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Posts posted by DramasticStar

  1. Glad to know you all like my pony!!! I worked very hard on it ^_^ (My friends started yelling at me for working on it too much hahahaha)

    And there is A PONY MINECRAFT SERVER. Need. Need right now. Hahahhahaha.

    And thank you all for the welcomes!

  2. And guess who knows the exact base you used?

    I do! I used it for Skryim mods way back when! I can't believe I didn't recognize it until you pointed it out. Very nice editing job, I like the way the colors work together. 'Tis a great color scheme.

    Anyways... Yeah, RP sounds like fun! I can't wait to see your character application, it should be interesting.

    I've been roleplaying for YEARS. I'd say about 10 now. So, hopefully I won't have a problem getting accepted. :)

    As for the editing...thank you computer savvy dad for giving me a comp when i was 5 and Art 1 in high school. hahaha :D

  3. Well isn't that an amazing OC picture! Goodness, did you do that yourself? :?: Very nice! Er, right, back to welcoming :P Welcome to Canterlot! Cool to see you are interested in RP, it will be great to see you get out there! Have fun!

    I used a bace (*cough* rainbowdash *cough*) but edited it to my liking. I suck at drawing. But editing is just my thing ;)

    And thank you for the welcome! Maybe we can RP sometimes! :)

  4. About Myself: You can call me DramasticStar.

    I'm a college brony studying the Culinary Arts although, I don't want to be a chef. I've had a bunch of ideas of what I will ultimately do, but I know it has something to with Nutrition and the Culinary Arts.

    I consider myself to be fairly well-rounded though. I'm pretty much average when it comes to everything; art, athletics, technology, etc. When I enjoy something though, I don't ever just give up. Even if I'm not the best at it. And for that, I consider myself to be a star.

    I enjoy video gaming (League of Legends, Minecraft, Xbox), trading card games (Magic:The Gathering), swimming (long distance is my specialty ;D), reading (if it's fantacy, i'll read it), cooking (culinary school, duh, but mac and cheese will always be my favorite), and much, much, more. :)

    As a brony of the female variance, I played with MLP since I was a youngin. As for how I got reintroduced to it? My home-bronies of course. I instantly fell in love with MLP-FIM.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Fellow Brony

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My Home-Bronies, yet again.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack


    Nice to meet all of you fellow Bronies.

    I can't wait to get to know all of you and to share memories.

    I'm all for some role-playing, so if you're interested, just ask!

    (After I get my introduction posts made of course though


    Please be kind to me!!!!!

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