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Posts posted by Elocin

  1. I was a pony for halloween. I just got some iron on crystal patches, purple shirt and pants, made some felt ears and my friend went and bought some cheap hair weave for our manes and tails. Not the most elaborate costumes but everyone knew what we were.

    You could always get a baseball hat and make Derpy's google eyes on it and sew fake hair on it kind of like the Goofy hats at Disney world.

  2. I was a fan of the original series (favorite pony was Firefly) when I was little and have been a bit of a pony geek ever since. I'm not entirely sure how I discovered FIM but I started watching it and here I am :)

    No one I know is remotely interested in MLP and my dad hates it when I watch cartoons especially this one. He thinks its for babies :roll:

  3. I want to see more Buffalo, Zecura and maybe some other zebras. I'd also like to see if they eventually add "sea ponies" like in the original series. They have unicorns, earth and pegasus ponies, they just need to add the sea. It'd be cool if they could come up with some different pony types too.

    I'd also like to see a pony that could beat Rainbow Dash in a race just to tick her off :) I know, I'm mean.

  4. I'm almost about to explode in utter excitement!!!!!!!! BOOM!!! I just did :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Luna's cute but I kind of wanted her to be bigger. I'll add this to my pony must have list. I've been looking everywhere for those blind bag ponies which are not available here at the moment but I've heard rumors that they will soon be (soon probably means in 5 years though :roll: ).

    I think I'm going to end up being on an episode of Hoarders: buried alive and I will be buried under My Little Ponies. I just have a tote under my bed thank goodness but this set needs to be added to the collection. Key word needs.

    So when can we get it? :mrgreen:

  5. So, I'd have to say Black Beauty. No one understands why I love this movie.

    Wait, which version?

    The one with Sean Bean in it. I pretty much just love watching horses run around (my friends have no idea why). I had a cartoon version when I was little but it was nothing like the book.

    I used to read Care Bear books (way back in the early 90s) but I always thought that if they had to battle the MLPs the MLPs would win because they had the magic rainbow locket and Care Bears just had magic tummys and made people feel better. That made more sense when I was 5 :roll:

  6. Books: The entire Redwall series.

    TV: Survivor. Everyone I know hates it D:

    Music: Nickelback. Honestly, why does everybody hate them so much?

    Movies: Most of the older Disney movies.

    I loved the Redwall books :mrgreen: I got to meet Brian Jaques in middle school and I was too starstruck to even say anything to him. I gave him a picture of a fox I drew though.

    I will not comment on why all people hate Nickelback because I'm not sure on why that is either. One of my old friends explained the logic behind this to me but I forgot what it was.

    Books: Cosmo magazine. It makes me feel as if I need a bath afterwards sometimes. I read books but none of them really fit the guilty pleasure category (okay, I will pick up a trashy historical romance novel once a year... I will say no more on this... :roll: )

    TV: Teen Mom and 16 and pregnant. Both have made me want to run in the other direction of all children I see. Babies scare me and when I pick them up they have a tendency to cry.

    Music: Britney Spears and Nsync. I am a teeny bopper with nothing to teeny bop about right now but if I hear Nsync on the radio my inner pop demon starts squealing.

    Movies: I'd say Disney but in my family (everyone from aunts, cousins, grandmas etc) it is considered completely normal to watch Disney movies and you are considered abnormal if you don't. Not sure why. So, I'd have to say Black Beauty. No one understands why I love this movie.

  7. If you ask me what my favorite book is you will probably get a top ten list because I have a tendency to love a lot of books for a lot of different reasons.

    In your cutlery draw, do you have a set of 6 (of each forks, knives, spoons, etc) or more?

    I don't know, I have a wide variety of things in there but currently there is a mish mosh of silverware from the 1980s, some from the 90's, a separate drawer of a new set that everyone in my house is half afraid of using because we think it is dangerous to use brand new sparkly things, and some baby silverware from when my little sister was a toddler. So, we probably have about 20 sets in all. The only ones I don't use are the gigantic spoons which are too big to fit in my mouth and too flimsy to scoop sorbet (I am one of those fake ice-cream people).

    Majoring in art and loving purple are great reasons to be friends too. :mrgreen:

    Thanks for all the welcomes! Friendship is awesome.

  8. Hi! I'm Elocin and I've been looking for a pony forum for awhile. I was a fan of the original 80s and 90s series and really like the new one too. Everyone I know thinks I'm a pony geek :mrgreen: and I even got one of my coworkers to dress up as a pony with me for halloween.

    I think I'm most like Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle mixed together (introverted, shy, bookish) with some of Pinkie Pie's bubbliness thrown in. I think Twilight, Fluttershy and Applejack are my favorites.

    Other stuff about me, I like green, I love to read, mostly historical fiction and random fact books but I'll venture into other territories at times. If you ask me what my favorite book is you will probably get a top ten list because I have a tendency to love a lot of books for a lot of different reasons.

    Other than liking reading and green, I majored in art in college, I also like purple, love animals, I ride horses, and I want to learn to belly dance even though I lack a certain thing called rhythm (one can dream... ;) )

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