of her trademark wide-eyed stares, "Can I...... help...... you with anything? Are you here to shop?"

  4. Jambalaya grinned at Inkwell, missing the younger colt's discomfort entirely.

    "Bless ye fer sayin' so. Ye a pretty good lookin' catch yeself." she smiled at him, "Dis cart is a fine ting. See's sturdy and dependable, good for all weather and 'ardly ever gets stuck inna road! I wrote ye about it, no? Mamma and Pappa give it me when I left-a caravan."

    A slight flash of sadness crossed Jambalaya's face as she mentioned leaving. In all honesty, she'd been kicked out of the caravan rather than left. She put the thought out of her mind and continued her conversation with Inkwell.

    Jambalaya eyed Inkwell's saddlebags warily, "I bet dey don't 'old much. But ye must 'ave a fine cart on accounts ye work so 'ard. Dis cart 'as all my tings in it and some gifts for ye and ye friends ye wrote me."

  5. Foxglove examined her plate, cutting another piece with a knife and fork and putting it in her mouth. Once again, she chewed for a long time before swallowing. Having swallowed her food, she proceeded to answer Merry's question.

    "The plants around this area can be quite bad for a pony's health. I can't even begin to count how many times I've found a pony hurt in my garden from touching the plants or grazing on them!" she said gently.

    She gestured to a large cupboard with a small hand-made sign on it. It read "Antidotes".

    "It's a good thing that I keep a large supply of antidotes handy. Otherwise, I'm sure that a lot more ponies would be hurt."

  6. The town square was fairly busy for a weekday. Ponies were trotting about and it seemed that a lively market was going on. Not wanting to block the traffic, Jambalaya carefully parked her cart and stood by the sidewalk. She examined the letter in more detail, trying to figure out where on earth Inkwell actually stayed. There were apartment buildings, for sure, but she wasn't exactly sure which one was his.

    "Jambalaya, ye doofus. Ye forgot the instructions to get there." she muttered to herself. "That en ye lost again!"

    It never occured to Jambalaya to ask for directions. The white mare just stood by the side of the market looking rather lost.

    After a few moments in her own thoughts, Jambalaya found herself interrupted by an unfamiliar voice. She looked up, her head tilting in the direction of the sound. She stared at the beige pony in front of her, until a glint of recognition came to her.

    "Oh my stars! Issat you, Inkwell! My my my ye put on weight! Why, I say ye doubled in size since-a last time I saw ye!" she giggled, winking at the young colt. "I've gitten biggah alla 'round too."

    She trotted over to Inkwell, pulling the cart behind her.

  7. Jambalaya smiled sheepishly at the ponies present, having wiped most of the food off her clothes. Her dress, however, would eternally remain stained with the grape juice she'd spilled on it.

    "I've had a fine time, I suppose." she said, "I do feel a little out of place 'ere, though. Assa case mebbe. And tank ye, Mr Robikku, for the food."

    Having said that, Jambalaya ate her food in great gulps, as if she'd never seen food before. She paused every so often to chew and taste the food, but she did seem quite hungry.

    As she ate, her ears pricked up to listen to conversations being had. She had very little to say.

  8. Jambalaya smiled sheepishly at the ponies as she rubbed herself off.

    "I'm... Jambalaya" she managed, "And... tanks for... the food."

    She couldn't be more mortified or embarrassed, but at least the other ponies were gracious about her behaviour. She nodded and cleaned off the bit of potato salad that dripped off her hair.

    "I'm really sorry. I just really like my food." she murmured.

  9. For a wanderer pony, Jambalaya was surprisingly unenthusiastic about travelling. One might even say that she hated it. She'd breeze into a town, do some odd jobs for a few bits, then breeze out again, never managing to make more than a few friends and spending most of her time out on the road.

    So, when her long-time friend and penpal, Inkwell mentioned his new apartment in Ponyville in his letters, she couldn't help but envy the young fellow.

    When he asked her to visit, Jambalaya couldn't get to a quill fast enough to take him up on his offer. She immediately got back on the road, her nose pointed towards Ponyville.

    As she trotted into Ponyville, her cart hitched to her on the outside of her dress, Jambalaya kept her head held high, excited to meet her old friend once again. She'd prepared plenty of gifts for him during her part-time applebucking job in Appleloosa.

    The young mare checked the address that she'd written down once again, then looked around to see if she could spot any landmarks.

  10. Foxglove kept a seraphic smile on her face as she put a piece of pizza on Merry's plate. She always used the same serene smile whenever visitors were about.

    "It is very...... nice...... to meet you, Merry." she said simply as she pushed the plate over to Merry.

    She put a large slice on a plate for herself.

    "Why yes, I love it here." Foxglove said as she cut a small piece of the oddly sweet-and-sour pizza off with a knife and fork and lifted it to her lips.

    She chewed the food for a long time before swallowing it, leaving a rather awkward pause in the conversation as she ate.

    After quite some time, she swallowed and said, "I do hope that you don't graze here too often. Some of the plants can be quite dangerous."

  11. Jambalaya couldn't be more embarrassed. Not only had she crashed into another pony and mussed her dress and hair, but she was well aware that everypony in the good room was staring at her.

    She shrank into her clothes, trying not to draw attention to herself as the pony she bumped into her berated her for her clumsiness while another asked if she was okay. Her cheeks reddened and she attempted to make herself even smaller.

    "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." she squeaked, "I din wotch where I was going, I'm sorry."

    She slowly scrambled to her feet before slipping on a patch of potato salad and crashing down to the floor again.

    "I'm sorry, I din mean to crash into ye. I'm sorry." she murmured as the potato salad in her hair splurched its way down onto her nose and eyes.

    There had to be a way to salvage her situation without looking too stupid. There had to be.

    Jambalaya hung her head. She couldn't think of one.

  12. Foxglove put the quill back in the inkstand and trotted over to the table, where she served herself and her guest a cup of tea.

    "It's nice to meet you, New Mailmare. I am Foxglove." she said delicately, "But I guess you already know that from the package."

    She dropped two sugars in her tea and continued, "I rather like the view from this neck of the woods. It's comfortable and lovely. Slice of pizza?"

    She held up a slice on a server.

  13. Cups, plates and serving items flew out of cupboards and into the air as Foxglove magically set her table for two. The steaming pizza was floated out of the oven and plopped unceremoniously onto another plate as the magenta unicorn addressed her new guest.

    "Oh. A new mailmare? Did something happen to the last one? Oh, I do hope that she's...... not hurt...... in any way." Foxglove said kindly to the pegasus. "You don't have to help me make a new one. I suppose I can eat this one. Would you like to join me? I rarely get visitors out here and it would be...... nice...... to share lunch with someone new."

    Before long, the table was set. Foxglove took the package from the new mailmare and looked at the piece of paper that the new mailmare held out.

    "A package? I wonder who sent it. Perhaps it's a product return." she said in a disappointed voice.

    An ink-dipped quill floated from its position on Foxglove's main shop counter and sped towards her. Once it was in her posession, she signed the paper with a flourish.

    "There. Now, would you like to join me for lunch? I'd hate this pizza to go cold."

  14. Jambalaya followed behind the clearly EVIL and RUDE and CRUEL terrine-stealing queue-jumping pegasus, her eyes glued to the back of his head in a death glare as she scooped up some potato salad, an apple dumpling and some stuffed peppers.

    She imagined throwing the salad into the back of his head. The evil git probably deserved it for cutting in front of her in the line. Could anypony be so rude as to do such a thing?

    She continued to glare angrily at him and his clearly EVIL PARTNER OF DOOM until they had left the buffet table. Still slightly steamed, she put her plate on her back and tramped her way towards another one of the tables.

    Jambalaya had entirely forgotten herself. She was so busy staring at the back of the evil pegasus's head that she hardly noticed her trajectory leading her towards his partner. She crashed head over hoof into the other pony, her food sent flying into the air, potato salad, plate and all.

    After a few moments, both plate and salad landed in Jambalaya's hair.

  15. Foxglove smiled as she watched the dough on her pear and tomato pizza rise. A few more moments and it would be time for lunch. The magenta pony made a little nicker of excitement as the timer inched closer to "done". Time was of the essence now. If she let it bake for even a second too long, the pear would overcook and it would be ruined.

    Ten seconds now....



    Foxglove licked her lips in anticipation.



    There was a knocking at the door. Foxglove ignored it, her eyes intent on the pizza.



    The knocking continued, more insistent now.


    "Delivery!" shouted a voice from outside. Foxglove tore her eyes away from the pizza and cantered over to the door to open it.

    "Oh you must be the mailpony please come in I am currently baking a pear and tomato pizza and it is at a crucial stage now so please just come in right now and look at the time oh no..." she babbled to the pony outside.

    Even as she cantered back to the oven, Foxglove knew that her pizza was ruined. Using her telekinesis, she opened the door to her oven and pulled out the hot, burned pizza, the poached pear on it ruined forever. Well, ruined in Foxglove's eyes, that is. Most other ponies would have thought that it was pretty good, otherwise.

  16. Jambalaya marvelled at the buffet. Since Appleloosa, she'd been on the road so long and eaten so much of her own home cooking that she'd even forgotten what real food tasted or looked like, let alone fancy food like this! The hungry pony piled her plate up with a small piece of everything and had been methodically working her way from the right side of the buffet table to the left side of it. So far, she'd had six different salads, four pieces of petit fours and more tiny sandwiches than anypony could shake a hoof at.

    Pacing yourself at a buffet was important to and Jambalaya had been taking regular breaks in between each of her meals to tear up the dance floor (sometimes literally). Now, it was time to get back to the main event, so to speak.

    Her eye fell on one of the terrines, parsnip overlaid with parsley, carrots and asparagus. The pony sidled along the buffet, waiting for the moment that she could grab it when a terribly rude pegasus cut in front of her and took it! Jambalaya startled, then glared holes at the back of the pegasus's skull. That terrine was HERS!

  17. Foxglove startled and took a few steps backwards, looking over at the gate to see who had come a-calling. She smiled as she recognised the other pony.

    "Oh, Nightshade, it's you. Please come in." she said, rather surprised at the unexpected visit, "Why, it's not normal for you to come by at this time. I don't think it's Wednesday yet... or is it? I fear I haven't been counting the days..."

    As she watched Nightshade, Foxglove began to pack away her mail, putting most of it in her saddlebag, "Oh. I just received the most curious piece of correspondence, which I'm sure must have been sent to me erroneously. I'm not quite sure what to do with it. But... please come in. You look so terribly excited, you must tell me all about it."

    With that, Foxglove ushured her young friend down the garden path and toward her cosy little cottage.

  18. It was another lovely day in Whitetail Wood. The birds were singing, the bees were buzzing and most animals were avoiding Foxglove's cottage, nestled as it was within a tangle of wildflowers.

    This didn't faze the light-magenta pony, who hummed happily to herself as she liberally sprinkled her plants with water and fertilizer. The day had started beautifully for Foxglove, she'd woken up as the sun rose and had a lovely strawberry cake with her tea. The pony smiled as she carefully examined her morning glories for signs of disease.

    It was around this time when a large package flew out from a carriage and landed on her garden path, breaking Foxglove's concentration and causing her to startle. She craned her neck to look at the perpetrator of this heinous crime against nature.

    "MAIL!" yelled the perpetrator cheerily as he trotted by, pulling his cart behind him.

    "Goodness." said Foxglove.

    She put aside her garden tools and went to inspect the package. There were her usual orders for various perfumes and... what was this? A golden ticket?

    Foxglove quickly skimmed the letter it was attached to, then stared at the ticket in disbelief.

    She didn't quite know what to do with it.

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