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Posts posted by Talex

  1. Sure, sounds good! My only concern is that with only two people, that means only two characters... So maybe we could each take care of multiple ponies, or we can just each have our main pony, and just both take care of the others as we go along.

    And I don't doubt your ability to find the guides. :)

    I'd be willing to join this endeavor. I haven't RP'd on a forum either (I've played story telling games, which is kinda like RPing but diffrent :P) But I'm willing to try ^^

    Perhaps I can gather other ponies to join us :mad:

  2. Discord.

    He was the most entertaining of them all and he really brought out the characters of the main 6. Sure I hate him for what he did to rainbowdash and AJ and (Celestia forbid) Fluttershy... but he also showed just how great they were when compaired to the exact opposite. So kudos for him. I also really liked his personality in general too :P

  3. WHOO! Rainbowdash fan!

    Welcome to canterlot, I may have only been here for the last 2 days but I'm already loving it here! ^w^ I hope you do too :D

    Also, liking the fire thing, I always did find it fascinating, maybe thats just because it's orange and my favorite color is orange but I dont know :/

  4. This is incredible. In fact it brought me to tears... :cry: Well, the original song in the show brought me to tears too so that might be it :P either way I LOVE what you did with the piano and now that I've heard it done I must go find a tutorial on youtube... which probably won't have a good one,,,,

    Fantastic job! a very nice, classical cover of one of my favorite songs. Keep up the good work! :kissy:

    • Like 1
  5. I like the idea of religion, especially the discord cult thing. (this isn't the first time I've seen it :P) and It's a great tool for fanfic writers to use in their stories. I am not religious either but the idea always seems interesting and worth thinking about, even more so for when it is the driving motive behind characters you've created/altered. Definatly something to keep in the back of your mind and if you can ever find an appropriate way of using it then I see no harm in doing so. ^^

    after all, fanfics are fanfics, they're your portralyl of an altered world for others to enjoy; and there's no harm done if they don't :D

  6. Well, I went to the fair with my Animu Ponies shirt and I didn't encounter any strangers that were comfortable with making contact as a Brony... I did see a few friends there for the Stock Car race and a few that I hailed gave me "the look". You know which look I'm talking about, or they saw the shirt and decided not to talk to me...

    I just bought my first brony shirt at Metro-con and haven't worn it yet, but freinds of mine have casually worn their merchandise to school and everyone was K.

    But I know that feel, bro. I've seen fellow bronies given "the look" and it hurts me too.

  7. I have been a Brony since early december of 2011, making me 6/7 months into it. I feel like I'm in the middle of it all; having older bronies telling me of the great flame wars in the early days and the teachings of friendship and tolerence, while also having new members of the fandom, such as yourself, to teach and embrace into the world of equestria......

    That looks weird aftering reading it all.... -.(\ oh well :D

    back on topic, I watched all the episodes from 101 to the season 2 finale in order in a time frame of about 2-4months (can't remember :P) I miss the days of being able to freely watch a new episode without having to wait because of how far behind you were.... *sniffel* such glorious days.....

  8. We have a group of 10+ students at my school of 67 who are all bronies (myself included) Along with that I just came back from Metro-con in florida, which is an anime convention, but half the people that went were bronies/pegasisters. We even got our own panel titled "The Grand Galoping Gala" which was the most popular and got its own report in the local news.

    I met two people while waiting in line, one was one of those weird people that you always see in conventions and he wouldn't shut up about the cupcakes fanfic (he kept going into detail about EVERYTHING -_-) but the other one, a girl who was dressed as Vinyl Scratch, was really nice and we had a fantastic conversation about the characters and how great the writers of the show are. I wish I had gotten her contact info because after I got into the panel we seperated and I still want to talk to her.


  9. I can't make it to brony con this year but I was able to go to Metro-con in Florida this last weekend. And if anyone else went they know that at least 1/3 of the people there were Bronies and that the grand galoping gala panel was over flooded. The best part was that when I got home the actaul panel it'self got it's own news report xD just because of how many people were in line :D

    (btw i was THE LAST person to get into the panel room :P)

  10. Welcome to Canterlot! Even though I just joined a few hours ago too!

    Thank you! and welcome to you too, we newbies must stick together. :P

    Welcome to Canterlot, Talex! I'm SRG! :halo:

    I'm loving that Rainbow Dash description, it reminds me highly of myself! She's my favorite Mane Six pony too, and I'm not athletic in the slightest! But her loyal, caring nature is very touching.

    I hope you enjoy the forums here! If you ever need anything, have any questions, or just want to chat feel free to send me a message!

    Glad to see two rainbowdash fans here and I'm happy someone else appreciates here personality like I do. :D And thank you for the welcome ^^

  11. Welcome welcome welcome

    A fine welcome to you

    Welcome welcome welcome

    I say how do you do?

    Welcome welcome welcome

    I say hip hip hurray

    Welcome welcome welcome

    to Canterlot today

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

    A happy day to you

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

    I'm feeling renewed

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

    I say happyday!

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

    In Canterlot today.

    • Like 1
  12. I like it. I feel like this is a type of story that would be told to fillies and colts when they're little and before the event with twilight and her friends. You said this is the beggining to your story? Because you did a nice job with the ending and it feels like there isn't going to be any further story. I'm not saying that you shouldn't continue it but maybe edit a sentence or two in the last paragraphy to hint at further conflict. This may not be proper critiquing but readers opinoins don't hurt either, right?

    Also the names are really reminding me of the Warriors serirs by Erin Hunter; Fireheart and Morningstar xD

  13. That's fine :P

    Still, I look forward to joining some RP or another with you. You seem like a pretty gnarly dude.

    Thank you. Currently I am working on making my official character presentable but I still want to try something either before or after that :D

    Now... to attempt to understand this... roleplaying.... OFF TO THE FORUM GUIDE!!! AWWAY!!!

  14. HAHA! I read ALL of your introduction rhyphte! now you must read mine! >: D

    And isn't it awesome? No one here as inflicted emotional pain ^^ It's such a freindly community compaired to others. no bashing, thread removing, or infractions for asking questions.... it's amazing :kissy:

    (oh, and sorry. Is this considered bumping? I don't mean it Dx)

  15. Thank you Rosewind! I would love some cider but I'm affraid they have run out... again.... *glares at the ground*

    And I definatly plan to join the RP community here. They seem like a bunch of great people and trying my hand at it was my plan all along. Me and my freind are going to go in together though as this is our first time at such an endeavor. And no, I don't mean you scoopius. You may be my first NEW friend but i actually joined this site with someone else, sorry :P

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