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Posts posted by Dashite

  1. About Myself: Welp, I'm a 16 year old colt with alot more to learn and experience in life. I'm very nervous, and tend to be shy to strangers, but after I open up I'm pretty outgoing and nice. I suffer from Anxiety and severe depression, along with sleep apnia and insomnia. I'm pretty obsessed with MLP. The toys, music, art, clothes, everything the community offers. It's honestly I think how I keep myself sane. I think I'd overload without mlp, it relieves alot of my stress and helps me through tough days. For hobbies, I like to draw! I've filled up a few notebooks with lots of pony drawings and designs. I also like to be around what friends I do have and play video games. I'm very active, I try to work out every other day. I'm new to RPing with ponies, but have RP'd before. I'm really excited to emerse myself in the RP's here, if I can get around to it. I tend to be very busy, and have limited Internet accsess, but I'll try to be on whenever I can. As for my location, I'm in the US. Oregon to be exact, and honestly it kinda sucks. There's not alot of bronies around to hang out with. Anyways, I think that'll cover it on the about me. Thank you for reading this ^-^

    How I found Canterlot.com: I was snooping about on google for a cool pony sight, I figured It's about time for me to get involved.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I saw the episode "The Ticket Master" on tv and have watched ever since.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Favorite? No such thing. I love them all equally. I love RainbowDash for her outgoing attitude and headstrong bravery. Twilight for her brain and leadership skills, along with her organization styles. Rarity because she is the only Mare with any true class in Equestria. Also her dressmaking skills are a sight to behold. AppleJack and her love to help Anypony she can, plus her passion for fairness and equality. And applebucking is the coolest thing ever. Pinkie because, isn't it obvious? She knows how to have fun, an she can always make me smile, no matter what. And that's really saying something for someone who suffers from severe depression. And Fluttershy because of her shyness, nervousness, fear of heights, and love for animals. She's alot like me! :3 Anyways, I could go on and on about why I love ponies, but I've figured I've blabbed on enough for now.

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