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Posts posted by Raejk

  1. Dude your favourite school question made my night! Song perfectly depicts my thoughts on the school system. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine, and look forward to chatting more. Oh and... Welcome to Canterlot.

    omg lol. i didn't mean to type 'school' XD. i have a really bad problem with typing the wrong words. but yeah, the school system is really dumb. :P

    @everyone thanks. :D

  2. About Myself: Hi, I'm Raejk. I'm a naturalized US citizen, and I live in an island in the North Pacific.

    I like to draw, read anything that I can get my hands on, and play the occasional video game.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Some bloke posted about it on some other forum.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Friends.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
    I don't really plan to become a regular poster; I just plan to share my MLP:FiM art with you guys, maybe get some advice along the way. I'll just throw in some silly trivial questions, now.

    Coke or Pepsi?


    Political party?

    Independent cause picking sides is dumb.

    Favorite video game:

    Futbol Manager

    Favorite website?


    Favorite snack food?

    Those spicy crackers that have a tiger as their mascot.

    Ps3 or XBox?


    Favorite book?

    The Man in the High Castle

    Favorite school?

    Eye color?


    Hair color?

    Brown, but it would be blond spent more time in the sun.

    I'm out of questions.

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