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Posts posted by MrMeep

  1. Amusing fact, iirc they're not *supposed* to have cutiemarks on both hips, that was an animation error from flipping a model instead of making a Left/Right specific one and the studio just kept rolling with it (No idea what Hasbro's official stance on the issue is --- and I could be wrong, I dont remember exactly where I read that)

    Hasbro is going to wail till the bronies are gone to market to us, like the old saying goes "Regret lost opportunities later" somone, somewhere, will fill the gap for now, and eventually when hasbro decides to get off it's flank, they will have lost millions of dollars of merchandising that they were too scared to take a chance on (even if "taking a chance" just means tweaking their pony lineup (fewer "non-characters" and more background ponies) or raising the quality of the ponies already being made a notch.

    Some of us are giveing up on the "collectors edition" Merch like quality statues from the series (will always regret not having a "Sonic Rainboom" statue for my shelf...) because we're facing reality, but we'd still buy more ponies if they were from the series instead of just random ideas that pop into Hasbro's heads.

    Hasbro will be aware of us, but I think they may be too scared that this is just a fad to invest in it heavily.

    If they spent millions in new lines, merchandise and shows to please us for us to move on to something else, they're gonna have a bad time D:

  2. @ Dreamnotes:

    I'm sorry, but what your saying is pure horseapples. It is not possible to encode 62 episodes in 1080p format in an 8.5gb space... if we completely forego the disc being able to be read in non-PCs, and we use the strongest compression available, we still wont get but probably 10% or less compression, but even if we got a jaw-dropping 50% compression ratio, we'd still have well over 20gb, which would not fit on a DVD. If you have some obscure encryption algorythum that can put ~40gb of data on an 8.5gb DVD then please tell me, I'd love to know about this!

    I think both points are true.

    It IS almost impossible to pull all the episodes on one DVD, true.

    However, if they wanted to, they could have had a 4/5 disc DVD which had the entire season.. (and/or had a bluray with 1 disc).

    Hasbro couldn't fit all the episodes onto a single disc, yet they chose to go for an option which gets them more revenue than to choose an option that would provide a complete collection.

    It's not like it really matters anyway.. 90% of us have the series downloaded on our computers.

  3. Oh Meep, you're sharing your experiences and opinions -- and I actually agree with what you're saying, I'm just responding with some perspective, so you haven't really said anything that wasn't to my liking (and even if you did, it wouldn't really matter since you are just sharing your opinions on the topic).

    By that token, the pony meetups I've been to in this area have been sourly disappointing. I've met a few good people (most of them at furry meetups/conventions), but the pony specific ones were not very enjoyable to me. In fact, some of the people I met were downright vicious and rude. I know they are not an accurate representation of the pony fandom, but if they were all I had to go on (as you said you do, since the UK furry scene is more compact), I probably would have different perspective about the brony community. Maybe the bronies just don't like pegasisters encroaching on their cliques around here?

    Oh I know I hadn't annoyed you or anything :P Just felt my post was perhaps a tad bias. In reality, from the experiences I've had, I strongly dislike Furries and their fandom, but still try to give a balanced view on it x3

  4. is crashing in a plane dangerous? and you hear its singing; do you think its screams of terror would be nice to listen to?

    Crashing anything is dangerous =D but having an emergency in a light aircraft is safer as you can land it in a lot lot LOT smaller space than a jet. Also yes. In said scenario. I would want to hear all the screams possible.. infact.. I'd probably jam the yoke forward and watch the demise first hand.


  5. Oh.

    I thought Rosie was saying that they purposefully designed to have less ventilation than was possible.

    It makes sense that they are hard to ventilate so I couldn't understand why you would intentionally do less.

    Most furries think that seeing any area of skin is 'breaking the illusion', so you have fur down to your neck on a fursuit head. Then remember the logistics of it. You can't fursuit in the rain.. so it'll most likely be a nice day. You've also put, essentially, a 5 to 10 inch thick head of fur and foam on your head, with the only ventilation being through eye mesh. You also have your hands covered in fur, your feet lugging big paws around and occasionally have a huge tail which weighs you down.

    That said, it's still actually quite fun. I sold my fursuit, but here I am wearing it...


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