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Posts posted by MisterChippy

  1. MVM!!!! :D

    We need to put together a robot hunting group here! I'm considering trying to get some of my friends together, but I only know 2 people IRL who play TF2 IRL and they're both sub-par pyros. I, on the other hand, am the bestest pyro ever to live! (not really, but I'm pretty good) I'm not shabby as soldier either, and I know that the beggars bazooka's gonna come in handy in this new mode.

    This is gonna be so much fun!

  2. Well, I have Sweet Surprise who might be interesting for you to meet.

    Here's some facts:

    • Earth Pony
    • Young Mare
    • Lives in Canterlot
    • Works as a candy maker
    • Is very hyperactive and friendly (think a cross between Pinkie Pie's hyperactivity, Fluttershy's kindness, and Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka)
    • Willing to do and slice of life, comedy or romance.

    That sounds great! I haven't really decided what kinds of RPs brighteyes is gonna do, but those three are probably gonna be some of the top choices.

  3. I just got my firsts OC up and running here, and now I'm looking for some pals for him. Here are a few basic facts about him:

    He lives in Canterlot.

    He's something of a nerd.

    He's really friendly.

    He lived in Ponyville as a kid.

    If ponies used human years he'd be in his early twenties.

    If you have a pony who you think might be a potential friend for him, please say so! It's lonely not having any friends. :sad:

  4. Brighteyes was feeling great. He loved the Iron Pony competitions and the Tug-of-War was one of this favorite events. Last year he'd gotten here late and had been forced to stand in the back, but this time was going to be different. He'd gotten here early and was right next to the action. Everything was going perfectly. The announcer shouted something, and Brighteyes put down his cider to throw his hooves in the air and shout "YEAH!"

    "Great, so we have our next contestant!" The announcer said.

    "Huh?" What had the announcer just said? Next contestant? Brighteyes was suddenly aware that the crowd had stepped back from him and were all clapping. Why were they clapping? You didn't clap for some random pony who'd gotten a bit excited and shouted in joy. You only clapped when someone won a match or when... "Oh feathers."

    Five minutes later Brighteyes found himself standing in the field, rope in his mouth, staring across an empty field as the judge went to find some big ponies for him to pull against. He quickly came back with a huge pegasus that he'd found in the crowd. Brighteyes was suddenly very acutely aware of his own physical stature. He'd always been pretty proud of how fit he was, especially when you consider that he didn't ever get any exercise, but he was really only around average. His opponent was almost twice his size, with a set of barbells as his cutiemark. Barbells. Brighteyes turned his head to look at his lightbulb cutiemark and shuddered. He was dead. D-E-A-D dead. He only had one option.

    "Umm, hey, I was just wondering..." Brighteyes said to his opponent, trying to surrender before he embarrassed himself.

    "Wondering what, runt? If you can run home to mommy?" The brute said, sneering.

    "Well actually..."

    "Boo hoo hoo! I'm a baby earth pony. I need my mommy to save me. I don't wanna get dirty. Whaa whaa whaa!" The pegasus mocked.

    "Grrr." Brighteyes growled. He really needed to surrender now. If he didn't and that muscle bound jerk said something else there was no way he was going to be able to bring himself to quit. "Actually yes. I don't really like participating in competitive athletic activities, so if you'd apologize for the insults I'd be happy to bow out."

    "Haw haw haw! I knew you were just a wimpy as you looked. I don't need you to quit to beat you. I could beat you with both wings tied behind my back!"

    "Oh yeah?" Brighteyes yelled angrily. He was really mad now. Who did this fool think he was? Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better, and even if he'd been the Tug-of-War world champ it wouldn't give him license to talk smack like that. Forget quitting. It was time to teach this bully a lesson. "Fine! If you want to be like that then you better prepare to lose! I'm gonna have you in the mud in ten seconds flat!"

    "Haw! Didn't you read the rules? You're just tryin' to stay out of the mud as long as you can. You ain't gonna get me dirty!"

    Squaring his shoulders, Brighteyes gripped the rope more tightly in his mouth and tried thinking up a plan of action. The ref had selected two other ponies and were leading them over towards the brute. Both of them were large as well, but not quite as big as the monster up front. Suddenly, Brighteyes felt a tingle in his cutiemark. Yes. Yes. That would work. Grinning, he sat down on his flanks and planted his forelegs deeply into the mud in front of him. The pegasus laughed, while his two new teammates looked puzzled. The ref raised an eyebrow, but it wasn't against the rules, so he just shrugged and asked, "Are you ready?"

    "Mphhh!" Brighteyes said, loosening his muscles in preparation for what was about to come.


    The rope shot forward, dragging Brighteyes behind it as he shot towards the middle. The stance he'd take was building up a nice wall of mud in front of him, but it wasn't enough to keep him from moving. Good, just like he'd planned. The center was coming up fast, and he could see the look of victory in the pegasus's eye. Suddenly, Brighteyes yanked hard backwards, doing nothing but pulling himself forwards and onto his back. A groan came up from the crowd. It looked like it was all over and that Brighteyes would have the lowest time out of everybody. Maybe, but he was still going to be memorable. Planting his back hooves into the wall of mud that had been building in front of him, he extended his legs and pulled hard. To the crowd it looked like he was just lying on his back, but to the other side it felt like someone had just kicked them in the mouth. The two ponies in the back stumbled, but managed to maintain their balance and resume pulling. The pegasus, however, lost his grip on the rope and fell sprawling into the mud. The crowd cheered as the two remaining ponies dragged Brighteyes into the center in just under ten seconds.

    Grinning, Brighteyes stood up and took of his mud covered glasses. He looked at the clock and saw that just as he'd expected, he currently had the lowest score of anyone up there. Still, he'd taught that bully a lesson and even though he knew he had no chance of winning, it had been fun. Maybe he'd take part in some of the other events...

  5. What is your Steam name?

    Mister Chippy (there are two, but you should be able to tell which one is me)

    What game do you play the most via Steam?


    What is your favorite game?


    Do you have a group?

    No, but I kinda wanna make one for this site.

    Do you play on Mac or Windows?

    I play games on a computer. Therefore I use Windows.

    I'd ask everyone to add me, but last time I started playing with a lot of new people I recently added I got four kills in an hour and my KPD was 1:7. :blah: That said, ADD ME!

  6. Here at canterlot.com, we believe that everyone should have an oppurtunity to showcase their work. However, many people feel like they can't post their art here without being told that it's terrible.

    Horrors! :-o you gasp. Why do they feel that way?

    I have dedicated seconds of time to the study of this phenomina and come up with the following answer:

    Because their art is terrible.

    Amazing! :-o but how will we fix this problem? :!: Some people might suggest mandatory art classes for people to maintain their membership on this forum, but I've come up with a simpler, easier solution to the problem in the form of this thread. That's right folks, this here is a thread for you to post those pieces of art that probably shouldn't be called art at all, and to kick it off, here's a piece of my own work!


    Sadly, that actually turned out pretty well for somthing I drew. Seriously, this is good for something I made.

    Also, to maintain the spirit of openosity, anyone can post bad art here! :-o Even Leonardo Da Vinci and Fred Astair could post their failed doodles here if we didn't all hate them oh so very much (Motzart, however, is always welcome).

    So, joking aside, this thread is meant to be a thread in which to post your flops/failed artwork, preferably with an amusing comment. Also, if you can't draw worth spit but still want to post something you made, this is the place.

  7. In that case i'll make it around 2 minuets long and use a simple "Kick, snare" rhythm which would make it supper easy! it should take me too long as I have the sheet music already! i'll send you a link when i've finished my first draft!

    Cool. I'll see it then.

    See, most of my songs are licensed, but as I explained above, that's not really an issue when using OSU!... ^^;

    Anyway, what I had planned is a full story mode, telling the tale of Pinkie Pie traveling back in time with Doctor Whooves to fix specific events in the past that caused the bearers of the elements of harmony to never meet. But to get to the rest of the mane 6, they'd have to fix plenty of other pony's lives first, so that the Tardis can home in on the moments where they can jump in and turn the mane 6 into personifications of the elements of harmony again.

    On that note, the ones I worked out the most up until now are:

    The Ting Tings - Great DJ

    We would follow filly Vinyl Scratch who is about to be send of to a music school by her parents and has one last evening to follow her dream to be a DJ. (And in EBA tradition, if you do well enough, her parents see how important this is to her, and let her pursue her dream.

    Blood Red Shoes - It's getting boring by the sea

    Photo Finish and Picture Perfect have a photoshoot at the beach, but in all the commotion of preparing it, they miss a tsunami warning. So now, you assist Picture Perfect in keeping the photoshoot together, and ultimately avert the tsunami from ruining everything by using A LOT of unicorn magic.

    I have a couple of more, but they are in really early planning stages.

    Anyway, you should rename the thread into something that gives any indication what it's about. xD

    That idea sounds cool and while it's not exactly what I had in mind I still think working together would be sweet. Collab projects are almost always better than single person things and even if we end up doing different things I'd still like to help out with yours.

    Also, I know I should probably change the name now. I'm just used to working on request forums where the people who get views are the ones who beg the loudest. Now that there's a bit of interest I'm gonna change the name.

  8. Cool, well i've got a couple of ideas of songs I wanted to do.

    1) is a new song with original composition but much simpler than my previous songs.

    2) a "Pinkie's Parasprite Polka" remix, so a bit more trancy and one which lasts around 3 or so minuets so plenty of time for gaps and is also quite repetitive (perfect for a rhythm game) and is easy enough to tap along to.

    What dya think?

    The polka remix idea sounds perfect for an easy mode song. Not too long (but long enough to help a new player get the hang of the game), not too fast, not too complicated. It sounds like a great idea and I'd love to hear it once you're done! :) I'm sure it'll fit in well!
  9. If you want use the first song I can easily find out the BMP, i've still got the orginal Cubase file around here somewhere.

    I do have some older slower stuff but it's not pony related at all..

    I can get to work on a new song tomorrow which will can be a bit more slower paced as well as make it more pony related than a couple of voice clips, I just got a new DAW so I won't be able to make much crazy music as of yet. Taking all your points in to consideration i'll have a go at it for you, or even make a spec list for me such as BMP/Tempo, number of choruses length, if you'd prefer to do that! :D

    Hmmmm... Well, a good length would be three to four minutes, with maybe a chorus every minute. The BPM should be below 140. In order to make sure that the BPM is good, use this link to test it out. If you get the same BPM as what you intended (it might be smart to have someone else test the BPM too since you already know what the answer should be) then your song is likely to work well with a rhythm game.

    The only other thing I'd ask for is a simple, easily remembered rhythm/melody. This makes beatmapping the song wayyyy easier and also makes it really catchy. As long as thats there and the beat is managable the song should work very well with a rhythm game. Please don't feel rushed when it comes to making this song (It'll probably be a month before I could get to it even if you sent it in now) and if you have a great idea that doesn't fit with specs, ignore the specs!( :shock: Huh?) Don't let them ruin a good idea!

  10. Hiya!

    I would like to know what songs you have decided on, because I do enjoy creating art quite a lot. Currently my scanner is broken, so if I did hand-drawn art (if it was ponies themselves, it'd have to be) then I'd need to wait a bit for submission so I can keep working on fixing it.

    And pleeeeeeeease tell me you have WoodenToaster in your mix.

    Hand drawn is fine, just make sure that it looks good on a computer. I'm glad that you want to help out with this! If any of the songs I've chosen look interesting (or you have any ideas of songs that you want to draw for) just say so and we can get to work. The waiting thing is fine since it takes time to beatmap a song, so if you have anything you want to submit you can just take a picture of it with your computer/camera and post that so I can see it.

    I only have three songs for sure so far (although if me and Davroth collab on this he might have some himself) and they are as follows:

    20% Cooler by Ken Ashcorp, Alex S remix

    Discord, by Eurobeat Brony, The Living Tombstone remix

    Never Back Down, by Aviators, Thatsonofamitch remix

    List of songs being considered:

    Everything from Balloon Party (Trying to find which songs lend themselves best to rhythm games)

    The Wooden Toaster's work (same as balloon party)

    and basically every other piece of pony themed electronic music (that can be downloaded legally for free).

    I have various pieces of music on my channel. They are not particularly pony themed ( although I used pony samples in them to see if I had any closet brony friends) The links below show all the music with pony samples and if you want to use them let me know and i'll set up a download link for you!

    Or if you want an original song making i'd be happy to give it a go for you :)

    Well, the music is all great and I'd love to include some of it, but remember that this is for a rhythm game and that I'm not selecting songs based solely on their musical merit. Here's a quick list of the things that I'm looking for:

    An easily identifiable BPM. The BPM can change throughout the song, but if I don't know the exact BPM then I can't make the game work. Telling me about the BPM will help with this, but if the player cannot find the BPM themselves then they'll have trouble with the song.

    A managable pace. If a song is made up of a lot of fast, short notes then it's very hard to beatmap, let alone play in a rythem game. If a song has a lot of fast notes but also has a foreground melody made up of longer notes, that's fine.

    A backbeat. If there's an audible, consistant beat in the background it not only helps me beatmap, it provides an anchor for people play the game so they can save themselves if they screw up and lose the beat. Not really required, but good to have.

    A chorus. When playing a rhythem game it's comforting to have a series of notes/beats that appear a few times in the song, and the best place to have this is a chorus.

    Breaks in the song. This can be in the form of a sample, a lull in the music, or even bit of silence in the middle of the song. This makes it possible to include story images without forcing people to look away from the music.

    That said, I'd like to use the first song here. I think it would make a good 'super-intense' level track. However, if you have any simpler songs (or could compose one) that would be great. ;-) Since I'm just starting on this game I'm gonna have to make the 'easy' tracks first because nopony wants to play a game that starts out really really hard, so I'm not gonna be able to use any of these songs at the moment. However, I do plan on including one of them in the future, so stay tuned! :halo:

  11. But I like programming things... :-(

    I wanted to make sure that I'd have the support required to make this work before investing a large amount of time in it. Still, while I really do want to program this myself OSU looks interesting and it's cool to know that someone else had the same idea I did. I think that I can probably master it pretty quickly, so wanna work together on this?

  12. Ok, recently I've been playing EBA (Elite Beat Agents) and I've been thinking. Wouldn't a pony based music game like this be awesome? Then I realised that I actually have the skills required to make such a game in Scratch (a free and simple SDK created by MIT). I've tested what I've got so far and it works great. Only thing is that I've got a ton of stuff that still needs doing and I can't do it alone.

    The basic idea behind the game is this:

    You will pick a song to play. As the song plays, you hit keys on the keyboard as arrows move towards a target on the screen, kinda like DDR. In the background a series of pictures related to the song will be shown. For every note you hit you will recieve points, for ever missed note you'll lose points. If your point total reaches zero the song will stop and you'll get a game over.

    Pretty simple, right? WRONG. This is really hard to make and I can't do it by myself. The following is a list of why each thing is really hard and why I need help:


    The gameplay is actually fairly simple and I can do that by myself. Each song will be programmed so that at a certaint point in it an arrow will appear and move across the screen until it reaches the target. Strangely enough, the scoring isn't the tough part. What's hard is that I need to program EVERY SINGLE TIME an arrow appears. This is gonna be pretty time consuming and if you know anything about scratch I could use your help doing this. I can send you the needed code blocks and a list of at what time arrows need to appear and you can help program this so we can have more songs.


    Ok, this is the tough bit. Not only do I lack the artistic skills needed to make the stills for the background, I'm not even good enough to design the arrows. If I don't get any help with the art you can consider this game a flop. I would really like it if a bunch of different people would help out with this part.

    The biggest thing I need is someone to design the game interface (not sure that's the right word, but it's the best I could come up with). This would be a kinda important job and it wouldn't even be that hard. The biggest thing I need is the arrows and the target, but the game also needs a song selection menu, a start screen, and a score/game over screen. You don't even need to be able to draw ponies, just stuff like buttons and arrows.

    Secondly, I'd need people to do the background art for the songs. What I'd like to be able to do is tell a little story with each song, kinda like a comic but with music instead of words. For example, if I were to include the song 20% Cooler by Ken Ashcorp what I'd like is maybe twenty pictures of RD going to a club. However, while for some songs that I want to include I have a general idea of what I want in the background, I know that I'm not an artist. If you're interested in helping out and have your own ideas for background pictures for a song just tell me. I'm fine with 1 picture a song or 50 picutures a song. Either would be more than I have now. I only have two things I would like to ask if you want to help out with this part:

    1. Everything submitted is your own work. I'm going to credit everyone involved, and I don't want to get angry emails from people accusing me of stealing their work.

    2. Nothing NSFW. For obvious reasons.

    I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who helps out, so please do! You'll get credited and it'll be fun!


    Now, I already have all the music I want to include, but if you want me to include your song just say so. Due to time constraints I may not be able to get around to including it immedietly but I'll get to it eventually. I'd love any submissions and I'd be sure to give you credit for your orignial work!

    Also, if you know of any good MLP themed music please tell me here. I know a lot of great stuff, but there might be something that I've missed. All I ask is that:

    A. The music is free online (legally).

    B. You made it yourself.

    C. You know the artist and can ask their permission for it's use.

    D. You know how to contact the artist so that I can ask their permission.

    If you'd be interested at all in helping PLEASE SAY SO! I'd really like this to work but I can't do this alone.

    Also, if you don't understand anything or want some clarification, please just ask. I know that I'm terrible at explaining things like this and that this sounds more like a list of demands than a polite request, but I really do need help and if you help me I will be so very grateful. Plus, it'll be fun!


  13. Thing is that I agree with you on a personal level. However, there is such a thing as board canon, which supercedes fanon(which is what is extrapolated from canon in your instance), and in some cases even show-canon that is gaggy in nature is superceded. The following links could be of great help to you:





    Remember to make sure your character is about himself, bot about technology or reliant upon it for character growth. Looking forward to seeing this come together!

    I've read all of the links and have plans to follow the tech restrictions. For the hacker thing to work all there really needs to be is one factory that relies on machinery to do at least one important task. I didn't put that in because I wanted to do a high tech thing, but because I wanted him to have a guilty conciense about something. We know that cloudsdale has a factory in it so I can use that. The tech bits are just part of his personality. He likes technology, and it doesn't really matter how advanced it is.

    As SteelEagle posted, there are tech documents for our RP.

    Now, when you mention "keyboards", are you meaning computers? I can't recall any instances of keyboards in show... maybe you could point them out? They have movies... kind of. That was a very old style projector. As for the Flim Flam vehicle, that was powered by magic. So the apple thing was likely a spell to go along with that, not actually any kind of computer technology. Simply put, for our board canon, there are no computers or video games in Equestria. I haven't read the app, I'm just replying to your comment up there. Many of the supposed high tech we see in show is also gag items, which as basically one-offs and used as a joke or because the show animators don't care with keeping with technological consistency. Anyway, those docs should also provide you with info about the RP tech levels.

    I don't mean computer keyboards, I'm referring to the typewriter used during the newspaper episode. As for the magic thing, my point is that whether or not the machine is powered by magic, it is still programmed to carry out a task until further input is recieved, and because of that it should be possible to 'hack' such a device by providing said input. My argument here isn't any attempt to change board cannon, but just to say that there is some technology in Equestria, primitive as it is, and therefore my app can still work. Also, as for the projector, the movie was very old style, but it was also very old. If you've ever seen any such old style presentations you'll find that they don't actually look that old when they're new. They're fairly clear and nowhere near as discolored. The presentation was obviously meant to be very old and well used, similar to those videos that you have to watch in school that have been in use since 1975.

    Here's a quick explanation of how my app works with the tech level. Firstly, ignore the word hacker. I'm using it in a rather archaic and romantic sense to refer to a person with a very creative and unconventional approach to solving problems. It doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with computers, and since they don't exist they won't even get mentioned.

    Secondly, for his past, I just wanted to give him a bit of baggage and guilt. I wanted something he'd done to haunt him, but I didn't want it to be anything too bad. Therefor, hacking. While I'm not going to reveal what, exactly, he did, just expect it to have been something like messing up the Cloudsdale cloud factory by looking at the blueprints and finding that if someone turned a specific valve at a certiant time it would cause the machine to overload. No computers involved.

    Thirdly, and least importantly, all three genres of music could technially be made with the technology avaliable to ponies. For any of the sounds involved that might be considered too synthy, just assume that a unicorn made those sounds with magic.

    If you look closely, you'll see that those are the only bits of my app that refer to tech. I hope that this helps clear stuff up.

  14. The tech level in your app likely needs to be corrected. Videogames meaning some sort of arcade system could work, but computers should be taken out. There is still debate as to how electricity works and to what scale, if any, it is used in regards to board canon. Computers are far beyond that, especially to the scale that you would need it to be used for the stuff described in your application.

    Gotcha. The tech level stuff was something I wondered about. Considering there is no cannon tech restriction in the show and how there is plenty of fannon stuff that would require computers (how could Vinyl do her stuff without them?) I figured it might be safe to include it, but if there's a tech restriction here I actually do have a plan for that. Also, just on the tech thing, we've seen ponies typing on keyboards, so obviously they can. They do so many things that require ridiculous manual dexterity that I just assume they can use their hoofs like fingers if they need too. I just decided to go along with my own personal interpritation of how things work until told otherwise, and now that that's happened I can change it easily.

    We've seen that they have movies (hurricane fluttershy) and that they have audio technology comparable to our own (the sound system in Royal Canterlot Wedding and Iron Will's microphone). Also, whether magically powered or not they DO have computers of a sort. The Flim Flam brothers Super Speed Cider Squeezer was able to tell wheather or not an apple was good by itself which means that it is a computer of some kind, and you could actually see that it also used electricity in the form of the simplified vacuum tube on their device. While there may not be an internet in equestria the art of hacking existed IRL before the internet either in the form of messing with the simple computers that existed back then. Since we know that ponies understand magic and that there are whole libraries dedicated to how it works, it stands to reason that any pony with enough intelligence would be able to use knowledge of magical theory and electronics to mess with any sort of hybrid magical-electrical computer without even need any magical abilities himself.

    Brighteyes's entire skill set translates very nicely to the level of technology that exists in ponyville. Judging by technology seen in the show, such as the factories in Cloudsdale (which are 100% mechanical, since no unicorn had visited there before Twilight and Rarity) and the various sound systems seen in the show (Iron Will's mic, for example, proves that they have circutry and know how to build radio devices), Equestrian technology is mildly advanced. There are PROBABLY magical/electronic semi-computer things (like the Super Speedy Cider Squeezer) that are capable of running a factory or something similar. Even if computers aren't a part of everyday life and are rather primative, there would still be high demand (in fact, since his skills would be much rarer) for someone with his talents, both for legal and illegal reasons. Given what we've seen in the show I'll postulate that most of these devices would be controlled through a combination of magic and/or a series of levers. In oreder to 'hack' one of those devices all you'd need to do would be to input commands that would cause the machine to function in a manner harmful to itself.

    Anyways, all that tech babble aside, consider the tech level reduced to the level seen in the show. I'll admit that I've stretched things as far in the direction of technology as possible, but it's all stuff we've seen in the show and it lets me RP this character in the way I've originally planned, so it's all good, right?

  15. How is this Application coming along?

    Also, could you please remove all colors from your Application?

    Sorry about that. I tried using the template provided and it didn't really work. Consider them gone.

    I think the app is going well and if nobody else comments with suggestions I'm gonna mark in final soon.

    That said, I actually would like more suggestions/questions.

  16. Russian commando pony...

    I like this idea!

    However, what is he doing in Canterlot? I'm sure Stalliongrad had plenty of great military acadamies, so why did he chose to come to Canterlot? He wasn't able to tell the difference between gaurds and the blue team, so is he a little bit slow, or just kinda impulsive? Is he still looking for his mother? Was she secretly a spy? Does he still want to be in this corrupt army anymore? What's he doing to try to change it? Does he have any real combat experience?

    Those are just some questions that popped into my head while reading this. Hope they help!

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