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Posts posted by DreamNotes

  1. so its more like need for speed?

    No sammich it's not like need for speed either, in fact anything you see them doing in need for speed.... DON'T DO IT! I don't wanna read how a sammich got in an accident and totaled his car and is now pertinently injured for the rest of his life, or something worse, because he was imitating a move where they do stupid stupid things with vehicals.

  2. "Dubstep it is!" Dream puts Neon on his back and rushes up too the dj booth. He grabbed a pair of extra headphones up there and went through what records they have "Hmmmm not much of a selection, but workable." He plugs in his head phones and starts adjusting the settings on the turntable. He then taps the mic "Testing One Two, Testing! We on? Oh guess we are. Ok! Goooood Evening Everypony! This is DJ Vintage and....." he holds the mic up to Neon.

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