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Posts posted by squallmane

  1. "It is a mystery," Squallmane agreed. "Although, I have seen something like it once. Could have just been a brand or tattoo, but no way to be sure."

    Squallmane took a tentative taste of his appquiri. Never thought I'd hear someone refer to them as soul prints. Not again.

    "As for the bandits, I know this. They are cowards, either in open actions or in their hearts, if they have them. What they do may make them seem wild, but they are certainly not brave. We can use that fear to our advantage. But don't turn your back on one. As for details, and anything about their leader, I have nothing."

    The pony diverted his gaze, as if staring into the distance. There was nothing but a wall in front of him, but his mind flew elsewhere.

    Two ponies played in a field, prancing about like the colts they were. Not far away stood youthful stallion and mare with kindness in their eyes. They watched their children with an ample mix of caution and joy, glad to take part in such a beautiful afternoon. With little warning, a thundering roar caught the attention of the colts, and their play ended. The parents heard as well, but they could not run quickly enough. A rustle of leaves and fur gave way to a fearsome manticore. The mighty creature rushed out of the dark woods, enraged. It gave the children a mere moment of consideration, then made quick moves to devour them. A mere snack for such a large beast, but a tasty one. The colts cried out, and their parents arrived just in time. They had no wings or magic horns, but what they had would have to do. Black and white manes swished in the breeze as the parents reared up. "RUN! GALLOP!" the father ordered them. "KEEP HER SAFE!" the mother shouted to the brown colt. He glanced at his sister, a white pony with a black mane. Her large eyes, fearfully locked on her mother, welled up with tears. Mustering what little courage he had, the colt nudged his sister away and the two bolted off to the left. As soon as their flanks were turned, they heard the most horrible sound their little ears ever caught. And it would stick in their minds like a black thorn for the rest of their lives.

    If he were really looking, Squallmane would think the wood paneling was glowing. His eyes were bright yellow, lit up like fireflies. From the corner of one, a single tear trailed the contour of his face, glistening in his own light. He downed the rest of the appquiri, all in one gulp.

  2. (OOC: That's fine, tacobob. Old DM'ing tradition I follow, real life comes first.)

    Seems like this one was born and raised to be something she hasn't become. And all because of tradition. Squallmane could respect that she had entered a career such as this, with so many expectations, and still refrained from needless bloodshed. The tactic of intimidation was a wise one, and much less costly. Effective too, so long as there was something behind it to back it up.

    "My parents died protecting me and my sister. They weren't in the R.E.A. or anything. Just honorable. The beast that killed them chased us into the strangest of sanctuaries, where we spent a long time trying to live in hiding. I got to learn the Everfree well in that time. Now we live closer to Stalliongrad, since the threat is over, and Ebony's ready to get on with her life."

    At least I hope it's over, Squallmane thought to himself.

    "How about you, journalist?"

  3. That form was designed for carrying stories, not ponies, and Squallmane knew it. He silently scoffed at Newsworthy's suggestion, then calmed himself and looked up at the waitress.

    "Mustard Green Salad, sprinkled with lemon grass, Miss Runner," he said, reading off her nametag. Then he added, "And a Golden Appquiri, well-blended, with a slice of sugar beet."

    His voice took on an unmistakably different tone in here, a tone of subtle irritation overlaid by practiced composure. This was not the same acclimated country pony that had walked in. Squallmane knew he shouldn't get overly inebriated, but today had been taxing, and an Appquiri would take the edge off without driving him too far up the wall.

    His gaze turned lazily to Fire Walker, who had taken her helm off. His first good look at her face was rewarding. This was a young mare indeed, not much older than his sister, but she was not the rookie he had first believed her to be. He could tell...somehow.

    "Fire Walker, forgive my forwardness, but I'm not one for small-talk. Tell us something about yourself. Where did you come from? Why did you join the guard?"

  4. (OOC: Hey ShadowWalking18, you are welcome to join us. We'll need to know what kind of character you're using, so we know how to work you in to the story, and where. As I seem to be running this show, I'll say that I'm okay with anything in the MLP-verse. As I don't know if a kitsune is, I guess it comes down to are you familiar with role-playing a kitsune? I have a lot of respect for that type of character, but I'd prefer it to be played right.

    tacobob, I'm game for either on the tavern encounter, but I love playing them out.

    Neil, what do you think of all this?)

    Squallmane glared at Newsworthy briefly, then rolled his eyes and kept walking. He'd just ignore that for the time being, but it would not go without retort if it happened again. Growing up an earth pony was not an easy affair where wings or magic would come in handy every living hour. But he learned to work around that limitation. Learned to use it as a strength. The wiseacre reporter would soon learn this. Beside the fact, what use would Squallmane's tracking and...other abilities...be to Newsworthy if the winged wonder didn't stick around? Squallmane blew out an exasperated sigh.

    "Might come to our advantage, having you in uniform. No telling."

    He was familiar with the effect that authority had on everypony. It was not something to pass up lightly, or to underestimate. He gave this some consideration as they reached the door of the inn.

  5. "Sounds like we have our plan. We'll stay at the C'mon Inn, have a last hurrah before our trip, then head down to our next stop in Ponyville. We can sleep a night before we enter the forest."

    It sounded put-together, but Squallmane was unsettled. Too long up in the clouds, among all these fancy types. But there was more. How could he imagine getting a good night's sleep until this was over? He hadn't set hoof in the Everfree Forest in years. True, he and his sister had stayed there until a better solution presented itself. He knew the forest, but it would take...coaxing...to adjust to it again.

    His thoughts drifted briefly to his sister, Ebony Mane, who was likely still working in Stalliongrad. He hoped she was okay, since he was not there to watch over her. She could take care of herself, yes, but that wasn't enough. He couldn't derive peace from relying on that alone.

    Squallmane assured that everything was in order, and started walking for the door, assuming the others were right behind him. He realized his mistake, stopped, and turned his head.

    "Fire Walker, Newsworthy, you know the inn. Perhaps you should lead the way. We can get tickets for the morning on our way."

  6. (OOC: Sorry, I thought Neil would be back sooner.)

    "Well," Squallmane sighed, "I'm not familiar with the route from here."

    He gestured out the window with a hoof, denoting the fluffy white clouds slowly turning yellow in the light of the setting sun. It was indeed getting late, and even the trip to the Everfree would be risky at night, to say nothing of the forest itself. The thought occurred to him to find a place to rest, but he could not think of where.

    "I'm new to this area, personally. My tracking will be better when we get close to the forest. Until then, perhaps your fellow pegasus will be of more use than I. What I do know is that it is getting late, and we had best find a place to stay. When we get rest, collect our thoughts, we'll be ready for the trip in the morning."

    The earth pony turned toward their fedora-wearing friend.

    "Newsworthy, you've been awful quiet this whole time. All this armor and talk of battle too much for you?"

  7. "You misunderstand, Newsworthy."

    The auburn earth pony tossed his mane and eyed a few pieces of armor, finding nothing that convenienced him.

    "I ask of your experience for a new perspective on the dwellers. You are, as you have said, somewhat familiar with them. I'd be interested to know if they've changed any since my time within."

    Squallmane gave the armory a last cursory look, then turned to leave. "Are the two of you coming?"

    (OOC: Yes, Squallmane is an earth pony.)

  8. "My stay in the forest had nothing to do with bravery, Fire Walker. It was instinct; I did what I had to."

    Squallmane kept up a decent pace, hoping to soon reach the armory.

    "You're pretty young to have all that skill. Battle is about inflicting wounds and mending them. Rare enough, you can do both."

    He turned to Newsworthy as they reached the armory, "I'd also like to hear about the bandits. You are the one with the most experience, after all."

    Squallmane entered the armory. The structure was not a very impressive design -- low roof, narrow hallway, simple tile floor, three stacked shelves all along the walls -- but what was impressive was the collection of weapons and armor on the shelves. Squallmane noticed something familiar and stuck his leg through a twine loop. The loop drew tight, binding a short blade to his lower leg. Easy access, quick use with or without magic, all-in-all a well-calculated choice. This will do fine.

  9. (OOC: Your post was excellent, tacobob. As for combat, I have a plan. See it in your PM.)

    "Squallmane," he introduced himself tersely, green eyes studying this newcomer. We were promised the finest, he thought to himself, so who is this knock-kneed little one? "Our enemies don't worry me much." He glanced at Fire Walker, "Though I had intended to leave off that 'much.' As for the storms, I can give us some fore-notice, but no more than that."

    He paused, drew in a breath, then added, "'Been to the Everfree?' Begging your pardon, ma'am, but I lived in the Everfree."

  10. "Wow," Squallmane remarked, "someone's in a hurry." Weapons? Now that sounds like a plan. "Where is this 'finest soldier' he's talking about? I'm handy in a fight, but it would be excellent to have an expert to watch our backs."

    It had been some time since Squallmane had geared up for battle, but travel was something he was familiar with. He'd need light gear, strictly smaller more agile weapons and as sparse of armor as possible. Beyond that, it would be essential to have rations and some basic bindings for dressing wounds. But then, he'd take whatever Canterlot gave him.

    A worrying thought came to his mind, unbidden. What of this 'new darkness'? Hate to have that sneaking up on us. What manner of enemy is it? These thoughts were not productive for the moment, so he dismissed them.

  11. (OOC: Princess Celestia is not my character, so I'm going to move from this scene as quickly as possible. Hope you don't mind.)

    "Intrepid journalist," Celestia replied, "I seek none of those things. The bandits have brought paranoia and fear to my beloved subjects, and by doing so, are driving harmony from the land. If I wanted them dealt with, I could send my finest guards, or my most loyal of subjects. But while Twilight Sparkle and Rarity have the magic, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy the flight, and Pinkie Pie and Applejack the strength of will, they are all attending to matters that demand their specific talents, and their friendship."

    I've seen battle, Princess, Squallmane thought, there's nothing about friendship in it. Only power and allegiance to that power. But he listened on in earnest.

    "After all," she continued, "their unity has been forged by one trial after another, long before these bandits appeared. No, to treat this matter properly, a new group must find the power of friendship for themselves. That bond will be enough to bring the ponies of Equestria back together, and rid us of the influence these bandits have spread. The information you seek, Newsworthy, is the answer to this question: why does everypony need a friend? Find this answer, and bring word of your findings back to me. Squallmane?"

    Squallmane perked up, "Yes, Princess Celestia?"

    "Do not underestimate your mission. The Everfree Forest is a dark place, and your party may be divided if they lack your guidance. Keep a true heart, and focus on the goal ahead."

    No need to tell me about the dangers of the Everfree. "Yes, Princess. I will."

    "And one more thing before you go: there is a new darkness in the forest. Something not even I understand. Whatever you do, make sure it stays there. Farewell, subjects, and may your path be clear!"

    Squallmane turned and cantered out of the throne room, ready to meet this guard and begin the journey. "Coming, Newsworthy?"

  12. (OOC: You're welcome to join us, Tacobob.)

    Princess Celestia nodded in assent, and replied, "There has been a disturbance in the kingdom, and a group of ruffians from the Everfree Forest are responsible."

    Squallmane tapped a hoof lightly. I knew it! This is my chance to find the answers I'm looking for!

    The princess continued, "Unfortunately, nopony knows enough about these bandits to solve the problem. That, my loyal subjects, is where you come in. Newsworthy, I want you to journey into Everfree Forest and learn more about them. You will need to put in your very best effort. For without the right news, we will not know what to do. Squallmane, you will serve as his guide."

    This did not sit well with the auburn-maned night guard. His what? I'm going where? He thought back to the last time he went in the Everfree, all those years ago. And he shivered from head to hoof.

    "Fear not, trusted stallion. You two will not go alone. You will have each other, and a member of my royal guard. Speak with the captain outside, and he will give you a guard, one of the noblest in the ranks. Do you have any questions?"

    Squallmane gritted his teeth and scraped the floor with a hoof. I have a few. But they're no way to speak to royalty. He looked to Newsworthy, waiting to see if the journalist had any questions. If not, it was time to get this over with.

  13. (OOC: To those who don't know. This is a continuation of an improvised RP from Facebook chat. Newsworthy, this is the RP we did earlier. When last we left off, the two of us were headed into Princess Celestia's throne room, as she had requested our presence to deal with thieves in the Everfree.)

    Squallmane walked behind the guard at no more than a trot. What kind of mission would require the services of a night guard and a reporter? He tried to push the thought to the back of his mind, and focus on the situation he was presently in. The guard led them through the ornate gold-and-ivory halls to the throne room -- the finest locale of Canterlot, no question about it. There before them stood Princess Celestia, her shining tresses billowing in the gentle breeze like the Northern Lights he'd sometimes see over Stalliongrad.

    "Squallmane, Newsworthy," she addressed them, her voice clearer than the crystal ornaments around them, "thank you for answering my call. I have something very important to speak with you about."

  14. Welcome! Nice introduction. I saw a lot of interesting words, then you said chocolate cake and you really got my attention!

    You wouldn't happen to like Final Fantasy, would you?

    I know, right? Chocolate cake is DEEEE-LICIOUS!

    And I love Final Fantasy.

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