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Posts posted by Fireheart

  1. What in Equstria! Fireheart's attention was directed at the sound and light going off at one of his towers. At the top of the tower he saw lasers firing randomly in all dircetions. He teleported himself into his study with a pop and when he entered the room lasers were hitting hiscollection of spellbook. he looked down the pony who was firing the laser with the look of pure rage written on his face. Wildfire nudged Balance to get his attention saying. Remember when I said "don't touch his books"? Well this is what happens. To put it short, touch Fireheart's books and there'll be hell to pay. As Wildfire said that Fireheart's fire like mane ignited into it's magical form amd the room began to drastically heat up at an alarming rate. I think we shuold get out of here before his fuse goes off.

  2. (OOC First things first I think you need to change my name to Melody before the mods get mad at me heh heh and yeah a timeskip sound legiate but this is your post not mine you do what you want PM me before you do so.)

    Any time when a pony is in need I'm alwayes overjoyed to be of assistence. Mel smiled again her eyes begining to droop a clear sign she was growing tired. But even ponies like me have to get our sleep. I'll hopefully see you tommarow at the same time and place. Farwell dear Light. She gave one more smile and then disappeared into the trees with violin case.

  3. Thank goodness she's a pegasus Wildfire said grimly The room we're in is at the top of the largest spire in Skyhaven. When she looked over at Balance he seemed to be a colt in Sugarcube Corner. So you like reading huh? this is Fireheart's personal study, so I advise you don't touch any of his books She grinned teasingly.

  4. Yes i'm sure now let's go. Wildfire once again took the lead and entered the castle. When she was in the main room she looked around and spotted and odd looking arched in which proceded to walk up to and placed a hoof on it saying. Waygate, estaplish link to Waygate Skyhaven. Then came a humming sound and the arch began to glow a low blue. Suddenly a portal opened up revealing a large library and a pedastal of water in its center. Come on. She said and walked right through

  5. Wildfire quickly took off and caught the bomb before it got out of sight. When it was firmly in her hooves she flew over the bridge and dropped the device into the gaint crevice in which it disappered into the darkness. She relanded next to Balance and attmepted to coaxe Fluttershy out of hiding with little success. That thing was a type 1000 mega bomb. It might have seemed small, but trust me it would turn all of Everfree into a wasteland if it were to go off. Now that it's safe let's get back to Skyhaven.

  6. Fireheart poped back to Skyhaven with a screaming, swearing, grey Applejack. He looked around only to find that the robot pony and Rarity have returned. Worry grew on Fire as he aproached the duo seeing that they were in some conversation. As he drew closer he heard what he was expecting. Rarity was trying her best to convinve the robot in changeing his armor. Fire laugh silently to himself at the silly scene before him. I'm glad you two made it saftly. I asure you had no trouble?

    Hunh? Waht are you talking abo... Apon turning to look at her back she noticed a small device attached to her flank. A bomb? Really? You're going to sink this low and place a bomb on me?! Wildfire sighed in frustration and attempted to pull of the device. Unluckly it was just out of her reach and she looked at Balance. Can you help me get this thing off?

  7. Mel watched as Light's spell struck her sheild but, didn't blow through like her spell. She looked at him with a warm smile and gave an approving nod. A nice try for you're first time not bad. Well that's all I have at the top at my head. You've learned the basics and some intermediate spells. Advance spells however will take more time to learn, and can't be done in one night. If you want I can possiably continue teaching here in the park tommarow.

  8. Fire gave a nod saying. Don't worry about them Fireheart wouldn't lrt tham fall to Discord or his minions. Now lets go we're not far. Just up the pat a little more and the castle will come into view. She said with a tone of urgence as she moved behind them and gave them a push with her wings before taking the lead.

  9. Wildfire remembered that she and Flutter only met once and she gave herself a facehoof groaning aloud. Fluttershy you don't have to afraid I'm here cause Fireheart sent me to escort you to Skyhaven. Do you remember? We met there when you and the other five came up asking about the Elements of Harmony, well it's was mostly Twi asking all the questions. Anyways I'm Wildfire the first Element of Honesty pleased to meet you Balance. Now that introdutions are done we have to leave before that robot catches up.

  10. Mel gave a sharp nod and cantered over and gave the sheild a good smack making sure it held. When the sheild didn't budge she smile at the rate her new student was progressing. A helpfull hint on forming you sheild is that it will act differently with the material you choose. For an example if I choose something like water the sheild becomes immune to fire. Now lets take a step up from the sheild to something agreasive. She gentle nudged the colt from behind his sheild so he wouldn't get caught in her next spell. When she was sure he was a safe distance she turned to his sheild and oce again closed her eyes and focused on her spell. When she opened her eyes she gave a fierce gaze at her target and reared on her hind legs abd when she came back down a beam of light shot from her horn and blew right though the sheild. She looked at the stunned colt and explained. This magic requires very little energy but it has a lot of penertrating power and blow past almost any defense. To do this takes quite some concetration you'll have focus on your target like when you focus the beam of light, but you have to give it heat. You can't think about heat as in fire for an example but the heat you feel on a hot summers day, and take that heat and focus it down in a ray of light. Lets see you try it on my sheild.

  11. After easily dodging the pathetic excuse of a laser barriage, Wildfire jumped in close to the robot and kicked in the face. She quickly flew back before it had time to react then took off in the air taunting it all the while. When she knew she was at the correct hight Wildfire divebombed the robot. When she collided with the machine pony a mushroom cloud of fire was sent into the sky. Wildfire quickly turned and flew after the pair she was helping to escape not bothering to check and see if the machine was finished becuase her only mission was to safely escort Fluttershy and the unicorn Balance. She caught sight of them on the trail of Everfree and landed next to them and said. Ok i think we're safe for now. So I bet you're wondering who I am huh? Hey there Flutters hope you're doing ok. How's Angel?

  12. Yeeehaww! Came a cry from above before a orange streak blew past Balance and tackled the discorded robot and knocked it back several feet. The strange orange pegasus turned to Balance and said. Hey man you must be Balance, Fire thought you would need help so he sent me and our friends after the others. I'll tell you who I am later for now just get to Skyhaven. The stranger then turned back at the robot as it started to rise back on its feet.

  13. I'm glad on fast you're progressing in the basics. Now lets try something a little bit more difficult. Let's see if you can create a sheild of light. First watch me. Mel extinguished her light and walked some distance away from Light. She then turned to face him and closed her eyes and lowered her horn to the ground. After a minute she brought her horn back up and seemed to trace a line of a sheild infront of her. When she connected the line at it's point of origin and golden sheild lit up. Now to do this simply repeat my movement, but at first you must imagine the sheild and give it form and strenth. Go ahead and try hitting mine you'll just bounce right off of it then try making yours. Oh and most important to give it form think of a material of any kind.

  14. Celestia padded in her throne room and stared at the glass panes on the wall, "Ah I feel it was just yesterday I banished my dear evil sister to that moon," she sighed, "Today marks the 500 years, today Nightmare Moon returns!"

    (OOC)Hang on there Chrysalis you're getting to far there)
  15. Mel placed a hoof on her chin as she thought for a moment. There were several things she could teach him, but not all in one night. Suddenly an idea popped into her head. How about we try shapeing your light hmm? With that Mel focused on her light until it shifted and morphed in a violin simaliar to hers. It's almost the same as changing the color, but the look a,d size requires a little more energy so try something small.

  16. Mel nodded and watched carefully as the colt preformed some basic light spells and then was taken aback by his request that wanted to learn how to create an illusion. Hold on darling an illusion is a little out of your league right now it requires a vast amount of energy and concentration. I think we need to focus on some simple spells before we get to the advanced ones hmm? Alright to start with colors you must see you light as that color, and not with your eyes but with your mind. Mel closed her eyes and focused on her light which turned to a deep blue then she reopened her eyes and gave a "now you try look" to the young colt.

  17. Melody smiled at Light and extended a hoof to shake . A pleasure meeting you Light I'm Sweet Meody, but I go by Mel for short. Don't fret about light magic it's tricky to learn in the begining, but once you learn the basics everything becomes more simple. To begin I want to see what you can do far and I'll patch up where you'll need inforceing then I'll teach you whatever you want to know.

  18. (The setting starts on the night Nightmare Moon escapes from her moon prison, but the plot is not defeating her but to play through the seasons 1 and Season 2 while my OC attempts to free his mother from a dreadful curse.

    Rules. the basics

    No humans.

    FiM OCs only.

    Go with the storyline

    And certainly no god moding)

    Fireheart woke up from a dream that had been haunting him eversence he and Celestia banished Luna possessed by Nightmare Moon up to the moon itself. That was over a thousand years ago, Fireheart knew the spell will be at its weakest tonight which meant Nightmare Moon might come back. The scene of Luna's banishment came back to him mind as he thought of it then he shook his head to clear his mind. Fire layed in his bed for a few more minutes before he levitated the covers off him and he slid out of his bed.

    "I have to prepare for her return", He said to himself in the darkness. Fire turned to the door and walked through and out to his balcony. He took a deep breath of the late night air and looked up to the moon watching the iconic figure that is The Mare in the Moon.

    Somewhere else six mares were getting ready for the raising of the sun performed by Princess Celestia. Fireheart knew the time was drawing nigh and he watched the moon long and hard until the stars finally became alined and the symbol disappeared. A few minutes later Fire heard screams coming from the peaceful town of Ponyville. Fire was stunned for a moment he knew this night was coming, but for it to happen so close was astonishing.

    There was a sudden "pop" from within his bed chamber and he walked back through the door to find Princess Celestia standing with her "no toloerence for anypony's bullcrap" look on her face.

    "Fireheart, tonight's the night Nightmare escapes I hope you readied the Elements." She said her tone hard, but Fire knew she was trying to hide the regret behind it.

    "Yes I am aware of the situation at the moment Tia, and the Elements are in place. They have been there for a thousand years I just hope your star pupil has read about them." He responded calmly looking back out to where Ponyville was. The town had fallen silent and Fire suspected that Nightmare was making her way back to the old castle below them.

    "Yes Twilight had read about the Elements and I sent her to Ponyville in hope she found some friends that'll help her bring harmony back to my sister and dispell Nightmare from her spirit." Celestia answered looking towords the horizon beyond with a sad expression on her face as she remembered the fun times she and her sister spent with Fireheart

    (OOC I'll need somepony to play the princesses and the mane six Cast list here


  19. Melody jumped when she heard a squeak behind her and sat up aruptly. She began looking around for the source of the sound and finally setting her eyes on a timid looking pony looking right back at her. Even though she has had this happen to her a multitude of times she always seemed to get startled when ponies sneak up on her.

    Oh! Hello there. Can I help you? She asked sweetly not trying to scare off her visitor. How long has he been standing there? She thought to herself

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